FF May08 Status Report - July 25
FF May08 Status Report - July 25
Status Report
Date - July 25, 2008
Summary Status
Are there review and approval problems? No
Will target dates be missed? YES
Are there scope changes? YES
Are there estimate problems? No
Are there technical problems? No
Are there resource problems? No
Accomplishments this week
- Continue to reach out for data -- Dave, Greg, Rod
- Continue to reach out for legitimate users -- Mikes, Wendy, Greg
- Launch constituency input cycle -- all constituency reps
- Edit the Internet Users impact section of the wiki -- Mike
- Post a followup thread to the email list about the Definition of FastFlux conversation -- Mike
- Focus on Questions 7, 8 and 9 for the email conversation -- Mike
- Launch "information vs policy based" email conversation -- Mike
- Develop and initiate a weekly progress-reporting mechanism -- Mike
Plans for next week
- To be determined during July 25 conference call
- Focus on clarity of the definition
- Summarize "definition" conversation - Mike
- Summarize DNS data - Rodney Joffe
Issues and concerns
- Schedule change -- 1st-round constituency input deadline has been changed from August 5 to August 8
- Possible scope change -- adding "non-fast" networks to our definition