July 21 2020 (18:00 UTC) - Call #14

July 21 2020 (18:00 UTC) - Call #14


Members:    Tomslin Samme-Nlar, Frederico Neves, James Gannon, Rick Wilhelm, Andreas Dlamini, Christian Dawson, Kaili Kan

Observers/Liaisons:    Danko Jevtović

ICANN Org/PTI:   Amy Creamer, Kim Davies

Apologies: none


• Meeting Notes

• Letter regarding the CSC's interpretation of IANA Naming Function Contract, Section 9.3, Transition.

• Zoom Playback

• Chat:  chat IFRT July21.txt

Decisions Reached: N/A

Action Items

  1. James volunteered to work with Amy on moving the ‘Findings’ from the spreadsheet into the Initial Draft format.
  2. Amy will write draft findings for incomplete sections and email them directly to the appropriate team member to review.