DT-IPR IANA Intellectual Property Rights
Mailing list address: dt-ipr@icann.org
Mailing list archives: http://mm.icann.org/pipermail/dt-ipr/
Propose the principles and requirements for the names community for a post-transition home for the IANA IPR.
Given that the other operational communities are ahead of us on this and very interested to communicate and collaborate as necessary, there is some urgency to this work. Ideally, a update/draft should be ready for the CWG meeting on 5th November.
Design Team
- Nicholas Barbantonis
- Konstantinos Komaitis
- Greg Shatan
- Maarten Simon
- Andrew Sullivan
- Plamena Popova
- Suzanne Woolf
- Milton Mueller
- David Maher
- Scott Austin
- Akram Atallah
The CWG-Stewardship Chairs and staff support team will also be part of the Design Team. Trang Nguyen will represent ICANN staff, in particular for implementation planning.
Reference documentation:
- ICG Proposal (29 October): http://www.ianacg.org/icg-files/documents/IANA-transition-proposal-v9.pdf.
- Operational communities statement at ICANN54 Public Forum (22 October): https://meetings.icann.org/en/dublin54/schedule/thu-public-forum/transcript-public-forum-22oct15-en.pdf
- The framework from the protocols community (20 October) http://mm.icann.org/pipermail/cwg-stewardship/2015-October/004449.html.
- The recent draft specification from the numbers community (17 October) http://mm.icann.org/pipermail/cwg-stewardship/2015-October/004441.html.
- The ICANN Board Statement (15 August) https://www.icann.org/news/announcement-2015-08-15-en.
- Sidley memo on IPR issues (4 August): https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/download/attachments/98471767/Memo_IPR_4Aug.pdf?version=1&modificationDate=1438956502000&api=v2
Date | Word | Comments | |
CRISP Team Feedback on IPR principles.docx | CRISP Team Feedback on IPR principles.pdf | ||
DT-IPR Draft of December 14 2015.docx | DT-IPR Draft of December 14 2015.pdf | Presented on CWG call on 15 December | |
DT IPR 12 1 2015.docx | DT IPR 12 1 2015.pdf | ||
ongoing | The Google doc is available for you to review, comment, etc at: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZGSlKj-JSXe4T0wWv-hN6srDVOwhRJvQZzRpkGAAPk8/edit?usp=sharing | ||
DT-IPR Draft of Potential Principles and Requirements.docx | DT-IPR Draft of Potential Principles and Requirements.pdf | ||
IANA Trademark and Domain Name Registrations.docx | IANA Trademark and Domain Name Registrations.pdf | ||
DraftDT-IPRRemit1.docx | DraftDT-IPRRemit1.docx.pdf | ||
Draft DT-IPR Remit .docx | Draft DT-IPR Remit .pdf | Document sent by staff to help launch DT-IPR work |