Tasks - Form Working Group

Tasks - Form Working Group

Assigned to;

The GNSO Council (in its policy-management role), Working Group Chair, Staff Manager

Primary Deliverables;

  • Working Group Charter
  • Detailed work-plans (tasks, dates, deliverables, assignments)
  • Statements of Interest
  • Housekeeping Items
    • Email list(s)
    • Shared workspace(s)
    • Teleconference infrastructure

Tasks include;




Define the problem (or puzzle) the Working Group is tasked to solve


June 27

Describe the deliverables of the effort


June 27

Define (at a high level) working-group process, key milestone events and dates


June 27

Define composition of the working group


June 27

Recruit Working Group members


June 27

Name a Working Group Chair and GNSO Liaison


June 27

Obtain GNSO approval to proceed


June 27

Develop detailed work-plans and obtain approval

June 27

July 11

Establish housekeeping items (email lists, shared workspaces, teleconferencing)

June 27

July 11

Obtain Statements of Interest from WG members

June 27

July 11