Legal Expert Selection & Report

Legal Expert Selection & Report


INITIAL SYNOPSIS FROM PROFESSOR EDWARD SWAINE: Swaine Updated Synopsis - 28 January 2016

FINAL REPORT FROM PROFESSOR EDWARD SWAINE: Swaine - Updated IGO Immunity Memo - 17 June 2016.pdf



Below is a grid providing the candidates eligible to perform the legal research on IGO immunity. Please review the "Information About Candidate" to determine if you think that the candidate is capable of performing the necessary work. In regards to Cost, staff is providing a sense of affordability based on its understanding of the budget available for this project versus the rate that candidates have suggested. Please note that several candidates that were suggested during the deliberations of the WG declined to participate as they felt there not the best choice for the work.

$ - Well within budget

$$ - Within budget

$$$ - Likely beyond budget