2010-09-25 - Nominating Committee Chair

2010-09-25 - Nominating Committee Chair

Appointed NomCom Chair for 2010-2011 NomCom.


Nominating Committee Chair

Whereas the Board Governance Committee is tasked each year with recommending to the Board a candidate to serve as the Nominating Committee (“NomCom”) Chair.

Whereas the BGC called for expressions of interest from all who would be interested in serving as the 2010-2011 NomCom Chair.

Whereas the BGC considered and discussed all legitimate expressions of interest.

Whereas the BGC recommends that the Board appoint Adam Peake as the 2010-2011 NomCom Chair.

Resolved (2010.09.25.06), that Adam Peake is appointed as Chair of the 2010-2011 NomCom, to serve until the conclusion of the ICANN annual meeting in 2011, or until the Chair’s earlier resignation, removal, or other disqualification from service.

Implementation Actions

  • None

Other Related Resolutions

  • None

Additional Information

  • Information on the Nominating Committee can be found at http://nomcom.icann.org/
  • The resolution does not address funding for the items identified therein.

Explanatory text does not modify or override Resolutions. See Board Meetings and Resolutions Web Page for more information.

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