15 November 2011

15 November 2011


  1. Roll Call / Statements of Interest
  2. Leadership positions: Chair / Vice-Chair or Co-Chairs, confirmation of candidates
  3. Questions, comments with regard to materials circulated for review
  4. Development of work plan/Commitment to Participate: it is required that WGs develop a work plan that outlines the necessary steps and expected timing in order to achieve the milestones set out in the WG Charter
  5. Confirmation of next meeting / next steps

Recommended Materials for Review:

Action Items

  • Chairs Appointment - James and Avri have been selected as co-Chairs of the Working Group. Zahid, as the GNSO Council liaison to the WG, will inform the GNSO Council accordingly and request confirmation of the appointment, per the GNSO Working Group Guidelines.
  • Statements of Interest – If you have not done so yet, please submit your statement of interest (also for those that have an old SOI on file!). See https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/display/gnsosoi/GNSO+Statements+of+Interest+%28SOI%29\. If you have not received your login / password, please contact Glen.
  • IRTP Training Session - Please let me know if you are interested in a separate training session on the IRTP. The objective of this session would be to explain in detail what the requirements are of the IRTP and how it works in practice. The training would be based on the training provided by ICANN to registrars. 
  • SG / Constituency Input Template: Please review the stakeholder group / constituency input request template. Currently the template includes the charter questions and a number of questions that were identified in the Issue Report. WG members are encouraged to suggest any other questions they think would be of interest to receive input on. The objective is to finalize the template at next week's meeting. In the meantime, please feel free to share your comments with the mailing list.
  • Work Plan: A small group of volunteers (James, Avri, Mikey) will work on updating the work plan with the objective of WG approval at the meeting of 29 November at the latest. 
  • Next meeting: The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 22 November at 15.00 UTC. The Chairs will explore whether there is a need to find another time/day for the WG in the near future or consider an alternating schedule as some have expressed a problem with the current time / day.