DT-O Meeting #15 (13 April @ 20:00 UTC)
Sub-Group Members: Alan Greenberg, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Chuck Gomes, Elise Gerich, Mary Uduma, Olivier Crepin-Leblond, Paul Kane, Xavier Calvez (8)
Staff: Brenda Brewer, Grace Abuhamad, Trang Nguyen
Please let Brenda know if your name has been left off the list (attendees or apologies).**
- The Adobe Connect recording is available here: https://icann.adobeconnect.com/p2lzq8ooa38/
- The audio recording is available here: http://audio.icann.org/stewardship-transition/iana-dto-13apr16-en.mp3
Proposed Agenda:
1. Roll call
2. Confirm agenda
3. Discuss Section 22.4 (b) – (g) in the proposed revised Bylaws
4. Discuss Annex F, IANA Caretaker Budget Principles, on pages 211-213 (overall pages 214-217) of the redline version of the Bylaws
5. Discuss PTI Budget Dependencies –Draft ICANN Bylaws
6. Possible DT-O or CWG comments on the Draft FY17 ICANN Operating Plan & Budget
7. AOB
8. Next meeting(s)
1. Roll Call
All in Adobe Connect room.
2. Confirm agenda
Items #3 and #4 are important and need to be closed today. Xavier will join 30 min into the call.
3. Discuss Section 22.4 (b) – (g) in the proposed revised Bylaws
- Refer to email message sent by Chuck on Monday, 11 April
- Note that we need to provide feedback on this section to the full CWG today.
- There will be separate budgets for ICANN and for IANA.
- Suggestion to fix the term "ICANN's IANA department" to confirm the intention that the ICANN and IANA budgets will separate. The term was inserted
into the CWG-Stewardship proposal to ensure coverage across the board (without full information about how
the budgeting processes would work), but the implementation planning has now clarified how the budgeting process will evolve. - DT-O agrees that IANA needs to have finished its budget planning in advance of the ICANN budget comment period. The "9 months" terminology
is in the CWG proposal, but DT-O agrees that 9 months is too much. To modify the Bylaw text, the intention is that the
IANA budget would be submitted for PTI Board approval prior to the submission of the ICANN Budget for ICANN Board approval but no later
than [75 days (time is not fixed, it just need to be more than 45 days)] prior to the commencement of each fiscal year. - Xavier has some language for a re-written Bylaw that he will send to the group. DT-O is satisfied with Xavier's text and would prefer to use that text for the Bylaws.
- Flag for the Bylaws Drafting team: the use of the term "PTI" may change in future, so this needs to be considered for the drafting ofthe Bylaws.
- Proposed text from Xavier (Elise is ok with the text as well): Separately and addition to the general ICANN planning process, PTI shall prepare
and submit to the PTI Board a proposed operating plan and budget for the IANA functions for the upcoming planning cycle. Such proposed
operating plan and budget shall provide appropriate information to enable a consultation process allowing for broad community engagement and
input, including appropriate steps for addressing such community input. The proposed operating plan and budget for the IANA functions, resulting
from such process, shall be submitted to ICANN as input prior to and for the purpose of being included in the proposed ICANN operating plan and
budget, itself then subject to a broad consultation process, including appropriate steps for addressing community input.
Action (all): Group to review notes and Xavier's proposed language for submission to the Bylaws Coordination Group by 23:59 UTC today.
4. Discuss Annex F, IANA Caretaker Budget Principles, on pages 211-213 (overall pages 214-217) of the redline version of the Bylaws
- Refer to email message sent by Chuck on Tuesday, 12 April
- Note Chuck’s personal comments sent to the full CWG regarding paragraph 1.f of Annex F.
- We are trying to prevent ICANN from implementating actions that are controversial.
Action (Xavier): Xavier will send a redrafted version to the mailing list.
5. Discuss PTI Budget Dependencies –Draft ICANN Bylaws
- See message forwarded by Chuck from Sharon Flanagan on 12 April.
- We need to provide feedback on this to the full CWG today.
- #6 and #7 are resolved by agenda items #3 and #4 for DT-O call and Xavier's language.
- For item #3: this requirement for the level of detail is a carry-over from prior work on the ICANN budget. This does not need to be specified in the Bylaws. See Xavier's proposed language.
- Item #4 is also covered by the text in Xavier's language.
6. Possible DT-O or CWG comments on the Draft FY17 ICANN Operating Plan & Budget
- Discuss the response from Xavier regarding clarification comments in the draft sent by Chuck (sent by Xavier on 12 April)
- Next steps
7. AOB
8. Next meeting(s)
Action (all): respond to doodle poll with availability for next meeting(s).
