DT-O Meeting #16 (19 April @ 21:00 UTC)
Sub-Group Members: Alan Greenberg, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Chuck Gomes, Elise Gerich, Mary Uduma, Olivier Crepin-Leblond, Paul Kane, Xavier Calvez
Please let Brenda know if your name has been left off the list (attendees or apologies).**
- The Adobe Connect recording is available here: https://icann.adobeconnect.com/p11mqqdlch0/
- The audio recording is available here: http://audio.icann.org/stewardship-transition/iana-dto-19apr16-en.mp3
Proposed Agenda and Notes
Agenda Item 3. Discuss Final Bylaws Language regarding the IANA Budget see document here
- Section 22.4(f): no further updates
- Annex F(1)(f): no further updates
- Section 22.4(b)(i): no further updates
Agenda Item 4. CWG Stewardship Comments on the Draft FY17 Operating Plan & Budget – Draft 1 see document here
Paul Kane: I know we have had verbal assurances in the past, and the status quo will be maintained, but where can we have the written assurance that
there will not be charges by PTI at the point of service delivery
4.1 Add assumption? : No fees charged for IANA services to Registries.
-- Xavier recommends it belongs elsewhere than Budget
-- Elise: even though ICANN has offered service for good of all the community, wasn't necessarily mandated the services would be free
-- Chuck: Too late to add to Bylaws. Recommend Paul to write Budget Public Comments ending 30 April
-- Paul: "document that the money for services does not flow from customers directly to PTI for performance of service"
4.2 ACTION ITEM for Chuck Gomes to answer Xavier's comment [XC4] regarding referencing which of the numbered items are unclear
4.3 ACTION ITEM for Chuck Gomes to answer Xavier's comment [XC5] and will respond to DTO list
7-2.1 – no further questions/comments
7-2.17 – Xavier suggests to submit public comment. will come back to when talking about any comments DTO submits
7.12-3.2 – no further questions/comments
Appendix B – no further questions/comments
Agenda Item 5. Discuss PTI Budget Dependencies – Draft ICANN Bylaws
- See message forwarded by Chuck from Sharon Flanagan on 12 April. (discussed on prior call)
- We need to provide feedback on this to the full CWG today.
Agenda Item 6. Possible DT-O or CWG comments on the Draft FY17 ICANN Operating Plan & Budget
a. Discuss the response from Xavier regarding clarification comments in the draft sent by Chuck (sent by Xavier on 12 April)
- Two issues identified that may warrent comments, based on feedback from Xavier
- All to review estimated costs for PTI
- May not need another call - aim to address further issues on the mailing list. Another call has been scheduled for next Thursday, but
will be cancelled if not needed. Future calls will be needed - is current day / time good for the group? Yes, works for most so future
meetings are likely to be scheduled at same time on either Tuesday or Thursday. However, next date is not known yet.
Action item: Staff to cancel Thursday's meeting
Action item: Chuck to submit comments to public comment forum as DT-O lead, with endorsement from DT-O (unless objections are received on the mailing list)
Future work:
- Await initial thoughts from Xavier and Elisa on budget process.
- Caretaker budget - Xavier to provide initial thoughts
- Further calls to be scheduled when initial input for these topics is available
- Next steps
Agenda Item 7. AOB
Chat Transcript
Brenda Brewer: (4/19/2016 15:40) Good day all and welcome to DTO Meeting #16 on 19 April @ 21:00 UTC!
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (15:56) Hi Brenda
Brenda Brewer: (15:56) Hi Cheryl!
Chuck Gomes: (15:56) Hello
Brenda Brewer: (15:58) We are calling Mary now
Brenda Brewer: (15:58) Mary, we are getting busy signal from your line
Mary Uduma: (15:59) HELLO ALL
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (16:00) Hi Mary
Brenda Brewer: (16:01) All attendees are on Adoabe
Alan Greenberg: (16:02) We are honored by having TWO Elises today!
Xavier: (16:02) Hello everyone.
elise.gerich (epg) 2: (16:02) Double the trouble ;-)
elise.gerich (epg) 2: (16:03) Not sure why it show me as present twice - only have a single adobe window
Alan Greenberg: (16:05) Normally means you connected once, it failed for some reason, and they you comie in again but Adobe does not realize your first incarnation left. But you aare gone now!
elise.gerich (epg) 2: (16:05) thanks for the explanation, Alan.
Alan Greenberg: (16:07) If you select Edit my info from the pull-down to the right of the Attendees title, you can remove the 2, or make any other change you like.
elise.gerich (epg): (16:10) Thanks for the tips.
Paul Kane: (16:11) I know we have had verbal assurances in the past, and the status quo will be maintained, byt where can we have the written assurance that there will not be charges by PTI at the point of service delivery
Paul Kane: (16:11) on customers/Registries?
Paul Kane: (16:15) That works
Paul Kane: (16:15) Agree - it is just to record the status quo
Paul Kane: (16:16) It is in the Proposal but it has not been captured in the legal docs
Paul Kane: (16:16) Agree Xavier
elise.gerich (epg): (16:17) can you hear me
elise.gerich (epg): (16:17) my speakers are not on mute
elise.gerich (epg): (16:17) let me dial in - please consider
elise.gerich (epg): (16:17) continue - not consider
elise.gerich (epg): (16:20) looks like I am on now - missed some of the conversation while getting connected
elise.gerich (epg): (16:26) Yes, Paul is correct that the RIR agreement is with ICANN and not with PTI
Paul Kane: (16:28) I don't think it is Bylaws
elise.gerich (epg): (16:31) Paul, is it that there can be no fees - or that there is no service fees directly to PTI from the communities for performance of services?
Paul Kane: (16:32) PTI will not impose fees at the point of service, although Registries can (and do) make voluntary contributions to ICANN where a percentage is to fund PTI.
Paul Kane: (16:33) I am concerned about (perception of) discriminatory practice
Paul Kane: (16:33) post transition
elise.gerich (epg): (16:34) thanks for the response
Xavier: (16:42) Thank you everyone. I will drop out now.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (16:42) Thx Xavier
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (16:44) probably just the 2 from my POV CHuck
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (16:46) sorry I had lots of travel last few days
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (16:48) I am fine with the time
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (16:49) fine for me at this time
Marika Konings: (16:49) Apologies for joining late...
Mary Uduma: (16:49) I Me too
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (16:49) hi Marika were just about done for today ;-)
elise.gerich (epg): (16:50) Would prefer to talk about the process when Xavier is on the call. We will definitely consult with you.
Marika Konings: (16:51) @CLO - I've been here for the last twenty minutes so it wasn't that bad ;-)
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (16:51) tuesday thursday is fine
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (16:51) :-)
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (16:51) yup
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (16:54) very efficient call - thank you
elise.gerich (epg): (16:54) Thank you all. bye