2017-12-05 Next Gen RDS PDP Working Group
There will be a GNSO Next-Gen RDS PDP Working Group teleconference on Tuesday, 5 December 2017 at 17:00 UTC for 90 minutes.
09:00 PST, 12:00 EST, 17:00 London GMT, 18:00 Paris CET
For other times: https://tinyurl.com/ydehxb97
1. Roll Call/SOI Updates
2. Complete deliberation on Technical Issue Resolution as a legitimate purpose
a. Review poll results for Technical Issues associated with DN Resolution
b. Finish deliberation on Data Elements needed for Technical Issue Resolution
Note: Deliberate later on data access and users for Technical Issue Resolution
3. Start deliberation on Domain Name Management as a legitimate purpose
a. Intro by DT2 and opportunity for clarifying questions
b. Deliberate on DN Management as a legitimate purpose for collecting some registration data
c. Time permitting, deliberate on data needed for that purpose
4. Confirm action items and proposed decision points
5. Confirm next WG meeting: Tuesday, 12 December at 17:00 UTC
- Call Handout: Handout-5Dec-RDSWGCall.pdf (includes poll results and DT2 definition)
- DT2: Domain Name Management PDF and DOC
- KeyConceptsDeliberation-WorkingDraft-5December2017.pdf and doc (updated to reflect call results)
- 29 November Call poll (closed COB Saturday 2 December)
- Link to participate:https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/C23W63H
- PDF of Poll Questions: Poll-from-29NovemberCall.pdf
- SurveyMonkey Summary Poll Results: SummaryResults-Poll-from-29NovemberCall.pdf
- SurveyMonkey Raw Data Poll Results: RawDataResults-Poll-from-29NovemberCall.zip and XLS
- Annotated Poll Results:AnnotatedResults-Poll-from-29NovemberCall.pdf
- 5 December Call poll (closed COB Saturday 9 December)
- Link to participate: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/N7SJR2C
- PDF of Poll Questions: Poll-from-5DecemberCall.pdf
Apologies: Rubens Kuhl, Michele Neylon, James Galvin, Tomslin Samme-Nlar, Kris Seeburn, Benny Samuelsen, Tim O'Brien
Notes/ Action Items
These high-level notes are designed to help PDP WG members navigate through the content of the call and are not meant as a substitute for the transcript and/or recording. The MP3, transcript, and chat are provided separately and are posted on the wiki here.
1. Roll Call/SOI Updates
- Meeting Materials: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/bQwNBg
- Call Handout: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/download/attachments/101518445/Handout-5Dec-RDSWGCall.pdf
- No SOI updates given
2. Complete deliberation on Technical Issue Resolution as a legitimate purpose
a. Review poll results for Technical Issues associated with DN Resolution
- Slide 3 - overview of agreements thus far on Technical Issue Resolution associated with DN Resolution
- Slide 4 - Poll Results on the proposed WG Agreement: The following information is to be collected for the purpose of Technical Issue Resolution associated with Domain Name Resolution:
- Technical Contact(s) or (if no Technical Contact is provided) Registrant Contact(s),
- Nameservers,
- Domain Status,
- Expiry Date and Time,
- Sponsoring Registrar.
- Rough consensus on the above WG Agreement, with 87-100% support for listed data
- Data with 100% support for this purpose:
- Nameservers
- Domain Status
- Sponsoring Registrar
- Data with rough consensus but minority disagreements:
- 96%: Technical Contact(s) or (if no Technical Contact is provided) Registrant Contact(s)
- 96%: Expiry Date and Time
- 87.5%: Registrant Contact(s)
- Data with 100% support for this purpose:
- Discussion of Comments
- Comment 1: Would the party resolving technical issues associated with DN resolution need to know the physical location of the Tech Contact? As a piece of identifying information? For example, sometimes knowing what country someone is in will allow me to gauge when I'm likely to get a response
- Note related WG Agreement 28. Registrant Country must be included in RDS data elements; it must be mandatory to collect for every domain name registration.
- Comments 2 & 5: Is Registrant Contact needed for THIS purpose, regardless of whether Tech Contact is provided? In many cases, person with issue wants to hear from party responsible for DN, not just Tech Contact - and Tech Contact may not have authority to resolve some problems. Tech Contact designated varies, ranging from IP admin to registrar to ISP to registrant themselves - if Tech Contact cannot resolve issue, you need ability to reach Registrant as well.
- Proposal: Add note to WG Agreement noting AND instead of OR may be preferable to some and requires further deliberation.
- Comment 4: Will referring to contacts with labels used for data elements today instead of "roles" constrain thinking about role-based contacts? For example, refer to "Tech Contact Role" rather than "Tech Contact(s)"
- Note: May have multiple technical persons spread over multiple locations, what we are looking for is the name of the person who directs technical operations over the domain space
- Comment 6: Would Updated and Created Date be useful as well for this purpose? Note that those two elements are already part of MPDS and so available but perhaps not required for this purpose?
b. Finish deliberation on Data Elements needed for Technical Issue Resolution
- See above discussion
- Note: Deliberate later on data access and users for Technical Issue Resolution
WG Agreement: The following information is to be collected for the purpose of Technical Issue Resolution associated with Domain Name Resolution:
- Technical Contact(s) or (if no Technical Contact is provided) Registrant Contact(s),
- Nameservers,
- Domain Status,
- Expiry Date and Time,
- Sponsoring Registrar.
Action: Staff to record polled statement as rough consensus WG Agreement in working document, including footnote noting that a possible need for Tech Contact AND Registrant Contact (rather than Tech Contact OR Registrant Contact) will be further deliberated later, as data element agreements are refined.
3. Start deliberation on Domain Name Management as a legitimate purpose
- Slide 6 - recall our building block approach where we first deliberate if a purpose is legitimate for collecting any registration at all, and second we deliberate on data required (essential not nice to have) for that purpose.
- This does not preclude additional purposes being agreed as legitimate for the same or other data, or this purpose from having access to data collected for another purpose.
a. Intro by DT2 and opportunity for clarifying questions
- Definition developed by DT2:
- Domain Name Management: Information collected to create a new domain name registration and ensuring that the domain registration records are under the control of the authorized party and that no unauthorized changes, transfers are made in the record.
- Slides 7-11 present list of tasks, users, and data elements needed for THIS purpose of DN Management.
- Clarifying questions:
- Does Task 3 (manage a set of DNs) include a company that wants to get a list of DNs they have registered or control?
- Probably yes.
b. Deliberate on DN Management as a legitimate purpose for collecting some registration data
- Is DN Management a legitimate purpose for collecting some registration data? (noting we'll deliberation on which data in agenda item c)
- Note that criteria listed on slide 11 are questions that may help the WG deliberate but are not themselves an agreed list of criteria for legitimacy
- WHY is DN Management a legitimate purpose?
- Needed to manage domain names that are registered and controlled using a distributed system.
- Distributed operation requires a place where people can register their control over namespaces that are subordinate to gTLDs.
- How does DN Management support ICANN's Mission?
- Refer to ICANN's Mission Statement: Section 1.1 of Bylaws:
- https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/governance/bylaws-en
- Excerpts from Bylaws can be found on Call Handout Slides 11-13
- Is this purpose conflating ownership and control of the domain name?
- From chat: Not sure how you legitimately manage a domain without controlling it.
- Should this be split into domain name registration vs. domain name control (following registration)?
- May be related to designation of different contact roles - Registrant vs. Admin Contact - but not necessarily different purposes but one integrated purpose
- Will aggregating this into a single purpose make it hard to deliberate on reasons for collecting specific data elements?
- Or will deliberation on each data element need to identify whether the data element is needed for registration, for control, or both?
- Possible alternative (extended) definition:
- Information collected to create a new domain name registration, enabling management of the domain name registration, and ensuring that the domain registration records are under the control of the authorized party and that no unauthorized changes, transfers are made in the record. (underlined text added to the drafting team's definition)
- The drafting team started with the following definition found in the EWG Report:
- DN Control purpose includes: Creating, managing and monitoring a Registrant’s own domain name (DN), including creating the DN, updating information about the DN, transferring the DN, renewing the DN, deleting the DN, maintaining a DN portfolio, and detecting fraudulent use of the Registrant’s own contact information.
- General suggestions about process:
- DT groups were good at developing text in between meetings. we may wish to revisit some derivative of that process on an ongoing basis
- We explore where we agree, and examine (in drafting teams) why we disagree when we disagree (that might help)
- When doing the poll: can the EWG definition be included even if just for reference?
- Add new definitions as they are agreed upon to WG's wiki page: Glossary of RDS Terms
Possible WG Agreement: DN Management is a legitimate purpose for collecting some registration data, based on the definition supplied by DT2 (and/or the extended definition above).
- Note: WG may still split this apart into two separate purposes during further deliberation on data.
Action: Staff to develop a poll on the above possible WG agreement; all WG members encouraged to participate in the poll no later than COB Saturday 9 December.
c. Time permitting, deliberate on data needed for that purpose
- Review data identified by DT2 as necessary for this purpose (slide 12)
- Question: Did DT2 consider data not already included in existing WHOIS data elements that might be needed for this purpose?
- DT2 considered if something new was needed - notably, role-based contacts - but did not give data beyond existing WHOIS data a lot of thought.
- Deliberation on data collected for the purpose of DN Management to continue in next WG call
4. Confirm action items and proposed decision points
WG Agreement: The following information is to be collected for the purpose of Technical Issue Resolution associated with Domain Name Resolution:
- Technical Contact(s) or (if no Technical Contact is provided) Registrant Contact(s),
- Nameservers,
- Domain Status,
- Expiry Date and Time,
- Sponsoring Registrar.
Action: Staff to record polled statement as rough consensus WG Agreement in working document, including footnote noting that a possible need for Tech Contact AND Registrant Contact (rather than Tech Contact OR Registrant Contact) will be further deliberated later, as data element agreements are refined.
Possible WG Agreement: DN Management is a legitimate purpose for collecting some registration data, based on the definition supplied by DT2 (and/or the extended definition).
Action: Staff to develop a poll on the above possible WG agreement; all WG members encouraged to participate in the poll no later than COB Saturday 9 December.
5. Confirm next WG meeting: Tuesday, 12 December at 17:00 UTC