2017-11-29 Next Gen RDS PDP Working Group

2017-11-29 Next Gen RDS PDP Working Group

There will be a GNSO Next-Gen RDS PDP Working Group teleconference on Wednesday, 29 November 2017 at 06:00 UTC for 90 minutes.

(Tuesday) 22:00 PST, (Wednesday) 01:00 EST, 06:00 London GMT, 07:00  Paris CET 

For other times:  https://tinyurl.com/y7xyh2zq 


1. Roll Call/SOI Updates
2. Deliberate on Technical Issue Resolution as a legitimate purpose
   a. Review poll results for Technical Issues associated with DN Resolution
   b. Continue deliberation on Technical Issues associated with Related Services
   c. Start deliberation on Data Elements for Technical Issue Resolution
3. Confirm action items and proposed decision points
4. Confirm next WG meeting: Tuesday, 5 December at 17:00 UTC




Apologies: Steven Metalitz, Bastiaan Gosling, Rubens Kuhl, Andrew Sullivan, Rod Rasmussen, Alan Greenberg, Greg Aaron


Notes/ Action Items

These high-level notes are designed to help PDP WG members navigate through the content of the call and are not meant as a substitute for the transcript and/or recording. The MP3, transcript, and chat are provided separately and are posted on the wiki here.

1. Roll Call/SOI Updates

  • No updates

2. Deliberate on Technical Issue Resolution as a legitimate purpose

   a. Review poll results for Technical Issues associated with DN Resolution

  • Call Handout: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/download/attachments/101518423/Handout-29Nov-RDSWGCall.pdf
  • Poll Results: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/download/attachments/101518423/SummaryResults-Poll-from-21NovemberCall.pdf
  • Recall we are using drafting team purpose definitions to deliberate on purposes one at a time, using a building-block approach
  • Last week we started deliberation on Technical Issue Resolution, resulting in a poll to test agreement
  • WG Agreement: Technical Issue Resolution is a legitimate purpose for AT MINIMUM resolving issues with domain name resolution, based on the following definition of Technical Issue Resolution:
  • “Information collected to enable contact of the relevant contacts to facilitate tracing, identification and resolution of incidents related to services associated with the domain name by persons who are affected by such issues, or persons tasked (directly or indirectly) with the resolution of such issues on their behalf.”
  • 22 of 25 respondents (92%) supported this agreement.
  • Two disagreed and one commented without agreeing/disagreeing.

b. Continue deliberation on Technical Issues associated with Related Services

Slide 5: Continuing from last week’s call, should we differentiate between:

  • Technical Issues associated with Domain Name Resolution: Information collected to enable contact of the relevant contacts to facilitate tracing, identification and resolution of incidents related to issues associated with domain name resolution by persons who are affected by such issues, or persons tasked (directly or indirectly) with the resolution of such issues on their behalf. (subject of last week's poll)
  • Technical Issues related to services associated with an unresolvable Domain Name: Information collected to enable contact of the relevant contacts to facilitate tracing, identification and resolution of operational issues related to services associated with an unresolvable domain name (e.g., website unreachable because domain name cannot be resolved, email undeliverable because domain name cannot be resolved) by persons who are affected by such issues, or persons tasked (directly or indirectly) with the resolution of such issues on their behalf. (starting point for further discussion)

Comments regarding the associated services-related definition above:

  • What additional need does including "services associated with unresolvable DNs" address? Is this encompassed in the first? Several believe it is.
  • Distinction was discussed within DT1 - whether the technical issue is about the DN or about services associated with the DN – concluding that services are beyond the remit of ICANN
  • No support among those on the call for the associated services-related definition, so that will be dropped

WG Agreement: Technical Issue Resolution for issues associated with Domain Name Resolution is a legitimate purpose, based on the following definition: Information collected to enable contact of the relevant contacts to facilitate tracing, identification and resolution of incidents related to issues associated with domain name resolution by persons who are affected by such issues, or persons tasked (directly or indirectly) with the resolution of such issues on their behalf.

