DT-O Meeting #11 (30 March 2016 @ 20:00 UTC)
Sub-Group Members: Alan Greenberg, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Chuck Gomes, Mary Uduma, Olivier Crepin-LeBlond, Paul Kane
Staff: Brenda Brewer, Elise Gerich, Marika Konings, Trang Nguyen
Please let Brenda know if your name has been left off the list (attendees or apologies).**
- The Adobe Connect recording is available here: https://icann.adobeconnect.com/p2i3cowxsgj/
- The audio recording is available here: http://audio.icann.org/stewardship-transition/iana-dto-30mar16-en.mp3
Proposed Agenda:
- Roll call
- Confirm agenda
- Finalize PTI financial objectives
- Status of recommendation for ensuring multi-year continuity of IANA Services funding
- Possible DT-O or CWG comments on the Draft FY17 ICANN Operating Plan & Budget
- Note the email message sent by Chuck on Thursday, 24 March with attached file containing Chuck’s comments on the draft budget document
- Discussion
- Next steps
- Develop a process for development and approval of the IANA Services budget
- Update from Xavier regarding meeting with Elise
- Next steps?
- Developing a Caretaker Budget
- Update from Xavier regarding his ideas
- Next steps?
3. Finalize PTI financial objectives
- See draft circulated by Chuck on 25/3: “The financial objectives of PTI are to provide financial stability and operational
excellence. Financial stability is defined as sufficient funding of PTI so as to avoid any kind of negative impact on the
IANA Functions as a result of changes to ICANN’s financial situation. It furthermore is intended to capture the notion
of secured funding for PTI that goes beyond one fiscal year. The objective of operational excellence means that there
are sufficient funds budgeted and available to ensure that PTI is able to deliver operational excellence as defined by
Service Level Expectations approved by each of the three operational communities for their respective IANA services.” - Update: 'Service Level Expectations / Service Level Agreements' to reflect that other communities use SLAs instead of SLEs.
- Next step: updated version to be shared with the CWG-Stewardship for their review and input.
Action item #1: Chuck to share updated PTI financial objectives with CWG-Stewardship for their review and input.
4. Status of recommendation for ensuring multi-year continuity of IANA Services funding
- Recommendation made as a result of last meeting - communicated as input to Becky Burr for CCWG-Accountability Bylaw drafting efforts that took place in LA last week. Update from that effort suggest that there was a
great level of co-operation happening in relation to the Bylaws, with the exception of the budget. Multi-year budgeting is
not considered by ICANN part of the recommendations and as such has pushed back on the proposal of DT-O.
Consider requesting CWG-Stewardship to clarify the intent of a multi-year budget with regards to a process to develop
such a multi-year budget. Financial stability for PTI is a must. - Item will also be discussed during tomorow's CWG-Stewardship meeting to obtain formal approval (noting that it was already
preliminary submitted to ensure it could be considered as part of the Bylaw drafting effort).
5. Possible DT-O or CWG comments on the Draft FY17 ICANN Operating Plan & Budget
- See documents circulated by Chuck, especially text highlighted in blue.
- DT O / CWG-Stewardship to consider whether it wants to submit comments.
- Will IANA services remain free of charge? Nothing in the budget proposes any revenue for the IANA services. If others
agree this is an important to make (that it remains as is), could be a comment to be considered? Budget for operation
of PTI is detailed in the draft budget. - Question from Seun on mailng list concering compensation for root zone maintainer function. May need to be some
compensation for contractual purposes? - Consider possible comments further during DT O meeting later this week.
Action item #2: All to review the budget documents circulated by Chuck on 24 March ahead of the DT O meeting on Friday.
6. Develop a process for development and approval of the IANA Services budget
- Xavier and Elise to meet shortly to discuss
Action item #3: Xavier/Elise to provide update prior to Friday's DT O meeting on this topic (process for development and approval
of the IANA Services budget)
7. Developing a Caretaker Budget
- Xavier has indicated that he has some ideas in this regard. As he is not available for this meeting, this item is
deferred to the next meeting.
8. AOB
Action Items
Action item #1: Chuck to share updated PTI financial objectives with CWG-Stewardship for their review and input.
Action item #2: All to review the budget documents circulated by Chuck on 24 March ahead of the DT O meeting on Friday.
Action item #3: Xavier/Elise to provide update prior to Friday's DT O meeting on this topic (process for development and
approval of the IANA Services budget)
Chat Transcript
Brenda Brewer: (3/30/2016 14:32) Hello all and welcome to DT-O Meeting #11 on 30 March 2016 at 20:00 UTC!
Mary Uduma: (14:57) Hello all
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (15:00) hello everyone
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (15:01) sorry to be late
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (15:08) good text
elise.gerich (epg): (15:08) Not on mute
elise.gerich (epg): (15:08) so I will type my comment
elise.gerich (epg): (15:09) SLE is a term used only by the names; SLA is what is used by numbers and protocol parameters
elise.gerich (epg): (15:09) maybe the distinction is not important
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (15:10) good point Elise
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (15:10) make the destinction
Paul Kane: (15:20) I think it prudent to make it very clear
Alan Greenberg: (15:25) As a Verisign employee,you MAY have a conflict of interest if it is retribution we are talking about.
Paul Kane: (15:25) :-)0 Alan
Paul Kane: (15:25) Must go - sorry - thanks all
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (15:25) bye Paul
Paul Kane: (15:26) cu all
Alan Greenberg: (15:26) My 4th going on 5th hour of conf calls today. I have a hard time doing "serious"
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (15:27) I always have that problem regardless hr 1 or 8
Trang Nguyen: (15:30) The root zone maintainer agreement is still under negotiation. There will be nominal fee paid to Verisign to provide the maintainer services. Akram's recent blog mentioned this. The blog can be viewed at https://www.icann.org/news/blog/a-progress-update-ensuring-the-security-stability-and-resiliency-of-root-zone-maintenance.
Trang Nguyen: (15:31) I've lost audio so can't hear anything. Will try to restart.
elise.gerich (epg): (15:31) Yes, Xavier and I will meet as soon as he returns from vacation
elise.gerich (epg): (15:32) Sorry that we have not met yet
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (15:32) ca I have a placeholder for a retur to a matter previously discussed today before AOB please Chuck
elise.gerich (epg): (15:33) I will work to come up to speed and to follow-up with Xavier
elise.gerich (epg): (15:33) Thanks.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (15:39) agree absolutly Chuck we just need to empower the discussion between the legals
elise.gerich (epg): (15:40) IN the notes it states that Elise will provide an update on Friday. Unfortunately, Elise will be on a plane heading to the IETF meeting in Argentina on Friday.
Marika Konings: (15:40) @Elise - I've added Xavier to the action item
Marika Konings: (15:40) hopefully he is able to do so?
elise.gerich (epg): (15:40) As an action item, Xavier and I will connect prior to providing an update on the process.
elise.gerich (epg): (15:41) Thanks for asking for our input, and I would like to coordinate with Xavier since he and I work hand in hand on budget development.
elise.gerich (epg): (15:42) Thank you - good to be included
Marika Konings: (15:43) thanks all
elise.gerich (epg): (15:43) Thank you and good-bye
Mary Uduma: (15:43) Bye All