May 12 2020 (18:00 UTC) - Call #11

May 12 2020 (18:00 UTC) - Call #11


Members:    Frederico Neves, Tomslin Samme-Nlar, Kaili Kan, Peter Koch, Rick Wilhelm, Andreas Dlamini, Christian Dawson

Observers/Liaisons:    Yuancheng Zhang, James Gannon, Danko Jevtovic

ICANN Org/PTI:   Amy Creamer, Steve Conte, Steven Kim, Kimberly Carlson, Kim Davies, Marilia Hiirano

Apologies: Kristian Ørmen


1. Welcome
2. Agenda Bashing
3. Administrative Items (if any)
4. PTI Survey – Marilia
5. CSC questions - draft
6. Evaluate workload and availability / how to move work along / non-public documents/NDAs
7. Next meetings –
   a. May 26 – Meeting with CSC?
   b. June 9
9. AOB

Documents: (see google docs

Zoom Playback

Chat:  IFRT Chat - 12 May.txt

Decisions Reached:  N/A

Action Items:

  • For Team Members: please add additional questions for the CSC to the Contract Breakdown spreadsheet by 18-May-20 for the 26 May meeting
  • Amy to set up working sessions based on subject, for team members to attend, get questions answered, and complete their assigned sessions.