January 21, 2020 (17:00 UTC) - Call #4
January 21, 2020 (17:00 UTC) - Call #4
Members: Tomslin Samme-Nlar, Frederico Neves, Christian Dawson, J.C. Vignes, James Gannon, Kaili Kan, Kristian Ormen, Rick Wilhelm, Unguec Stephen, Andreas Diamini
Observers: Danko Jevtovic
ICANN Org/PTI: Amy Creamer, Steve Conte, Steven Kim, Kimberly Carlson, Kim Davies
Apologies: Patrik Fältström
Agenda TENTATIVE: IFRT Agenda -21 Jan .pdf
Documents: (see google docs)
- Draft Scope of Work
- Draft Work Plan
- Plenary Meeting #4 Meeting Notes
- IANA Naming Function Review Contract with useful URLs
- IANA Naming Function Review Contract spreadsheet with useful URLs
Decisions Reached:
-None at this meeting
Action Items:
- Next Plenary call, approval of the Scope of Work
- Review Team asked to review the draft Work Plan for discussion at the next meeting. (homework for the Review Team
- Amy will send out a copy of the IANA Naming Function Contract with notes providing links to PTI deliverables that are available on-line sent on 27 Jan 2020
- IANA Training Session happening this Friday session completed and recorded. Slide deck also available.
- Doodle Poll to be sent out to determine time for next meeting done