Suggested Technical and Policy Options - Initial Draft
Suggested Technical and Policy Options - Initial Draft
All content on this page, and its children, is DRAFT - FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY
- Encourage improved information sharing
- Encourage enhancements to DNS
- Encourage formation of "clean up" resources
- Encourage development of open-source monitoring and response tools
- Explore options with regard to use of TTL
- Pictures of possible solutions
- Solicit support from gTLD operators to instrument their service for FastFlux discovery
- Solicit support from gTLD operators to participate in a background notification process to registrars about domains of concern
- Solicit support from gTLD operators to honor their advertised TTLs for all name servers in their scope
- Solicit support from gTLD operators to add a fee structure for domains needing long-term NS short TTL
- Develop a mechanism to "pre-register" the right to fastflux