2017-10-10 Next Gen RDS PDP Working Group

2017-10-10 Next Gen RDS PDP Working Group

The GNSO Next-Gen RDS PDP Working Group teleconference will take place on Tuesday, 10 October 2017 at 16:00 UTC for 90 minutes

09:00 PDT, 12:00 EDT, 17:00 London, 18:00 CET 

For other times: https://tinyurl.com/y9wckedr


1. Roll Call/SOI Updates
2. Leadership proposal for moving forward
   a. Return to charter question on Purpose
   b. Use drafting teams to develop definitions for each purpose identified thus far
   c. WG members interested in participating in a drafting team to respond to this week’s poll by COB Wednesday 11 October
   d. Completion of poll for those on the call
3. Confirm action items and proposed decision points
4. Confirm next WG meetings
   a. Drafting teams meet weeks of 16 and 23 October
   b. Next full WG meeting will be F2F on 28 October @ ICANN60 


Purpose-DraftingTeam-Final.pdf and DOC

10 October Call poll (closed Wednesday 11 October 8pm PDT)



Apologies: Rubens Kuhl, Andrew Sullivan, Nathalie Coupet, Michael Hammer


Notes/ Action Items

These high-level notes are designed to help PDP WG members navigate through the content of the call and are not meant as a substitute for the transcript and/or recording. The MP3, transcript, and chat are provided separately and are posted on the wiki here.

1. Roll Call/SOI Updates

  • Alan Woods has joined WG

2. Leadership proposal for moving forward
a. Return to charter question on Purpose

  • At several points, we have deliberated on purpose, but the leadership team is proposing a different approach to promote listening and sharing of perspectives
  • Approach is to form small drafting teams, each assigned to define one or more purpose(s)
  • Over next 2-3 weeks, drafting teams will use calls/email to flesh out purpose definitions

b. Use drafting teams to develop definitions for each purpose identified thus far:

  • https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/download/attachments/101518213/Purpose-DraftingTeam-Final.pdf
  • Drafting teams will be small, representative of diverse viewpoints, to promote exchange of perspectives on purpose definition, users, data
  • You don't have to decide whether purpose is legitimate or not legitimate - the goal of this action item is for drafting teams to help the full WG understand the purposes
  • Goals: (1) Do everything you can to listen to other members of your drafting team, try to understand their perspectives, and then capture that info to share with full WG in Abu Dhabi (ICANN60 F2F meeting), (2) Facilitate understanding by all WG members, as foundation for better communication and more informed productive deliberation

c. WG members interested in participating in a drafting team to respond to this week’s poll by COB Wednesday 11 October

  • Timeline: Express interest in joining a drafting team by responding to poll no later than end of day Wednesday
  • Drafting teams to be formed by end of day Thursday
  • Enable drafting teams to start their work using dedicated email lists set up for each drafting team on Friday of this week
  • During weeks of 16 and 23 October, drafting teams are asked to dialog and produce definitions for assigned purpose(s) - refer to template given in action item for desired outputs
  • Note that meetings over those two weeks are instead of full WG calls, to allow drafting teams time to meet - and also to conduct work over email
  • Target for delivering drafting team outputs is 26 October to enable WG discussion in Abu Dhabi, starting with F2F meeting 28 October
  • Inputs listed in action item description include existing WG agreements on purposes for MPDS, EWG recommendations on purposes, and example use cases developed by this WG earlier in this PDP
  • WIll start with specific purposes already included in WG agreements:
    • Technical Issue Resolution
    • Domain Name Control
    • Domain Name Certification
    • Business Domain Name Purchase/Sale
    • Academic or Public Interest DNS Research
    • Regulatory or Contractual Enforcement
    • Criminal Investigation or DNS Abuse Mitigation
    • Legal Actions
    • Individual Internet Use
  • May use same drafting team approach to flesh out other/additional purposes
  • Is anyone strongly opposed to this approach as a way of breaking deadlock and promoting better communication within WG?
  • Rationale for taking this approach - WG calls have often become round-robin of position statements, without digging into perspectives. Hoping that small drafting teams can have more intense conversation to better understand each other's points of view. Hoping to leverage those conversations as a starting point to create ways forward

d. Completion of poll for those on the call

  • Link to participate in poll: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/5LXJRF3
  • Poll asks for your interest in joining a drafting team to flesh out one or more purposes(s) over the next two weeks, to prepare input for discussion by the WG at ICANN60
  • Not asked to represent any particular organization's position - just bring your own perspective and experiences to the team and share them with team members
  • If you have direct experience with some of the purposes listed, please indicate that in your response - everyone on the team needn't have experience with the assigned purpose, as the goal is to educate each other
  • If those who are interested in joining a drafting team can also expresss good timeframes over the next two weeks, that will just help in organizing Doodle polls as may be desired by the team
  • Note that drafting teams can schedule their own meeting times to try to accomodate availability and conflicts of all 7 drafting team members - GNSOsecs will assist with Doodle polls

ACTION ITEM: All WG members encouraged to participate in this week's poll : https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/5LXJRF3 no later than COB WEDNESDAY 11 October

ACTION ITEM: Leadership team to consolidate poll results to form drafting teams by COB Thursday, emailing instructions to all team members

ACTION ITEM: Drafting teams to begin their work on the assigned purpose(s) this Friday, using the next two weeks to flesh out purpose definition(s) as described in the action item template, delivering output by 26 October for discussion at ICANN60 F2F

ACTION ITEM: GNSO Secretariat to send meeting invites cancelling next two full WG calls to allow drafting teams to hold calls instead, and also to send invites for F2F sessions at ICANN60

3. Confirm action items and proposed decision points

  • ACTION ITEM: All WG members encouraged to participate in this week's poll : https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/5LXJRF3 no later than COB WEDNESDAY 11 October
  • ACTION ITEM: Leadership team to consolidate poll results to form drafting teams by COB Thursday, emailing instructions to all team members
  • ACTION ITEM: Drafting teams to begin their work on the assigned purpose(s) this Friday, using the next two weeks to flesh out purpose definition(s) as described in the action item template, delivering output by 26 October for discussion at ICANN60 F2F
  • ACTION ITEM: GNSO Secretariat to send meeting invites cancelling next two full WG calls to allow drafting teams to hold calls instead, and also to send invites for F2F sessions at ICANN60

4. Confirm next WG meetings

a. Drafting teams meet weeks of 16 and 23 October (NO full WG meeting the weeks of 16 and 23 October)

b. Next full WG meeting will be F2F on 28 October @ ICANN60