Meeting #3 CWG RFP4 (16 December)
Subgroup Members: Beran Gillan, Greg Shatan, Guru Acharya, Jaap Akkerhuis, Martin Boyle, Robert Guerra, Sivasubramanian Muthusamy, Yasuichi Kitamura, Susan Woolf, Olivier Crepin-Leblond, Fatima Cambronero,
Staff: Grace Abuhamad, Bernard Turcotte, Berry Cobb
Apologies: Cheryl Langdon Orr
**Please let Grace know if your name has been left off the list (attendees or apologies).**
Proposed Agenda:
1. Welcome
2. Background (General & RFP)
3. Review of previous call
4. Timeline
5. Proposed work streams
6. Next steps
Notes RFP4 - 16/12:
Review of presentation as circulated by Robert
Review of action items from the previous meetings:
- Group to clarify question to be asked to IANA re: technical checks - no clarifying questions were circulated on the mailing list
- Jaap and others to ask about technical checks within their circles/communities - no information found to date. ACTION: Jaap to follow up with Kim Davies.
- Berry to prepare timeline of milestones based on RFP3 for the draft that will go out on Monday - timeline to be reviewed later during the call
- All - comment on Steve Del Bianco's stress tests
- Volunteers for draft language to include in RFP4: Olivier Crepin-Leblond and Avri Doria. - OCL sent follow up information to the mailing list, outlining risks/threats - no feedback received from RFP4 sub-group.
- All -- add “questions to consider” for draft
- Ask full CWG when to reconvene. RFP4 wants to know when to reconvene to go over comments
Reminder - short deadline. RFP 4 needs to be completed by January 10.
Proposed Work Streams:
1. Describe the current situation
Volunteers: Suzanne (but needs to review time available)
2. Describe the Transition Path
3. Testing the new proposal
ACTION: all -- review document and think about changes. (
ACTION: Berry to circulate new timeline after the call
ACTION: Co-Chairs of CWG to address whether US Bill affects timeline
ACTION: check the availability of time slot for 1.5h call in this slot.
Weekly calls going forward
The transcript is available here: MeetingRF4_16Dec.doc
The Adobe Connect recording is available here:
The audio recording is available here:
Documents Presented
Chat Transcript
jaap akkerhuis SSAC:Morning/Evening Grace. Iguess I'm early
Grace Abuhamad:Hi all!Welcome to the RFP 4 Call
Bernard Turcotte - staff support:hello all
Grace Abuhamad:Yes a bit early @jaap
Grace Abuhamad:but not late!
Grace Abuhamad:so that's good
jaap akkerhuis SSAC:Fisrt time :-)
Bernard Turcotte - staff support:Will two way audio be available from Adobe?
Grace Abuhamad:yes. adding it now
Bernard Turcotte - staff support:thanks
jaap akkerhuis SSAC:Thanks as well.
Robert Guerra:hi all
Yasuichi Kitamura (At-Large):Good evening.
jaap akkerhuis SSAC:The Agenda is also in the Notes window in Adobe
Grace Abuhamad:Notes from last call:
Fatima Cambronero:hello everyone, sorry for being late. We were in At-Large call
Suzanne Woolf:I can't hear Robert very clearly, not sure what he was just asking about?
Grace Abuhamad:he was asking about Avri and Olivier's action items
Suzanne Woolf:ok thx
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:apologies for being late
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:I was on another call
Beran Gillen:hello everyone
Suzanne Woolf:I think Robert just directed a question at me, but I couldn't hear it clearly, sorry
Grace Abuhamad:He asked if you wanted to share any concerns about testing
Suzanne Woolf:not specifically on testing, no.
Sivasubramanian M:if you can't hear me everything looks fine Robert
Suzanne Woolf:I've had some concerns that the existing proposal doesn't address some operational considerations re: continuity of relationships for IANA with root server operators, etc.
Suzanne Woolf:will offer in more detail
Suzanne Woolf:It's a little difficult because I share Olivier's sense about moving timelines for RFP3
Martin Boyle, Nominet, ICG:Sorry - I'm very late
Suzanne Woolf:but will try to put something together
Suzanne Woolf:was incorporated into the award so is part of the contract
Sivasubramanian M:is it a draft or something that has been submitted?
Guru Acharya:No Siva. This is ICANN's reponse to NTIA's RFP in 2012.
Sivasubramanian M:this could well serve as a model for rfp4 report / recommendations, in parts
Robert Guerra:
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:very helpful thanks
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Yes, thanks for this . I'll forward to ALAC IANA Issues WG
Sivasubramanian M:can we go over the components by item headings and first eliminate if anything is out of scope for rfp4?
Suzanne Woolf:Grace, Robert, I can volnteer some time on this but need to review how much
Grace Abuhamad:thank you
Sivasubramanian M:+1 Olivier
Sivasubramanian M:on not going ahead with contractCo and on the proposal of IANA so
Bernard Turcotte - staff support:correct
Bernard Turcotte - staff support:at least for the moment
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:ok thanks Greg!
jaap akkerhuis SSAC:Note that schedule might clash with other CWG calls
Fatima Cambronero:agree @Jaap: 12th Meeting CWG IANA Stewardship (Tuesday 23 December at 14:00-16:00 UTC)
Bernard Turcotte - staff support:bye
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Thanks Robert!
Yasuichi Kitamura (At-Large):bye
Fatima Cambronero:thanks Robert, all. Bye
jaap akkerhuis SSAC:Bye bye all.
Greg Shatan:Thank you, Robert
Martin Boyle, Nominet, ICG:bte, thanks
Martin Boyle, Nominet, ICG:and sorry I was late