Meeting #4 CWG RFP4 (23 December)
Subgroup Members: Avri Doria, Berry Cobb, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Graeme Bunton, Jaap Akkerhuis, Jingkang Yao, Maarten Simon, Malcolm Hutty, Matthew Shears, Milton Mueller, Olivier Crepin-Leblond, Peter VanRoste, Philip Corwin, Robert Guerra, Seun Ojedeji, Sivasubramanian Muthusamy, Tomohiro Fujisaki, Wale Bakare, Yasuichi Kitamura
Staff: Bart Boswinkel, Brenda Brewer, Grace Abuhamad, Bernard Turcotte
**Please let Grace know if your name has been left off the list (attendees or apologies).**
Agenda RFP 4 Call -- 23 December at 14:00 UTC
1. Background
Notes & Action Items
Welcome and Roll call
Previous Call Items: Action from last call: "Jaap to follow up with KIm Davies" --> done. Jaap will post URL:
Workstreams agreed previous call
Workstream 1
- Agenda item for this call Comments on Workstream 1 as proposed: No comments
Workstream 2
- Agenda item for this call included in slides, comments on work item 2: No comments.
- Update ALAC proposal: question is transition path included?
- Proposal submitted in public comment process. Olivier identified several alternative proposals submitted. As to timetable under discussion by ALAC.
- MM: Inherent problem ICANN internal solution relies on output CCWG Accountability and are subject to Board vote .
- OCB: Timetable ALAC will include schedule of CCWG.
- Accountability work is closely linked to Stewardship work, in particular Workstream 1 of CCWG.
- In addition NTIA indicated it will not move forward without clarity around accountability.
Coordinator, Need to capture critical elements of transition paths:
How to proceed: are there common elements in transition paths for all proposals?
No comments
Timelines RFP 4
- Presented by staff
- Current timeline does not include any alternatives.
- Question for ALAC members to draft high level time line to be included.
- ACTION OCL: To discuss timeline with his colleagues and send result to the mailing list
Suggestion to focus tasks that needs to be handled.
Call for volunteers.
Action staff: circulate call for volunteers to further elaborate tasks list
Action all: eleoborate tasks list in preparation of next call.
In particular those who are proposing alternate proposals are requested to look at tasks that need to handled.
Worskstream 3
- Agenda item for today: Identify threats and risks.
- SSAC member focused on technical risks. Note this group focuses on process risks.
- Risk: issues may get stuck in bureaucracy-> delay and therefore may become a technical risk
- Suggestion to do a systematic risk analysis.
- Interaction between IANA/ICANN, NTIA and Verisign, simple administrative. By creating different layers and levels, communictions may become burdensome
- Build on contingencies already identified in CCWG Accountability Area 4.
- Includes general risk management categories are used:
- Business threats other specific risks.
- Suggestion to do a compilation of risks
- Note: some of the risks are not related to transition.
- Realty factor (possibility) is very low.
- Raising policy issues in an administrative function may be overrated.
- List of test identified.
Action staff aggregate the threats / risk list
Action Members Categorise elements on that list in:
- Out of scope of this group
- Should be included as risk/stress test item
Next call 29 December 21.00 UTC
Transcript RFP 4 Meeting #4 23-Dec.doc
Transcript RFP 4 Meeting #4 23-Dec.pdf
The Adobe Connect recording is available here:
The audio recording is available here:
Documents Presented
Chat Transcript
Brenda Brewer:Brenda Brewer: Welcome to the RFP 4 Call on Tuesday, December 23 at 14:00 UTC
Robert Guerra:good day all
jaap akkerhuis SSAC:Good day as well.
Bart Boswinkel:Good day all
Robert Guerra:I have also just emailed one of the slidedecks for this call to the RFP 4 mailing list.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:I will be leaving at the top of the hour for another call...
Seun Ojedeji:Hello everyone
Yasuichi Kitamura (At-Large):Sorry for my delay.
Yasuichi Kitamura (At-Large):hi, all
Avri Doria:is it just me, or is his voice very faint?
