July 18 Call
July 18 Call
Action Items
- Develop drafts of first-6 questions -- Progress is good, we have had an extensive conversation by email, Mike has started transcribing highlights to the wiki. The "Registrars" draft is on its way and is likely to be very helpful.
- Reach out for data -- Dave, Greg and Rod have been formulating a request (and an instrument) to distribute to the APWG and others. Just about done, should go out this week, we should start getting data during the week and likely a substantial amount of data over the next several weeks. Others have been contacted directly and have contributed data, and in the case of Minaxa Gupta, have joined the working group.
- Reach out to legitimate users -- We're wending our way through pathways in organizations. One option -- simply hypothesize the existence of legitimate fastflux (may want to add to the definition of fastflux)
Actions for next week
- Continue to reach out for data -- Dave, Greg, Rod
- Continue to reach out for legitimate users -- Mikes, Wendy, Greg
- Get constituency input -- all constituency reps
- Edit the Internet Users impact section of the wiki -- Mike
- Post a followup thread to the email list about the Definition of FastFlux conversation -- Mike
- Focus on Questions 7, 8 and 9 for the email conversation -- Mike
- Launch "information vs policy based" email conversation -- Mike
- Develop and initiate a weekly progress-reporting mechanism -- Mike