28 January 2015
The WG held an administrative meeting on 28 January 2015 at its usual meeting time, to discuss the agenda for its upcoming full-day face-to-face facilitated session in Singapore. This will take place immediately following the ICANN52 meeting, on Friday 13 February 2015.
Proposed F2F Meeting Agenda: Draft 13 February Meeting Agenda - as of 28 January 2015
MP3 Recording: http://audio.icann.org/gnso/gnso-igo-ingo-crp-access-28jan15-en.mp3
Meeting Transcript: http://gnso.icann.org/en/meetings/transcript-igo-ingo-crp-access-28jan15-en.pdf
George Kirikos - Individual
Petter Rindforth – IPC
Phil Corwin – BC
Val Sherman - IPC
Gary Campbell - GAC
Jay Chapman – Individual
David Heasley – IPC
Alexander Lehrman - Individual
Paul Keating - NCUC
Paul Tattersfield - Individual
Osvaldo Novoa – ISPCP
David Cake – GNSO Vice Chair
Imran Ahmed Shah -
Jim Bikoff- IPC
Lori Schulman - NPOC
Kathy Kleiman - NCUC
David Maher – RySG
ICANN staff:
Mary Wong
Steve Chan
Nathalie Peregrine
Adobe Connect chat transcript for Wednesday, 28 January 2015:
Nathalie Peregrine:Dear all, welcome to the IGO-INGO Curative Rights Protection PDP WG Meeting on the 28 January 2015
Gary Campbell:Hi Nathalie
Nathalie Peregrine:Hello Gary and Petter!
Petter Rindforth:Hi All!
Osvaldo Novoa:Hello all
Osvaldo Novoa:All, unfortunatelly I won't be able to join the WG F2F meeting in Singapore.
Mary Wong 2:Hi all - sorry I'm late; operator insisted I had the wrong call time and was 5 hours too early! :)
Jay Chapman:Hi All
George Kirikos:Hi everyone.
George Kirikos:It took a few tries to get into the Adobe again.
Mary Wong 2:It's 1 a.m. in Singapore so believe me, I'd prefer the call to be 5 hours later :) :)
Paul Tattersfield:Hi All, whois the confrence leader they sometimes ask for with the passcode?
Mary Wong 2:I'm getting a bad echo
Mary Wong 2:OK fixed
Nathalie Peregrine:So it must have been my line then, apologies,I'll be muted from now on
Nathalie Peregrine:Paul Keating has joined the call
Osvaldo Novoa:The audio is a not very clear. Is it just me?
George Kirikos:9:30 am Friday Singapore time is 8:30 pm Eastern time on THURSDAY (Feb 12).
George Kirikos:(Eastern Time = Toronto, NYC, etc.)
George Kirikos:I'd agree with having them as observers.
Mary Wong 2:@George, sorry - we'll add clarification that it's Singapore time and date on the agenda
George Kirikos:It'd be a long night as 5:30 pm Singapore time is 6:30 am Toronto/NYC time.
Nathalie Peregrine:Alexanfer Lernab has joined the call
Mary Wong 2:So far, besides the IGOs, we have responses from the ISP and IP constituencies of the GNSO
Philip Corwin:I am traveling next Wednesday, as are many others
George Kirikos:Is it possible to start the meeting earlier in the day in Singapore? (i.e. if folks in Singapore have nothing in the morning) E.g. 7:00 am or 7:30 am?
George Kirikos:(might make it more convenient for those in North American participating via remote)
George Kirikos:(start earlier, and end earlier)
Paul Keating:Mary, have the responses received thus far been distributed? If so could you please resend to me as I have noothing in my inbox.
David Cake:I would rather not start as early as 7 or 7.30.
George Kirikos:That'd make it a bit better, as 8:30 pm to 6:30 am Eastern time in NYC/Toronto might be rough for some.
George Kirikos:Oops, it's actually 8:30 pm to 4:30 am
Lori Schulman:Sorry for joining late.
Mary Wong 2:We'll check on the start time - whether it can be changed. Will revert ASAP.
George Kirikos:Not as bad as I thought.
George Kirikos:5:30 pm to 1:30 am for those in Pacific Time (LA, SF, etc.)
David Cake:I would echo Phils comments. end of a long week.
Lori Schulman:As an East Coaster who can't attend in person, I am planning to pull the all nighter. The next day is Saturday. I can sleep.
Paul Keating:Singapore is GMT+8 so no problem for Europeans on call-in
George Kirikos:Lori: the next day is Friday, actually.
Lori Schulman:Oh, right. I forgot about the dateline. No worries. I will still do it.
George Kirikos:Friday 9:30 am Singapore time = THURSDAY 8:30 pm Thursday.
David Cake:And in my experience, starting earlier will mean we are less effective at the end of the day.
George Kirikos:Will we have Adobe and/or video during the session? (video so we can see any whiteboards, etc?)
Nathalie Peregrine:We will have the AC room
Nathalie Peregrine:Not this one, you will need to access it fromthe MainSchedule on the ICANN website
Nathalie Peregrine:Dial in details for remote participation will also be sent to the mailing list over the next few days
Philip Corwin:Bye all/safe travel
Jay Chapman:safe travels to those who are
Alexander Lerman:THANKS
Osvaldo Novoa:By all
val sherman:Thanks all
George Kirikos:Bye everyone.