Brenda Brewer:I will have his line turned up
Bernard Turcotte - staff support:yes
Avri Doria:yes
Yasuichi Kitamura (At-Large):yes.
Seun Ojedeji (ALAC):too loud
jaap akkerhuis SSAC:
Seun Ojedeji (ALAC):yes
Seun Ojedeji (ALAC):good afternoon Milton
Milton:I would say just wait
Seun Ojedeji (ALAC):Sorry how did you know we have consensus on the cwg proposal @Milton?
Milton:Didn't say we have consensus on existing CWG, I said we definitely do not have support for an internal solution
Seun Ojedeji (ALAC):I still disagree with that statement
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:@ Milktin the very existence if the ALAC and any other alternate to Contractinf Co. options surely mean you can nit be cerain of cinsencus or evenn near concencus in that either
Milton:Track 1 vs. Track 2
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:Sorry Milron typpo on your name
Seun Ojedeji (ALAC):accountability can't be achieved in 100%, what we need is to identify what is critical to transition and see how that can be achieved within the time frame
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:*sigh* Milton my appols for garbled text
Milton:Cheryl: We know that virtually every stakeholder group other than ALAC (and ICANN) will not accept the internal solution.
Milton::-) Milron, Milktin
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:and as I have said if ALAC holds out then there will not be full consensus
Seun Ojedeji (ALAC):@Milton and who are the we, you see that is the issue, there has been several comments indicating that they are against the cwg proposal which is mainly about contract co
Milton:There could be rough consensus without ALAC.
Milton:But certainly there will never be consensus on an internal solution, that is my main point.
Seun Ojedeji (ALAC):Milton attempts speak and conclude for all. Its not appropriate to call ALAC proposal internal to ICANN because all we want is a solution that ensures accountability (operating IANA effectively and as determined by policies)
Milton:I have read all the public comments. I suggest you do that, too. I am not speaking for anyone but myself, I am simply noting that your alternate solution was strongly rejected by most groups that commented on it and many more commentators supported the basic elements of the CWG contracting solution.
Berry Cobb:Suggestions to the RFP4 list are welcome as well.
Seun Ojedeji (ALAC):well maybe you picked the one you want to read...because i have read them as well
Seun Ojedeji (ALAC):most of those that support the cwg proposal made lots of reservations
Bernard Turcotte - staff support:Seun, Milton may I suggest that this kind of discussion is better suited to the list
Sivasubramanian M:But the Board has expressed concerns about the formation of a body for awading and reviewing Contracts, how do we go ahead with tasks such as "Form Contract Co" ?
Seun Ojedeji (ALAC):I lost audio
Bernard Turcotte - staff support:ok here
Grace Abuhamad:should we dial out to you again Seun?
Bernard Turcotte - staff support:mind map?
Sivasubramanian M:3.1 Structural separation could only be for convenience. If there is a real separation between ICANN and IANA funtions, there are bound to be risks of incongruity. For example, ICANN Board approved dot drugstore by Hoptitals Inc. the TLD goes on stream, but IANA Board received an objection from a Government on the basis of stray issues related to dot drugstore and takes it down, while ICANN Board believes that the Registry's records need to be examined for fairness before any rash action
Grace Abuhamad:you all have scroll control for this document
Seun Ojedeji (ALAC):yes Grace
Seun Ojedeji (ALAC):Back-in thanks
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:Moving to ALAC Call now. Bye
Sivasubramanian M:Q: Internet being a Global eco-system and being such political importance, couldn't IANA ask for a special legal status well within the US framework till such time in the long term for as long as the Corporation is housed within the US?
Seun Ojedeji (ALAC):okay i have to leave now to attend to other matters
Seun Ojedeji (ALAC):thanks
Bernard Turcotte - staff support:Jaap mute?
Bernard Turcotte - staff support:thanks
Philip Corwin:Have to drop off for another call. Good discussion. Happy holidays
Bernard Turcotte - staff support:bye
Allan MacGillivray:Best of the season to all.
Maarten Simon, SIDN:bye
Matthew Shears:thanks and happy holidays
Bart Boswinkel:BYE ALL