May 12 2020 (18:00 UTC) - Call #11
May 12 2020 (18:00 UTC) - Call #11
Members: Frederico Neves, Tomslin Samme-Nlar, Kaili Kan, Peter Koch, Rick Wilhelm, Andreas Dlamini, Christian Dawson
Observers/Liaisons: Yuancheng Zhang, James Gannon, Danko Jevtovic
ICANN Org/PTI: Amy Creamer, Steve Conte, Steven Kim, Kimberly Carlson, Kim Davies, Marilia Hiirano
Apologies: Kristian Ørmen
1. Welcome
2. Agenda Bashing
3. Administrative Items (if any)
4. PTI Survey – Marilia
5. CSC questions - draft
6. Evaluate workload and availability / how to move work along / non-public documents/NDAs
7. Next meetings –
a. May 26 – Meeting with CSC?
b. June 9
9. AOB
Documents: (see google docs
- IFRT - Customer Feedback Processes.pdf
- if you are having problems viewing this (jumping from the title page straight to zoom notes), please ensure you scroll down within the presentation and do not use the right side area
- Plenary Meeting #11 Notes
Chat: IFRT Chat - 12 May.txt
Decisions Reached: N/A
Action Items:
- For Team Members: please add additional questions for the CSC to the Contract Breakdown spreadsheet by 18-May-20 for the 26 May meeting
- Amy to set up working sessions based on subject, for team members to attend, get questions answered, and complete their assigned sessions.