July 21 2020 (18:00 UTC) - Call #14
July 21 2020 (18:00 UTC) - Call #14
Members: Tomslin Samme-Nlar, Frederico Neves, James Gannon, Rick Wilhelm, Andreas Dlamini, Christian Dawson, Kaili Kan
Observers/Liaisons: Danko Jevtović
ICANN Org/PTI: Amy Creamer, Kim Davies
Apologies: none
• Letter regarding the CSC's interpretation of IANA Naming Function Contract, Section 9.3, Transition.
• Chat: chat IFRT July21.txt
Decisions Reached: N/A
Action Items
- James volunteered to work with Amy on moving the ‘Findings’ from the spreadsheet into the Initial Draft format.
- Amy will write draft findings for incomplete sections and email them directly to the appropriate team member to review.