February 4, 2020 (17:00 UTC) - Call #5
February 4, 2020 (17:00 UTC) - Call #5
Members: Frederico Neves, Unguec Stephen, Kalli Kan, Rick Wilhelm, Christian Dawson, Kristian Ørmen, Patrik Fältström, Suzanne Woolf, Andreas Diamini
Observers/Liaisons: Danko Jevtovic
ICANN Org/PTI: Amy Creamer, Steve Conte, Kimberly Carlson, Kim Davies
Apologies: Peter Koch, Jean-Christophe Vignes, James Gannon
Agenda TENTATIVE: IFRT Agenda -4 Feb.pdf
Documents: (see google docs)
- Draft Scope of Work
- Draft Work Plan
- IFRT Plenary Meeting #5.pdf
- IANA Naming Function Review Contract with useful URLs
- IANA Naming Function Review Contract spreadsheet with useful URLs
Chat: IFRT chat 4 Feb.txt
Decisions Reached:
Action Items:
- Next Plenary call, approval Work Plan
- Per Patrik’s suggestion regarding work approach, Amy will add columns to contract spreadsheet and build out 1 or 2 sections to provide the review team with an example for this approach. COMPLETED: As the PTI/CSC report is referenced multiple times, I created a new sheet in this spreadsheet with the summary findings from these reports. On the contract page I added some new columns AND In addition, I took a few sections with tangible deliverables and entered sample draft text (highlighted in red). This may aid the team in determining if this spreadsheet method is useful; what columns should be added; etc.