Tasks - Develop Working Group Initial Draft

Tasks - Develop Working Group Initial Draft

Assigned to;

  • Working Group members

Additional Participants;

  • Staff Manager and Staff

Primary Deliverables;

  • Initial Report Draft

Tasks include;




Review and understand the Initial-Draft section of the working-group wiki
(if questions arise, work with Chair and Staff Manager to resolve them)

July 8

July 11

Conduct brainstorming sessions for each section of the draft report
(the goal at this stage is to get all ideas on the table) Teleconference

July 11

July 25

Obtain Constituency statements and incorporate them into the draft

Aug 5

Aug 7

Edit draft (to eliminate redundancy and identify areas of non-consensus)

July 25

Aug 7

Conduct consensus-building sessions
(possible outcomes; consensus, defer for more information, non-consensus) Teleconference

Aug 8

Aug 8

Complete Initial Draft and release to the working group wiki

Aug 8

Aug 12