Zoom chat: 2020-03-30 At-Large Capacity Building Working Group Call
19:36:54 From Yesim Nazlar : Welcome to At-Large Capacity Building Working Group Call taking place on Monday, 30 March 2020 at 17:00 UTC.
19:37:13 From Yesim Nazlar : Agenda: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/KUHwBQ
19:40:36 From Vrikson Acosta : Greetings
19:51:21 From Marie Fresch Captioner : Thanks
19:54:08 From Priyatosh Jana : hi everyone
19:56:06 From Alfredo Calderon : Hello to all! / Saludos para todos
19:56:48 From Alfredo Calderon : Hope everyone is safe and well. / Espero que todos se encuentren bien de salud y seguros en sus hogares junto a sus seres queridos.
19:56:51 From Heidi Ullrich : Hi All, Welcome
19:57:12 From Joanna Kulesza : Hi Alfredo and Heidi
19:57:41 From Alfredo Calderon : Hello @Joanna and @Heidi.
19:57:49 From Yesim Nazlar : RTT: https://www.streamtext.net/player?event=ICANN
19:58:33 From Joanna Kulesza : Hi Dev
19:58:50 From Dev Teelucksingh (TTCS ; laptop) : Hi Joanna, all
19:59:12 From herb.waye : Hello everyone
19:59:37 From Maureen Hilyard (ALAC) : Hi everyone
19:59:46 From Joanna Kulesza : Hi Maureen
20:00:04 From Alfredo Calderon : Hello Maureen. Hope you are well.
20:02:15 From Maureen Hilyard (ALAC) : I am very well thank you. And wishing that everyone is keeping well at this time
20:03:59 From Alfredo Calderon : Please mute your microphones.
20:04:17 From Alfredo Calderon : We have a slight echo.
20:05:42 From Yesim Nazlar : RTT: https://www.streamtext.net/player?event=ICANN
20:07:55 From Heidi Ullrich : Action Items will be taken here: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99730110/Action+items+2020-03-30+At-Large+Capacity+Building+Working+Group+Call'
20:10:55 From Sonigitu Ekpe : Greetings from Ogoja, Nigeria.
20:11:21 From Lianna Galstyan, APRALO : right, at this time outreach is indeed challenging
20:12:17 From Maureen Hilyard (ALAC) : +1 Lianna and Daniel
20:12:47 From Heidi Ullrich : SC on O/E 2020 Activities: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99683459/ALAC+Subcommittee+on+Outreach+and+Engagement
20:12:56 From Roberto : Maybe it just needs a different strategy?
20:13:17 From Heidi Ullrich : Including a growing list of virtual meetings: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99638488/Sub-Committee+on+Outreach+and+Engagement+Table+of+Virtual+Events+-+FY20-FY21
20:13:20 From Maureen Hilyard (ALAC) : This time makes communication activities like RALO letters really important for getting information out to our members
20:13:35 From Maureen Hilyard (ALAC) : newsletter
20:14:19 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : Outreach will need to be virtual (but carefully designed to be engaging and have 'stickiness' to keep interest up
20:14:45 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : training or 'professional assistance"with this creative skill set is probably essential
20:15:34 From Abdulkarim Oloyede : I think this is an opportunity to reach out to a lot more people since we are mostly working from home and online anyway. Hence it should be seen as an opportunity
20:15:47 From Daniel K. Nanghaka : I agree @Cheryl - yes interest is important and also building capacity of the community to be engaged
20:17:12 From Heidi Ullrich : @Joanna, would other ICANN Learn courses be developed before August?
20:17:30 From Abdulkarim Oloyede : And again it not all about capacity building capacity development is also important and this is the time to do that
20:17:34 From Roberto : @abdulkarim right, there will be other means of communication. People are not stopping communicating, they are just changingg means - it might not be obvious but we can figure out how to change our outreach
20:18:06 From Heidi Ullrich : Ok, I understand - 3 separate courses.
20:18:08 From Harold Arcos : Indeed Maureen, we just finished a meeting on Challenges for Icann that we started in Kobe and now deepened amid these circumstances.
20:18:09 From Heidi Ullrich : T
20:18:36 From Heidi Ullrich : Thank you.
20:18:38 From Maureen Hilyard (ALAC) : One of the difficulties with the lockdown situation in place is that many of our members may not have internet connections in their homes - main internet use is often made by many from work or internet cafes which may not be available to them for a period of time.
