22 November 2011
22 November 2011
- Roll Call / Statements of Interest
- IRTP Training Session – please complete the doodle poll (see http://www.doodle.com/dk2p4avkrmkmtree)
- Update on status of development of work plan
- Review of SG / Constituency Statement Template
- Discuss approach for tackling charter questions
- Confirmation of next meeting / next steps
For review:
IRTP Part C - SG - C Input Template - 16 November 2011.doc
Action Items
- Please complete your statement of interest (SOI), if you have not done so yet (see https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/display/gnsosoi/GNSO+Statements+of+Interest+%28SOI%29). Those with an SOI in the old format are also required to complete an SOI in the new format. If you have not received a login/password, please contact Glen.
- Next weeks meeting will be extended to 120 minutes, with the second hour dedicated to an (optional) training session on the IRTP provided by James Bladel.
- Please review the updated request for input template for SG/Constituency statements (see attached). In addition to sending this to SG/Constituencies, the WG agreed to also send this template to other Supporting Organizations / Advisory Committee with a separate cover note to request input.
- Please review the latest version of the proposed initial work plan (see attached). The objective is to finalize this initial work plan at the next meeting and submit it to the GNSO Council for its information.
- The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 29 November at 15.00 UTC for 2 hours.
Archives: http://forum.icann.org/lists/gnso-irtpc/