2017-02-28 Next Gen RDS PDP Working Group

2017-02-28 Next Gen RDS PDP Working Group

The next GNSO Next-Gen RDS PDP Working Group teleconference will take place on Tuesday, 28 February at 17:00 UTC for 90 minutes

09:00 PST, 12:00 EST, 17:00 London, 18:00 CET 

For other times: http://tinyurl.com/hwqpv8c 


1. Roll call / SOI

2. Review draft questions to discuss with Data Commissioners in Copenhagen

   a. Note WG plans to meet with DCs and Interpol's Caroline Goemans on Wednesday in Copenhagen

   b. Susan to introduce draft list developed by small groupQuestions for Data Commissioners v5.pdf

   c. Action for WG members to provide feedback on-list by end of the week

3. Continue deliberation on the Purpose charter question:

Question 2.3: What should the over-arching purpose be of collecting, maintaining, and providing access to gTLD registration (thin) data?

  a. Review & discuss 22 February poll results: SummaryResults-Poll-on-Purpose-from-22FebCall.pdf

  b. Action item to capture confirmed agreements in Section 2.3.2 of working draft

  c. Resume deliberation on this WG's draft statement of purpose -- see 28FebMeeting-Handout.pdf

4. Confirm action items and proposed decision points

5. Confirm next meeting dates:

  • RDS PDP WG Call -- Tuesday 7 March 2017 at 17.00 UTC
  • RDS PDP WG F2F -- Saturday 11 March 2017 1:45-4:45 pm
  • RDS PDP WG Wrap-Up -- Wednesday 15 March 2017 1:45-3:00 pm

Apologies: Benny Samuelsen, Andrew Sullivan, Steve Metalitz, Chuck Gomes, Holly Raiche, Maxim Alzoba

Dial outs:  


Adobe Connect Recording: https://participate.icann.org/p8sjipyv6j2/

AC Chat


Notes RDS PDP WG meeting 28 February 2017

These high-level notes are designed to help PDP WG members navigate through the content of the call and are not meant as a substitute for the transcript and/or recording. The MP3, transcript, and chat are provided separately and are posted on the wiki above.

1. Roll call / SOI

  • Roll call will be taken from Adobe Connect
  • Please state name for transcription purposes and remember to mute your microphone when not speaking
  • Call will be chaired by Michele Neylon today

2. Review draft questions to discuss with Data Commissioners in Copenhagen

a. Note WG plans to meet with DCs and Interpol's Caroline Goemans on Wednesday in Copenhagen

  • To take advantage of their presence in Copenhagen as well as the relevance to the current WG discussion

 b. Susan to introduce draft list developed by small group: Questions for Data Commissioners v5.pdf

  • See draft questions shared - more questions suggested than can possibly be asked. Leadership team went through the proposed questions and has re-organised / categorized the questions. 
  • A number of questions have been parked for now as may not be a priority or not directly relevant to WG deliberations.
  • Need to further narrow list down. Priority should be given to those questions that will aid the WG in moving forward.
  • Need to make sure that the questions are laid out in clear simple terms as not all may be familiar with WHOIS or some of the technical terms.
  • Some of these questions may be addressed in cross-community sessions, but as it is an open session, there may be many others asking questions. 
  • Make sure that in the Wednesday session any questions are covered that are of particular importance to WG's work.
  • Wednesday RDS PDP WG session will include guests to help answer these questions: - Joe Cannataci, UN Special Rapporteur on the right to privacy- Caroline Goemans, Interpol Data Protection Officer- TBD, from the European Data Protection Supervisor- Peter Kimpian, Data Protection Unit of the Council of Europe.

 Action item #1: WG members requested to provide input on proposed questions by Friday 3 March at the latest. Leadership team to review input and finalise questions for submission to data protection commissioners in advance of Wednesday's WG meeting.

 c. Action for WG members to provide feedback on-list by end of the week

3. Continue deliberation on the Purpose charter question:

Question 2.3: What should the over-arching purpose be of collecting, maintaining, and providing access to gTLD registration (thin) data?

a. Review & discuss 22 February poll results: SummaryResults-Poll-on-Purpose-from-22FebCall.pdf

Q2 - should consistency with ICANN's mission be a goal for each RDS Purpose

Q3 - should consistency with other consensus policies that pertain to gTLDs be a goal for each RDS purpose?

  • Just over 70% agreed that "Consistency with other consensus policies that pertain to gTLDs" should be a goal for each RDS purpose.
  • End result should definitely be consistency, but this shouldn't unnecessarily constrain the WG.
  • Leadership team observations: This WG's policy recommendations may require updates to aspects of other policies that relate directly to WHOIS/RDDS. If this WG's recommendations introduce inconsistencies with other policies, the IRT would be given direction to identify any updates that need to be made to other policies for consistency (e.g., new terminology), superseding other requirements that relate directly to RDDS.
  • Consider possible goal rephrasing to acknowledge this?

Q4 - Should "to provide a framework that enables compliance with applicable laws" be a goal for each RDS purpose?

  • Over 85% agreed that "Providing a framework that enables compliance with applicable laws" should be a goal for each RDS purpose.
  • Those who disagreed noted that: Not all purposes are related to applicable laws and General laws applicable to a subject matter might not apply in certain cases.
  • May wish to add this as a footnote to the statement of purpose?

 b. Action item to capture confirmed agreements in Section 2.3.2 of working draft

 c. Resume deliberation on this WG's draft statement of purpose -- see 28FebMeeting-Handout.pdf

  • Review draft in light of discussions to date, in particular in relation to the data protection concepts / requirements discussed. Does the draft statement align with those concepts / requirements or should updates be considered?
  • #3 - "facilitate" does not necessarily equate to open access
  • Concept of accurate data is not a problem from the perspective of data protection legislation. Actually a high level requirement.
  • If there is a poll on this statement of purpose, would you be in support or if not, what objections would you be raising?
  • Nothing necessarily causing concern but there may be elements missing? WG may need a little bit more time to review.
  • Might be issues with how specific these purposes are from a EU data protection perspective? Combination of purposes for RDS and the collection of data may have complicated matters?
  • May need a closer review from a data protection perspective. Possibly ask data protection commissioner's for guidance on how specific purposes must be?
  • Unlikely that they will give specific input on the statement, but more likely to describe purpose in a more general way.

Action item #2: Staff to develop and circulate poll on statement of purpose

4. Confirm action items and proposed decision points

  • Action item #1: WG members requested to provide input on proposed questions by Friday 3 March at the latest. Leadership team to review input and finalise questions for submission to data protection commissioners in advance of Wednesday's WG meeting.
  • Action item #2: Staff to develop and circulate poll on statement of purpose
  • WG Agreement #1: "Consistency with ICANN's mission" should be a goal for each RDS purpose
  • WG Agreement #2: "Consistency with other consensus policies that pertain to gTLDs" should be a goal for each RDS purpose.
  • WG Agreement #3: "Providing a framework that enables compliance with applicable laws" should be a goal for each RDS purpose.

5. Confirm next meeting dates:

  • RDS PDP WG Call -- Tuesday 7 March 2017 at 17.00 UTC
  • Saturday session will be continuation of deliberation, Wednesday session will be devoted to data protection Q&A
  • RDS PDP WG F2F -- Saturday 11 March 2017 1:45-4:45 pm - aim to detail agenda with timings so that those that are in other sessions are able to join for the items of main importance. See http://sched.co/9npN for further details.
  • RDS PDP WG Wrap-Up -- Wednesday 15 March 2017 1:45-3:00 pm. See http://sched.co/9npc for further details.

Meeting Materials: