2017-09-26 Next Gen RDS PDP Working Group

2017-09-26 Next Gen RDS PDP Working Group

The GNSO Next-Gen RDS PDP Working Group teleconference will take place on Tuesday, 26 September 2017 at 16:00 UTC for 90 minutes

09:00 PDT, 12:00 EDT, 17:00 London, 18:00 CET 

For other times: https://tinyurl.com/ya9g5tqx


1) Roll Call/SOI Updates

2) Complete deliberation on Original Registration Date

3) Apply results of 20 Sept WG call/poll to working document

4) Introduce legal analysis memo prepared by WSGR (to be posted after call at https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/ZQoNBg)

5) Confirm action items and proposed decision points

6) Confirm next WG meeting (Tuesday 3 October at 16.00 UTC)




Apologies: Rubens Kuhl, Rod Rasmussen, Greg Shatan, Jim Galvin, Benny Samuelsen, Maxim Alzoba


Notes/ Action Items

Action Items:

  1. Staff to prepare one-question poll on proposed WG agreement (Original Registration Date); all WG members encouraged to participate in poll by COB Saturday 30 September
  2. Staff to add the WG agreement to the Key Concepts Deliberation Working Draft document
  3. Staff to circulate Legal Analysis by WSGR to the WG mailing list on 26 September
  4. Leadership Team to circulate Excerpts Document to the full WG by COB 29 September
  5. All WG members to review both the Legal Analysis and Excerpts Document before the next WG call on 3 October
  6. Leadership Team to request ICANN presentation to WG on GDPR Compliance Task Force



These high-level notes are designed to help PDP WG members navigate through the content of the call and are not meant as a substitute for the transcript and/or recording. The MP3, transcript, and chat are provided separately and are posted on the wiki here.


1) Roll Call/SOI Updates

  • No updates to SOIs declared


2) Complete deliberation on Original Registration Date

  • Recommendations from Drafting Team, and subsequent discussion on the WG mailing list, suggests that dropping this proposal for a new data element is the desired outcome
  • Drafting Team did not recommend that the RDS support the Original Registration Date, as defined by the EWG, but suggested an alternative data element, which did not gain much support on the WG mailing list discussion
  • No objection on the call to dropping Original Registration Date as a proposed new data element, either as defined by the EWG, or any other variations that were discussed as a result of the drafting team recommendations


Proposed WG Agreement (to be confirmed by poll): There is no requirement for the Original Registration Date as proposed by the EWG Final Report.


ACTION ITEM: Staff to prepare one-question poll on proposed WG agreement (Original Registration Date); all WG members encouraged to participate in poll by COB Saturday 30 September


3) Apply results of 20 Sept WG call/poll to working document

  • Question 2: There must be at least one purpose for collecting each data element in the MPDS, and that purpose must be sufficient for making that data element public
    • Results of the poll (23 respondents): 86.96% agreed with this statement
    • Support for this statement is strong enough to be considered rough consensus and recorded as a WG agreement


WG Agreement: There must be at least one purpose for collecting each data element in the MPDS, and that purpose must be sufficient for making that data element public


ACTION ITEM: Staff to add the WG agreement to the Key Concepts Deliberation Working Draft document


  • Question 3: Are the WG agreements on purpose(s) thus far (#5-#13) sufficient to meet the requirement stated in Question 2 above?
    • Results of the poll (23 respondents): 68.18% agreed with this statement
    • Comments, including those from 5 WG members who disagreed with this statement, were submitted in the poll responses
    • Comments either suggested additional (or revised) purposes or argued that some agreed purposes should be deleted as purposes for MPDS collection
    • No additional comments on this question during the WG call
    • Defer discussion of this question until after the WG reviews the legal analysis memo, so that principles can be used to inform further deliberation on purposes