20:19:13 From Roberto : @Maureen: understood
20:19:27 From Priyatosh Jana : sorry very unstable connection here
20:19:43 From Heidi Ullrich : No, not me
20:20:08 From Maureen Hilyard (ALAC) : But preparing work for them to catch up on when they can get back to the internet will be something to look forward to.
20:20:09 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : Also there are pressures on Internet capacity and loads even if you are connected from home in lockdown...
20:20:12 From Michel TCHONANG : Hi all sorry l am late
20:22:17 From Dev Anand Teelucksingh (TTCS) : https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99631099/Writing+Style+Guide
20:22:31 From Dev Anand Teelucksingh (TTCS) : https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99636135/At-Large+Community+Onboarding
20:25:38 From Nadira AL-ARAJ : the last 3 weeks, it is not easy on us when you care about elderly with no help. I’m suppose to work with Dev on the slides
20:26:01 From Heidi Ullrich : @Dev, will the on boarding slides also include some information for incoming leaders in time for the AGM?
20:26:24 From Maureen Hilyard (ALAC) : A regularly updated slide deck can be a valuable resource in toto or for the individual content of the slides
20:26:59 From Alfredo Calderon : The slide deck is something that can and will be useful in an offline scenario.
20:27:26 From Heidi Ullrich : We are happy to assist
20:27:49 From Evin Erdoğdu : +1
20:27:55 From Heidi Ullrich : Evin leads the onboarding for ALSes and there is also a very good on boarding doc for ALAC members
20:28:01 From Heidi Ullrich : We could use information for RALO
20:28:03 From Heidi Ullrich : leaders
20:28:14 From Alfredo Calderon : @Dev, thank you for the good work and insights provided.
20:28:20 From Heidi Ullrich : I’ll note this as an AI
20:29:02 From Omir Kerr (ISOC - SVG) : @Dev, thank you.
20:29:45 From Nadira AL-ARAJ : @Heidi, is Evin’s work different than Dev slide deck
20:30:09 From Dev Anand Teelucksingh (TTCS) : @Nadira - COVID-19 has a huge impact - its been a hectic few weeks getting the company I work at working at home
20:30:18 From Heidi Ullrich : @Nadira, yes, there is an onboarding set of webinars that the RALO leaders and staff hold with new ALSes.
20:30:44 From Heidi Ullrich : They focus mostly on introductions, staff functions and sources of information.
20:32:05 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : The follow up is also now to reach out and confirm speakers etc><
20:32:07 From Dev Anand Teelucksingh (TTCS) : @Nadira , so the goal is to integrate/improve the delivery of that material which was the goal of "5 Navigating At-Large"
20:32:08 From Lianna Galstyan, APRALO : @Heidi, wouldn't that be useful to make those webinars available for all interested ALSes. They may have new members who would be interested to learn on the introductory level.
20:32:45 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : Correct the time of the meetings need to be coordinated *with * the SPeakers
20:33:00 From Alfredo Calderon : There is a table with details at the Teams WiKi.
20:33:32 From Nadira AL-ARAJ : thanks @Heidi and @Dev, good to combine the work
20:33:32 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : Yes Alfredo bit it needs to be linked to from this meeting records as well
20:33:36 From Joanna Kulesza : https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99681435/At-Large+Capacity+Building+Working+Group
20:33:50 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : need to cross reference
20:35:52 From Alfredo Calderon : Webinars Team table at - https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99681435/At-Large+Capacity+Building+Working+Group#Teams--1347333164
20:37:23 From Daniel K. Nanghaka : Allow me to drop - am diving into another virtual meeting
20:37:24 From Heidi Ullrich : If RALO Discretionary Funding is approved for FY21, there would funding for materials for academic materials
20:37:31 From Daniel K. Nanghaka : Thank you
20:37:49 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : FIngers crossed then @Heidi
20:38:00 From Michel TCHONANG : ok thank
20:38:05 From Heidi Ullrich : Also, those academics within At-Large might promote At-Large/ICANN at conferences and in their coursework.
20:38:36 From Heidi Ullrich : @Joanna, correct. However, through RALO discretionary funding.
20:40:18 From Marita Moll : Let's remember that, when dealing with academics, their work is study and critique -- and hopefully ICANN will want to hear that critique
20:40:41 From Dev Anand Teelucksingh (TTCS) : So, are we trying to do too much, given #COVID-19
20:40:43 From Dev Anand Teelucksingh (TTCS) : ?