Action: Staff to incorporate above WG agreement in KeyConceptsDeliberation-WorkingDraft.

c. Start deliberation on Data Elements for Technical Issue Resolution

  • Slide 6: Review data elements identified by DT1 for this purpose
  • Slide 7: Example WHOIS record highlighting these data elements
  • General comment: We should look at what is the data that is needed to fulfill this purpose rather than the WHOIS data elements that correspond to those needs today

Proposed WG Agreement: The following information is to be collected for the purpose of Technical Issue Resolution associated with Domain Name Resolution:

Technical Contacts (whoever they may be)

  • If registrant wants to assign someone else the role of Technical Contact, these data elements would be provided - but if they do not, then registrant must fulfill the Tech Contact role
  • Note: WG Agreement #36: Purpose-based contact (PBC) types identified (Admin, Legal, Technical, Abuse, Proxy/Privacy, Business) must be supported by the RDS but optional for registrants to provide.
  • What specific information is needed for this purpose to contact a Technical Contact?
  • Need at least one method of real-time contact (not postal address) for reaching the Technical Contact - does not have to be email
  • Recall WG Agreement #32: At a minimum, one or more e-mail addresses must be collected for every domain name included in the RDS, for contact roles that require an e-mail address for contactability
  • What requirements are there for registrar verification of the Technical Contact's contact information? (Vs. requiring the registrant to provide an accurate contact)
  • Ensuring that contact methods work is important but as a practical matter should you have TOS that says if it doesn't work then the default action is you simply lose the domain name 

Registrant contacts

  • Should be subordinate to Tech Contact and other data elements, used as a fallback if Tech Contact cannot be reached
  • Is Registrant ID enough for a technical (non criminal) investigation?
  • If Tech Contact role is supplied, contact info for the registrant would not be needed - for this purpose.
  • If Tech Contact role is not supplied, registrant's contact info would be required to fill that need - for this purpose.
  • For technical issue resolution, at least one method of real-time contact must be provided for either the Tech Contact, or if no Tech Contact is provided, the registrant


Domain Status (referred to by DT1 as Server Status)

  • Renamed Domain Status - with values that convey delete, renew, transfer, and update status (client and server) as defined by https://icann.org/epp
  • What statuses are needed to fulfill this purpose? For example, server update prohibited
  • Other statuses are either server or client. client in this context is the registrar and server is the registry. It's useful to know who applied what status: delete, renew, transfer, and update statuses

Expiry date and time

  • Not used for general notification of expiration, but for technical issue resolution
  • Some ccTLDs don't consider "expiry" to be a valid concept

Sponsoring Registrar

  • Addition to DT1 list
  • Name and IANA ID - ID is obviously needed, why not provide Name to avoid having to look it up
  • Add a link to the registrar's website as well

Proposed WG Agreement: The following information is to be collected for the purpose of Technical Issue Resolution associated with Domain Name Resolution: Technical Contact(s) or (if no Technical Contact is provided) Registrant Contact(s), Nameservers, Domain Status, Expiry Date and Time, Sponsoring Registrar.

Action: Staff to open poll on the above proposed WG agreement; WG members encouraged to participate in poll no later than COB Saturday 2 December.

3. Confirm action items and proposed decision points

WG Agreement: Technical Issue Resolution for issues associated with Domain Name Resolution is a legitimate purpose, based on the following definition: Information collected to enable contact of the relevant contacts to facilitate tracing, identification and resolution of incidents related to issues associated with domain name resolution by persons who are affected by such issues, or persons tasked (directly or indirectly) with the resolution of such issues on their behalf.

Action: Staff to incorporate above WG agreement in KeyConceptsDeliberation-WorkingDraft.

Proposed WG Agreement: The following information is to be collected for the purpose of Technical Issue Resolution associated with Domain Name Resolution: Technical Contact(s) or (if no Technical Contact is provided) Registrant Contact(s), Nameservers, Domain Status, Expiry Date and Time, Sponsoring Registrar.

Action: Staff to open poll on the above proposed WG agreement; WG members encouraged to participate in poll no later than COB Saturday 2 December.

4. Confirm next WG meeting: Tuesday, 5 December at 17:00 UTC