1 April 2015

1 April 2015

The next meeting of the new IGO-INGO Access to Curative Rights Protection Mechanisms Working Group is scheduled on Wednesday 18 March 2015  at 16:00 UTC (09:00 PDT, 12:00 EDT,17:00 London, 18:00 CET).        

For other times: http://tinyurl.com/lygzpfm 

Adobe Connect WITH AUDIO enabled: https://icann.adobeconnect.com/crp/ 


  1.  Roll call/updates to SOI
  2. Update on engagement with the GAC and IGOs (Mason Cole; WG co-chairs)
  3. Update on proposed amendment to WG Charter by GNSO Council (Phil Corwin to lead; see attached draft motion to the Council)
  4. Discuss considerations/issues relating to a possible de novo appeal mechanism for IGOs (Petter Rindforth to lead; see attached Briefing Note)
  5. Next steps/next meeting

Documents for Review:

Motion to amend WG charter

Briefing Note on WIPO De Novo Appeal Framework

WIPO SCT report on de novo appeal - 2003

MP3 Recording: http://audio.icann.org/gnso/gnso-igo-ingo-01apr15-en.mp3

Meeting Transcript: http://gnso.icann.org/en/meetings/transcript-igo-ingo-crp-access-01apr15-en.pdf


George Kirikos - Individual

Petter Rindforth – IPC

Phil Corwin – BC

Val Sherman - IPC

Jay Chapman – Individual

Kathy Kleiman - NCUC

David Maher - RySG

Mason Cole – RySG

Jim Bikoff – IPC

Jay Chapman – Individual

Paul Tattersfield - Individual

Lori Schulman - NPOC


Apologies: none


ICANN staff:

Mary Wong

Amy Bivins

Steve Chan

Yolande Jimenez

Nathalie Peregrine


Adobe Connect chat transcript for Wednesday, 01 April 2015:

Nathalie  Peregrine:Dear all, welcome to the  IGO-INGO Curative Rights Protection PDP WG Meeting on the 01 April 2015

  George Kirikos:Hi everyone.

  Nathalie  Peregrine:Hello George!

  George Kirikos:Hi Nathalie. How art thou?

  Petter Rindforth:Hi there!

  George Kirikos:Hey Petter. How are you doing?

  Petter Rindforth:The spring is slowly coming to Sweden, so I'm happy :-)

  George Kirikos:Great. :-)

  George Kirikos:My bank is a joke....30 mins on hold, grrrr.

  Val Sherman:Hi All!

  George Kirikos:Hi Val.

  Philip Corwin:Hello all

  George Kirikos:lol Petter!

  George Kirikos:Welcome, Phil.

  Philip Corwin:With ICANN, any given day can be a Fool's Day ;-)

  Mary Wong:Sorry - didn't realize we were going through the letter

  Mary Wong:This is the final version based on everyone's comments, which Phil and Petter will be sending to the IGO small group; they are reviewing it one last time prior to sending

  Nathalie  Peregrine:Kathy Kleiman has joined the call

  Mary Wong:Thanks for the very helpful suggestions, George!

  George Kirikos:Here's the video with ICANN President Fadi Chehade:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yGwbYljtNyI

  Mason Cole:That's good to know, thanks Steve.

  George Kirikos:Will the GAC perhaps wait until after the next ICANN meeting (face-to-face) before responding?

  George Kirikos:(next meeting is end of June)

  Steve Chan:@George, I'm under the impression that it should definitely be prior to the next meeting

  George Kirikos:Thanks, Steve.

  Nathalie  Peregrine:Lori Schulman joined the call

  lori Schulman:sorry I am late. tough month but I am back

  Mary Wong:Welcome back, Lori, and congrats on the new position again!

  George Kirikos:Welcome, Lori.

  lori Schulman:thank you.

  George Kirikos:New position?

  George Kirikos:Might need to update Statement of Interest?

  George Kirikos:https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/gnsosoi/pages/106805139/Lori+S.+Schulman+SOI

  lori Schulman:yes, I am now Senior Director for Internet policy for INTA

  George Kirikos:Congratulations.

  lori Schulman:I need to change my SOI. I haven't done that yet. lots to do.

  lori Schulman:I will do it after our meeting.

  DAvid Maher (GNSO - RySG):@ Lori  CONGRATS!

  Philip Corwin:Congrats Lori. As a member of INTA's Internet Committee I look forward to working with you in that context.

  George Kirikos:#4 mentions 6ter

  lori Schulman:Thank you David.  I appreciate that knowing you are a recovering TM lawyer.

  Kathy Kleiman:makes sense - tx for the discussion!

  lori Schulman:thank you Phil. I am very excited.

  George Kirikos:Didn't we send a letter to the GNSO Council saying that INGOs were off the table?

  George Kirikos:Thanks, Phil.

  Mary Wong:Note also that the Council may well amend (expand/limit/edit) our proposed language

  Kathy Kleiman:yes, agree

  Mary Wong:The actual Secretariat language on Phil's point is: "As stated earlier, the requirement for UDRP complainants to submit to a “mutual jurisdiction” does not prevent either party from initiating court litigation elsewhere.   Similarly, a State’s submission to de novo arbitration should not restrict either party’s recourse to a national court of justice (even though, for a respondent, this option might be rather theoretical if the State successfully asserts immunity from jurisdiction).  However, once the respondent has initiated a de novo arbitration procedure and thus concluded the arbitration agreement, the dispute would have to be finally determined by arbitration."

  George Kirikos:Ontario's consumer protection act, which I've mentioned before, makes those clauses void.

  George Kirikos:I'm sure similar laws exist elsewhere.

  George Kirikos:Here's NY state legislation making mandatory arbitration clauses void in some instances http://codes.lp.findlaw.com/nycode/GBS/26/399-c

  George Kirikos:Phil's hand is up.

  Kathy Kleiman:tread water - good term!

  Mary Wong:From time travel to treading water - Phil's on a roll

  George Kirikos:See you all in two weeks. Have a great day, everyone.

  Kathy Kleiman:tx for the meeting!

  Val Sherman:thanks All!

  Philip Corwin:Bye all