13 April 2021 | Response from Maarten Botterman acknowledging receipt of the IFR Final Report |
7 April 2021 | Letter from the IFRT Co-Chairs submitting the IFRT's Final Report to the ICANN Board. |
8 February 2021 | Letter from the IFRT Co-Chairs to the GNSO and ccNSO Council requesting their approval of the IFRT's Recommendation #4 which requires an amendment to the IANA Naming Function Contract. |
19 October 2020 | Email Correspondence from Lars-Johan Liman, CSC Chair, to Frederico Neves and Tomslin Samme-Nlar, IFRT Co-Chairs. Sent on 19 October 2020 Dear Frederico and Tomslin, I am pleased to confirm to the IFRT that, following your letter of In addition, we are very pleased to note that you recommend to adjust Let me end by expressing that we as CSC really appreciated the With best regards on behalf of the CSC, |
28 September 2020 | IFRT's Letter to the ICANN Board: IFRT’s Recommendation Requiring an IANA Naming Functions Contract Amendment |
20 July 2020 | Letter regarding the CSC's interpretation of the IANA Naming Function Contract's Section 9.3 regarding the Transition Plan. Forwarded to the IFR Leadership by Lars-Johan Liman, CSC Chair. |
07 February 2019 | |
30 October 2019 | |
07 January 2019 | |
14 December 2018 | |
07 December 2018 | Letter from Katrina Sataki to all Appointing SO/ACs, re: Representation of ccTLDs on IFRT |
06 December 2018 | Letter from Katrina Sataki to Cherine Chalaby, re: Representation of ccTLDs on IFRT |
16 September 2018 | Board Resolution to Convene the First IANA Naming Function Review |
10 July 2018 | |
02 July 2018 | Letter from Trang Nguyen to SO/AC Chairs requesting the start of IFR elections |
23 June 2018 | Letter from Trang Nguyen to SO/AC Chairs, re: upcoming IFR elections |