2010-06-25 - Adoption of Fiscal Year 2011 Budget

2010-06-25 - Adoption of Fiscal Year 2011 Budget

Adopted the FY11 Operating Plan and Budget


Adoption of Fiscal Year 2011 Budget

Whereas, on 19 February 2010, ICANN's Board approved an update to the Strategic Plan: http://www.icann.org/en/planning/.

Whereas, the Framework for the FY11 Operating Plan and Budget was posted in February 2010 for community consultation and was presented at the Nairobi ICANN International public meeting.

Whereas, community consultations were held to discuss and obtain feedback on the initial Framework.

Whereas, the draft FY11 Operating Plan and Budget was posted for public comment in accordance with the Bylaws on 17 May 2010 based upon the Framework for the FY11 Operating Plan and Budget, community consultation, and consultations with the Board Finance Committee http://www.icann.org/en/public-comment/public-comment-201006-en.htm#draft-budget.

Whereas, ICANN has actively solicited further community feedback and consultation with the ICANN community through online fora, conference calls, meetings in Brussels, and in the open forum in Brussels.

Whereas, the ICANN Board Finance Committee has discussed, and guided staff on, the development of the FY11 Operating Plan and Budget at each of its regularly scheduled monthly meetings.

Whereas, the ICANN Board Finance Committee met in Brussels on 20 June 2010 to discuss the FY11 Operating Plan and Budget, and recommended that the Board adopt the FY11 Operating Plan and Budget.

Whereas, the Board has heard comments from the community during the meetings in Brussels, and with the comment period ending today, the Board will make adjustments to the budget where appropriate in order to address the community's concerns.

Resolved (2010.06.25.28), the Board adopts the FY11 Operating Plan and Budget http://www.icann.org/en/announcements/announcement-2-17may10-en.htm.

Implementation Actions

  • None

Other Related Resolutions

  • To be determined

Additional Information

  • Funding provided (authorized).

Explanatory text does not modify or override Resolutions.  See Board Resolutions Page for more information.

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