20:40:58 From herb.waye : I must leave the call
20:41:10 From Joanna Kulesza : @Herb thanks for dropping by
20:41:13 From Maureen Hilyard (ALAC) : NIce to see you Herb
20:42:57 From Heidi Ullrich : EuroDIG homepage: https://www.eurodig.org/index.php?id=76
20:43:15 From Roberto : Thanks Heidi
20:43:25 From Heidi Ullrich : There is a note re COVID-19
20:46:05 From Abdulkarim Oloyede : Yes Joanna and well done.
20:47:10 From Heidi Ullrich : Would a page with a table of current At-Large academics and their research expertise/current projects be set up?
20:47:28 From Heidi Ullrich : We could set up am Academic Engagement workspace and have this be one of the pages
20:47:36 From Maureen Hilyard (ALAC) : +1 Heidi
20:47:43 From Roberto : +1 Heidi
20:47:46 From Heidi Ullrich : Others might be possible conferences, etc
20:47:47 From Abdulkarim Oloyede : I think RIPE also has an active Academic community that can be explored
20:47:52 From Heidi Ullrich : I’ll take that up as an AI
20:48:13 From Heidi Ullrich : Also, this was something that Sandra with the Academy WG had initially wished for :)
20:48:26 From Heidi Ullrich : Once it is ready to go beyond At-Large
20:49:14 From Joanna Kulesza : @Abdulkarim, +1, we could easily connect with them
20:49:21 From Joanna Kulesza : so I have GigaNet and RACI
20:49:25 From Joanna Kulesza : anything else?
20:50:47 From Heidi Ullrich : absolutely. First steps
20:53:08 From Abdulkarim Oloyede : @Marita You are right, I think that is why Joanna mentioned that it would be narrowed down to those in similar field
20:53:24 From Glenn McKnight, Foundation for Building Sustainable Communities : Joining late, on other stuff
20:53:48 From Alfredo Calderon : Computer Science, Law Schools, etc.
20:53:58 From Nadira AL-ARAJ : It would be good to have list of issues that the academic community would be interested to develop papers and research with
20:54:10 From Roberto : Exactly @Alfredo
20:54:25 From Marita Moll : Good point Roberto -- this topic is broad -- need to narrow it down
20:55:36 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : Exactly @Joanna I do agree with how you have characterised the opportunity in this
20:56:13 From Marita Moll : Thanks @Joanne -- also a good way of looking at it. It can be done -- just need to focus that lense clearly
20:57:29 From Nadira AL-ARAJ : out of our scope
20:57:41 From Heidi Ullrich : Please see the AI page at: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99730110/Action+items+2020-03-30+At-Large+Capacity+Building+Working+Group+Call
20:58:03 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : We have enough to do
20:58:06 From Marita Moll : I agree with Nadira
20:58:27 From Joanna Kulesza : @Marita - that is exactly what we're trying to do here
20:58:51 From Heidi Ullrich : Consumer groups are providing info on COVID 19 : https://www.consumersinternational.org/
20:59:16 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : NOPE
20:59:19 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : DROP
20:59:30 From Nadira AL-ARAJ : outreach WG might do it
20:59:31 From Heidi Ullrich : European Consumers: http://www.beuc.eu/
20:59:53 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : and the WHO daily updates etc.,
21:00:10 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : Need to get to my next call now Bye
21:00:19 From Heidi Ullrich : Thanks, Joanna
21:00:34 From Heidi Ullrich : Yes, another call is starting
21:00:36 From Maureen Hilyard (ALAC) : Thanks everyone
21:00:45 From Nadira AL-ARAJ : thanks Joanna for your great moderation
21:00:46 From John More : thanks
21:00:48 From Alfredo Calderon : Thank you Joanna for the excellent job hosting the meeting.
21:00:51 From Vrikson Acosta : Bye
21:00:53 From Evin Erdoğdu : Thank you Joanna and all
21:00:54 From Anahí Menéndez Ruiz (AR) : Thank you Joana
21:00:56 From Lianna Galstyan, APRALO : Thanks everyone, bye.
21:00:58 From Roberto : Bye - movieg to another call
21:01:03 From Alfredo Calderon : Yes
21:01:04 From Marita Moll : Thanks. Stay well everyone
21:01:05 From LILIAN IVETTE DE LUQUE : thanks bye
21:01:10 From Maureen Hilyard (ALAC) : Moving to another call
21:01:12 From Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong : thanks
21:01:18 From Dev Anand Teelucksingh (TTCS) : bye alll
21:01:22 From LILIAN IVETTE DE LUQUE : stay safe
21:01:25 From Michel TCHONANG : Thank and bye
21:01:31 From Omir Kerr (ISOC - SVG) : bye