February 18, 2020 (17:00 UTC) - Call #6
February 18, 2020 (17:00 UTC) - Call #6
Members: Tomslin Samme-Nlar, Frederico Neves, Kristian Ørmen, Rick Wilhelm, Peter Koch, James Gannon, JC Vignes, Unguec Stephen, Kaili Kan, Andreas Diamini
ICANN Org/PTI: Amy Creamer, Steve Conte, Steven Kim, Kimberly Carlson, Kim Davies
Apologies: Danko Jevtovic
Agenda TENTATIVE: IFRT Agenda -18 Feb.pdf
- IFRT Plenary Meeting #5 Meeting Minutes
- IANA Naming Function Review Contract spreadsheet with useful URLs
Chat: IFRT 18 Feb Chat.txt
Decisions Reached:
- Work Plan Approved
Action Items:
- For Team Members: in the Contract Breakdown spreadsheet, volunteer for contract section and add your name by 25 Feb
- Re: Outreach, Amy will check with GSE regarding internal resources for outreach/survey development