2017-05-23 Next Gen RDS PDP Working Group Newcomer Tutorial

2017-05-23 Next Gen RDS PDP Working Group Newcomer Tutorial

The GNSO Next-Gen RDS PDP Working Group Newcomer Tutorial call will take place on Tuesday, 23 May 2017 at 17:30 UTC for 60 minutes 

10:30 PDT, 13:30 EDT, 18:30 London, 19:30 CET 

For other times: http://tinyurl.com/l5ppgkf 

** Note that this Newcomer Tutorial is being offered in addition to the regularly-scheduled RDS PDP WG call that same day. The Newcomer Tutorial will start immediately after the WG call ends, and will be presented in the same Adobe Connect room. 

** Please RSVP to gnso-secs@icann.org ONLY if you plan to attend this tutorial; please include any dial out request in your RSVP.


  1. Why are we here? What is WHOIS?
  2. Final Issue Report: Past efforts to address concerns about WHOIS
  3. What is the Next-Generation RDS?
  4. WG Charter & 3-Phase Process: What questions will this PDP address?

  5. Phase 1 Goals & Mind Map

  6. Where can I learn more?
  7. Q&A

Apologies: Holly Raiche