Action Items
- Action (all): Group to review notes and Xavier's proposed language for submission to the Bylaws Coordination Group by 23:59 UTC today.
- Action (Xavier): Xavier will send a redrafted version to the mailing list.
- Action (all): respond to doodle poll with availability for next meeting(s).
Chat Transcript
Grace Abuhamad: (4/13/2016 14:59) All -- The DT-O call may start 5min late since most DT-O members are stuck on another call at the moment.
Chuck Gomes: (15:01) Hello all.
Paul Kane: (15:02) Hello
Mary Uduma: (15:07) Hello Everyone
Grace Abuhamad: (15:11) DT-O recommendations will likely go to Chairs and then directly to Bylaws Group due to the time constraints today. The CWG will be copied, but may not have time for formal approval.
elise.gerich (epg): (15:16) Sorry, joining late.
Grace Abuhamad: (15:19) I think the Bylaws text comes from the CWG-Stewardship proposal
Paul Kane: (15:20) Sure - we know more now... hence the need to correct
Paul Kane: (15:20) now
Paul Kane: (15:22) :-)
Paul Kane: (15:22) Agree
Grace Abuhamad: (15:24) Is this suggestion accurate? This could be what we deliver to the Bylaws Coordination Group: Suggestion to delete the term "ICANN's IANA department" to confirm the intention that the ICANN and IANA budgets will separate. The term was inserted into the CWG-Stewardship proposal to ensure coverage across the board (without full information about how the budgeting processes would work), but the implementation planning has now clarified how the budgeting process will evolve.
Paul Kane: (15:24) Can remember but didn't CWG ask that the PTI budget was to be prior
Alan Greenberg: (15:25) The 9 month specified in the CWG report was not realistic in my mind.
Alan Greenberg: (15:26) At the time, there were only so many battles to fight. This is not one I chose to pick on.
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (15:26) I remember 1 month approved budget
Grace Abuhamad: (15:26) I will check the proposal now
Paul Kane: (15:27) Yes - agree delete ICANN IANA Departmewnt
Paul Kane: (15:27) Agree Grace
Grace Abuhamad: (15:27) This is the text from the proposal: "PTI should submit a budget to ICANN at least nine months in advance of the fiscal year to ensure the stability of the IANA services. It is the view of the CWG-Stewardship that the IANA budget should be approved by the ICANN Board in a much earlier timeframe than the overall ICANN budget. The CWG (or a successor implementation group) will need to develop a proposed process for the IANA-specific budget review, which may become a component of the overall budget review."
Grace Abuhamad: (15:28) Chuck's comment is accurate in terms of the proposal.
Grace Abuhamad: (15:29) Xavier was not involved in the Bylaws drafting
Paul Kane: (15:32) Can we ask Elsie and Xavier what time line works for them becasue 9 months is too much imho
elise.gerich (epg): (15:32) Yes, Xavier and I are working on the process and will share our suggestion
elise.gerich (epg): (15:34) @Paul we have been looking at the timeline as part of the process development -- the goal is to provide sufficient time to develop, review, and adopt
Paul Kane: (15:38) Thanks - Elise....
Grace Abuhamad: (15:38) I copied the CWG proposal text in the chat above in case you need to refer to it
Paul Kane: (15:38) Say [75] days
Paul Kane: (15:39) Yes .... earlier
Paul Kane: (15:49) in square brackets - 75 days is not fixed - just more than 45 days
Mary Uduma: (15:50) I do not understand why we are changing the 9 months eariler recommended
Grace Abuhamad: (15:51) Is this summary of the discussion correct? It's in the notes: The "9 months" terminology is in the CWG proposal. DT-O agrees that 9 months is too much. To modify the Bylaw text, the intention is that the IANA budget would be submitted for Board approval prior to the submission of the ICANN Budget but no later than [75 days (time is not fixed, it just need to be more than 45 days)] prior to the commencement of each fiscal year. IANA needs to have finished its budget planning in advance of the ICANN budget comment period.
Paul Kane: (15:52) Elise - the PTI Board approve the Budget then the approved budget is then submitted to ICANN Board for approval/payment
Paul Kane: (15:53) Grace - that works - thanks
elise.gerich (epg): (15:53) @Paul agree with what you wrote - sorry if that is not what came across when I spoke
Grace Abuhamad: (15:53) Yes we can hear you
Xavier Calvez: (15:53) can you hear me?