4) Introduce legal analysis memo prepared by WSGR 

  • Memo was posted after call on this page, above
  • Final memo providing independent legal analysis has been received and was distributed to the full WG immediately following this call
  • All WG members are asked to read the memo prior to the next WG call
  • The same questions developed by the WG to be asked of senior EU privacy experts were also asked of the legal counsel contracted to provide an independent analysis, WSGR
  • Findings in the legal analysis memo did not conflict with any of the responses to the questions provided by the senior EU privacy experts
  • Plan is to also circulate a list of un-editorialized principles excerpted verbatim from the responses from both the senior EU privacy experts and WSGR, which were found by the Leadership Team to be of relevance to the WG’s work
  • The Leadership Team also plans to map the excerpted principles against the PDP's Charter questions, to help inform further deliberation on those questions
  • Excerpts document will contain 3 columns; First column to include the verbatim responses from the senior EU privacy experts, the second to include the verbatim responses from WSGR, and the third to include the principles excerpted from the first two columns
  • Leadership Team expecting feedback on accuracy and completeness of the Excerpts Document from the legal advisory team and plans to circulate excerpts to the full WG no later than Friday 29 September
  • WG to use input from senior EU privacy experts and independent legal analysis to speed up progress in answering Charter questions
  • Input by senior EU privacy experts and WSGR to this PDP may be helpful in informing other ICANN efforts to resolve issues with GDPR
  • Additional discussion related to GDPR Compliance Task Force
    • WG needs to have an understanding of the parallel efforts of ICANN’s GDPR Compliance Task Force in order to understand the extent to which they might impact the mandate of this PDP - possibly via a presentation/webinar organized by the WG Leadership Team
    • Transparency of ICANN’s GDPR-related efforts has not been ideal, so Leadership Team might examine coordination with others more closely involved
    • ICANN is involved as a data controller in processing data of community members, as well as placing contractual obligations for data processing on contracted parties, which may conflict with the EU GDPR
    • ICANN seeking expert legal advice on how to instruct contracted parties to comply with their contracts, while also resolving any issues with GDPR compliance
    • WG needs to understand (in the short-term) what is happening, and (in the long-term) how the GDPR Compliance effort for today’s WHOIS will impact the work of this PDP
    • Might be useful to have an update on all RDS-related activities on-going within ICANN (including the RDS-WHOIS-RT)
    • When the GDPR comes into effect in May 2018, serious fines might be levied on contracted parties and/or ICANN if measures are not put in place with the existing WHOIS mechanism - this PDP WG will likely not be done with developing policies for a next-generation RDS, nor will they be implemented by the May 2018 deadline
    • ICANN's attempt to resolve today's WHOIS with GDPR may inform the PDP WG on possible solutions
    • Important to separate what is happening with ICANN and GDPR compliance for today's WHOIS versus what this PDP is mandated to do (i.e., recommend requirements and policy for next-generation RDS)
    • Concern expressed that ICANN has not availed itself of all the knowledge and work already done within this PDP WG
    • One view expressed: ICANN's focus appears to be on concerns of contracted parties, not users of WHOIS - need transparency on what ICANN is asking DPAs around the world. Questions being asked of DPAs need to be fair and balanced to represent concerns of all stakeholders.
    • Likely that this WG will require additional legal advice in the future, and WG Leadership Team should prepare for that eventuality. Note that this WG’s charter includes legal analysis of proposed requirements, proposed policies, and proposed implementation guidance, when the WG reaches each of those points in the PDP
    • When it takes place, stakeholders should contribute to the FY19 budget process to help ICANN prepare for any budgetary considerations that may be required in the foreseeable future
    • In advance of ICANN 59, Becky Burr contacted staff to request links to existing use cases developed by this WG and previously developed by the EWG. This request answered by providing links to those uses cases; we do not know to what extent these were eventually used by the GDPR Compliance Task Force. WG members also noted in chat that they contributed EWG/WG use cases to the task force on behalf of their own SGs.


ACTION ITEM: Staff to circulate Legal Analysis by WSGR to the WG mailing list on 26 September

ACTION ITEM: Leadership Team to circulate Excerpts Document to the full WG by COB 29 September

ACTION ITEM: All WG members to review both the Legal Analysis and Excerpts Document before the next WG call on 3 October

ACTION ITEM: Leadership Team to request ICANN presentation to WG on GDPR Compliance Task Force


5) Confirm action items and proposed decision points

ACTION ITEM: Staff to prepare one-question poll on proposed WG agreement (Original Registration Date); all WG members encouraged to participate in poll by COB Saturday 30 September

ACTION ITEM: Staff to add the WG agreement to the Key Concepts Deliberation Working Draft document

ACTION ITEM: Staff to circulate Legal Analysis by WSGR to the WG mailing list on 26 September

ACTION ITEM: Leadership Team to circulate Excerpts Document to the full WG by COB 29 September

ACTION ITEM: All WG members to review both the Legal Analysis and Excerpts Document before the next WG call on 3 October

ACTION ITEM: Leadership Team to request ICANN presentation to WG on GDPR Compliance Task Force


WG Agreement: There must be at least one purpose for collecting each data element in the MPDS, and that purpose must be sufficient for making that data element public.

Proposed WG Agreement (to be confirmed by poll): There is no requirement for the Original Registration Date as proposed by the EWG Final Report.


6) Confirm next WG meeting (Tuesday 3 October at 16.00 UTC)
