2010-03-12 - New gTLDs Implementation – Vertical Integration
- Category: gTLDs
- Topic: New gTLDs Vertical Integration
- Board meeting date: 12 March 2010
- Resolution number: 2010.03.12.17, 2010.03.12.18
- URL for Board minutes/resolution: http://www.icann.org/en/minutes/resolutions-12mar10-en.htm
- Status: Completed
Directed that, within the context of the new gTLD process, there will be strict separation of entities offering registry services and those acting as registrars. No co-ownership will be allowed.
Whereas, decisions about industry structure affect many aspects of the public interest – prices, service offerings, sources and uses of data, and more;
Whereas, ICANN has obtained several studies, and heard from Industry participants about the possible benefits and detriments of choices related to ownership integration or non-integration;\
Whereas, the market for new gTLDs will be dynamic, and has yet to emerge. In particular, there are concerns about how industry structure could affect consumer data protection;
Whereas, the GNSO is in an active policy development process on the issue of Vertical Integration, and the Board does not want to create an environment in which it would be difficult to later harmonize the new gTLD marketplace with the GNSO policy result; and
Whereas, it is important to establish a baseline approach to registry-registrar separation for the new gTLD process to move ahead.
Resolved (2010.03.12.17), within the context of the new gTLD process, there will be strict separation of entities offering registry services and those acting as registrars. No co-ownership will be allowed.
Resolved (2010.03.12.18), if a policy becomes available from the GNSO, and approved by the Board prior to the launch of the new gTLD program, that policy will be considered by the Board for adoption as part of the New gTLD Program.
Implementation Actions
- None
- Responsible entity: None
- Due date: None
- Completion date: None
Other Related Resolutions
- Resolutions 2010.09.25.02 and 03, directing further action regarding GNSO work on vertical integration issues, at http://www.icann.org/en/minutes/resolutions-25sep10-en.htm#2
- Resolution 2010.11.05.02, directing the CEO to include principles regarding registry-registrar cross ownership in the Applicant Guidebook, at http://www.icann.org/en/minutes/resolutions-05nov10-en.htm
- Resolution 2011.01.25.23, adopting the Board's rationale for the 5 November 2010 decision on registry-registrar cross ownership, at http://www.icann.org/en/minutes/minutes-25jan11-en.htm, item 8.b (with Rationale)
- Additional resolutions to be determined.
Additional Information
- The resolution does not address funding for the items identified therein.
Explanatory text does not modify or override Resolutions. See Board Resolutions Page for more information.