2010-12-10 Response to Reconsideration Request 10-2

2010-12-10 Response to Reconsideration Request 10-2

  • Category:  Board
  • Topic: Response to Reconsideration Request 10-2
  • Board meeting date: 10 December 2010
  • Resolution number: 2010.12.10.35
  • URL for Board minutes/resolution: http://www.icann.org/en/minutes/resolutions-10dec10-en.htm#8\* (http://www.icann.org/en/minutes/resolutions-10dec10-en.htm#8*)
  • Status: Ongoing


Approving the BGC's recommendation denying Reconsideration Request 10-2 and recommending additional information


Whereas, the BGC has reviewed and considered Reconsideration Request 10-2 submitted by the .JOBS Charter Compliance Coalition on 20 August 2010 (supplemented as posted at <http://www.icann.org/en/committees/board-governance/requests-for-reconsideration-en.htm>) concerning the Board's 5 August 2010 resolution approving Employ Media’s .JOBS Phased Allocation Program. 

Whereas, the BGC recommended that the Request be denied as unsupported because: (i) the Coalition’s concerns regarding potential violations of the Charter in the implementation of the Phased Allocation Program is not a proper ground for reconsidering the Board’s 5 August 2010 Action; and (ii) the Board did not fail to consider material information available at the time of the Action. 

Whereas, the BGC recommended that the Board direct the President and CEO, and General Counsel and Secretary, to ensure that ICANN’s Contractual Compliance Department closely monitor Employ Media’s compliance with its Charter. 

Whereas, the BGC recommended that the Board direct the CEO to create a briefing paper for the GNSO to consider on this matter, and for the GNSO to determine whether a policy development process should be commenced. 

Whereas, the Reconsideration Request and the BGC's Recommendation has been posted on the ICANN website <http://www.icann.org/en/committees/board-governance/requests-for-reconsideration-en.htm>. 

Resolved (2010.12.10.35), the Board adopts the Recommendation of the BGC on Reconsideration Request 10-2.

Implementation Actions

  • Create briefing paper for GNSO to consider changes to sponsored TLD agreements
    • Responsible entity:  ICANN Staff
    • Due date: None specified
    • Completion date: 
  • GNSO determination of whether PDP necessary
    • Responsible entity: GNSO
    • Due date: None specified
    • Completion date: Ongoing
  • Closely monitor Employ Media Compliance with Charter
    • Responsible entity: ICANN Contractual Compliance
    • Due date: Ongoing
    • Completion date: Ongoing

Other Related Resolutions

Additional Information

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