2010-03-12 - New gTLDs Implementation – Communications Plan
- Category: gTLDs
- Topic: New gTLDs Communications
- Board meeting date: 12 March 2010
- Resolution number: 2010.03.12.31, 2010.03.12.32, 2010.03.12.33
- URL for Board minutes/resolution: http://www.icann.org/en/minutes/resolutions-12mar10-en.htm
- Status: Completed
Directed CEO to begin formal communications plan for the New gTLD Program when Board resolves overarching issues.
Whereas, New gTLD Program communications activities began in June 2008 with the policy approval during ICANN's Meeting in Paris;
Whereas, staff has provided regular program updates to the community and Board, has continued to publish critical information in six languages, and has responded to public comments in a timely and transparent way;
Whereas, ICANN has published a communications plan < http://www.icann.org/en/topics/new-gtlds/draft-communications-plan-oct09-en.pdf > that supports the New gTLD Program implementation plan and considers a full range of global audiences;
Whereas, ICANN recognizes that the communications plan is a living document, and should be flexible to accommodate evolving circumstances and attend to the needs of specific regions and audiences around the world;
Whereas, ICANN recognizes that one of the main goals of the communications plan is to inform potential applicants around the world about the opportunities afforded by new gTLDs; and
Whereas, the Board has listened to the community input about intensifying communications activities in various regions around the world.
Resolved (2010.03.12.31), that ICANN will implement a formal launch of communications activities for the New gTLD Program, tailored according to the relevant program phases and developments, recognizing that the plan will need to be flexible to respond to unforeseen circumstances and adapt to the needs of regional audiences.
Resolved (2010.03.12.32), that ICANN will continue to take into account the advice of ICANN's supporting organizations and advisory committees in the New gTLD Program communication activities. Starting at ICANN's 38 th International Meeting in Brussels, ICANN will work with the SOs and ACs to leverage the networks and design the timeline around the actual launch.
Resolved (2010.03.12.33), the CEO is directed to begin the formal communications plan for the New gTLD Program when the overarching issues are resolved to the satisfaction of the Board.
Implementation Actions
- Take community input into account on the New gTLD Program communication activities
- Responsible entity: CEO
- Due date: Starting in Brussels
- Completion date: June 2011
- Implement formal launch of communications activities for the New gTLD Program
- Responsible entity: CEO, Communications Staff
- Due date: None (when overarching issues resolved)
- Completion date: June 2011
Other Related Resolutions
- The Board approved the launch of the New gTLD Communications Plan on 20 June 2011, in Resolution 2011.06.20.01. See http://www.icann.org/en/minutes/resolutions-20jun11-en.htm
- Other related resolutions to be determined
Additional Information
- A public comment forum on the draft of the Communications Plan is available at http://www.icann.org/en/public-comment/new-gtlds-comms-plan-24jun11-en.htm
- The resolution does not address funding for the items identified therein.
Explanatory text does not modify or override Resolutions. See Board Resolutions Page for more information.