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (15:53) yes we can hear you
Chuck Gomes: (15:53) We are hearing you Xavier.
Grace Abuhamad: (15:53) It appears that you can hear us
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (15:53) but you do not seem to be able to hear us
Chuck Gomes: (15:53) I don't think you can hear us.
elise.gerich (epg): (15:53) we are verbally saying that we can hear you
Paul Kane: (15:55) Agree Xavier
Paul Kane: (15:57) .... submitted for PTI Board approval with sufficient time to be approved ....
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (16:02) THX XAVIER
Xavier Calvez: (16:03) @Paul: I think that makes sense
Xavier Calvez: (16:04) I agree it should be PTI board vs ICANN Board.
Paul Kane: (16:04) Thanks
Grace Abuhamad: (16:04) After it's sent to DT-O, I can include it as feedback for Bylaws Coordination Group
Xavier Calvez: (16:04) Separately and addition to the general ICANN planning process, ICANN shall prepare and submit to the PTI Board a proposed operating plan and budget for the IANA functions for the upcoming planning cycle. Such proposed operating plan and budget shall provide appropriate information to enable a consultation process allowing for broad community engagement and input, including appropriate steps for addressing such community input. The proposed operating plan and budget for the IANA functions, resulting from such process, shall be submitted to ICANN as input prior to and for the purpose of being included in the proposed ICANN operating plan and budget, itself then subject to a broad consultation process, including appropriate steps for addressing community input.
Paul Kane: (16:05) ...... PTI shall prepare and submit to the PTI Board a proposed operating plan and ......
Alan Greenberg: (16:07) I cannot make that deadline but I will trust my colleagues (in this case ;-) )
Grace Abuhamad: (16:07) Paul I included your correction in the Xavier text version in the notes.
Paul Kane: (16:07) Thanks Grace
Grace Abuhamad: (16:08) Good point, Thank you Xavier
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (16:08) I agree with Xavier. Let us be clear that I hope this is not over & done with. Amendments will be possible
Grace Abuhamad: (16:08) That's correct Chuck. Publication for 30-day public comment on 20 April
Paul Kane: (16:13) PTI is a placeholder for the new name for IANA ... which will be IANA :-)
Grace Abuhamad: (16:14) Xavier and Elise, your point is noted for the Bylaws Coordination Group
Grace Abuhamad: (16:18) I just don't want to commit the Chairs to any extra work this evening since I don't know their schedule :)
Brenda Brewer: (16:19) Scroll to bottom of document for 1.f
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (16:23) That word additional may make sense then OCL
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (16:25) that is where the term such as 'additional' may assist Alan as proposed by OCL
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (16:27) We need to make sure that the intent is crystal clear here
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (16:31) and 7
Paul Kane: (16:32) 6 is now done - Xavier's language works fine
Paul Kane: (16:33) 7 - I think that is up to PTI staff to develop and the process is defined by Xavier - so 7 is also done
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (16:33) Yes Xavi
Alan Greenberg: (16:33) I have to leave now.
Grace Abuhamad: (16:34) Thanks Alan. Have a good evening
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (16:34) SO can the reply to Sharon here also be coovered by the new text we are about to circulate for ??all?? the matters
Grace Abuhamad: (16:35) I think so, Cheryl
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (16:35) as it also covers 7
Paul Kane: (16:35) Hope so Cheryl :-)
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (16:36) I thought it would cover it all Paul
Paul Kane: (16:38) Not sure it covers 3 (because I don't understand it!!!
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (16:40) I still think that te new text would allow for the specific numeral 9 of maonth in advance to not e codefied
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (16:40) 3 was talking about a deesire for detail that bis to 'projecct level'
Brenda Brewer: (16:41) Chuck and all, to be considerate of everyone's time on this call, I will be sending a doodle poll with options for next DTO meeting(s). Be sure to respond to poll with your availability. Thank you!!
Grace Abuhamad: (16:41) Thank you @Brenda. Good suggestion.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (16:43) I prefer zLIGHT Bylaws Chuck bbuut you know that
Paul Kane: (16:46) I am leaving you now - have a good day/eve all.
Xavier Calvez: (16:47) It is already in the notes.
Xavier Calvez: (16:48) Thank you Paul.
Xavier Calvez: (16:49) Thank you everyone.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (16:49) NP Chck
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (16:49) Bye for now
Grace Abuhamad: (16:49) We will send notes out immediately
Grace Abuhamad: (16:50) Thank you Chuck