Meeting #1 CWG RFP4 (25 November)
Subgroup Members: Wanawit Ahkuputra; Jaap Akkerhuis; Fatima Cambronero; Olivier Crepin-Leblond; Eduardo Diaz; Avri Doria; Robert Guerra; Seun Ojedeji; Greg Shatan; Guru Acharya; Wale Bakare; Martin Boyle; Phil Corwin; Sarah Falvey; Lars-Erik Forsberg; Tomohiro Fujisaki; Chuck Gomes; Stacey King; Yasuichi Kitamura; Allan MacGillivray; Camino Manjon-Sierra; Sivasubramanian Muthusamy; Plamena Popova; Leon Sanchez; Matthew Shears; Peter Van Roste; Christopher Wilkinson; Jiankang Yao
Staff: Grace Abuhamad; Bart Boswinkel; Berry Cobb; Marika Konings; Bernard Turcotte
Apologies: Desiree Miloshevic
**Please let Grace know if your name has been left off the list (attendees or apologies).**
Notes & Action Items 25/11
Roll call - Based on Adobe Connect, nobody only on the audio-only.
- Core is Transition aspects of proposal
- Operational requirements
- Risks to continuity
- Description legal framework
- Testing
- Description of antiticpated duration of completing proposal RFP III
- Clear linkage between RFP 3 and RFP 4
- Due to linkage focus on first two items, other items are dependent on RFP 3
- Question: any comments or raise key points on operational requirements?
Timeline and key steps of parallel operation.of new processes and NTIA still performing its role
What is needed to ensure contunity of service?
Keep an eye out for proposals from other two communities.
Operational Requirements
Getting information from NTIA would help group a lot in developing the work of this group.
- No formal CWG request has been submitted to NTIA to date
- Allan has done outreach to NTIA on behalf of RFP3
- Jaap not optimistic about getting information from NTIA (has tried in the past)
Take a look at what the operational requirements are.
Are there specific elements from Accountability aspect that need to be focused on? Beyond the operational accountability.
ACTION: Email IANA team to get list of technical checks required.
---> Exact question phrasing needed. Chuck? Olivier? Encourage input on the list over the next couple of days.
The current contract requires contigency plans from the operator. So, this is something that IANA should have and could give to RFP4.
- C.7.3 Transition to Successor Contractor –In the event the Government selects a successor contractor, the Contractor shall have a plan in place for transitioning each of the IANA functions to ensure an orderly transition while maintaining continuity and security of operations. The plan shall be submitted to the COR eighteen (18) months after date of contract award, reviewed annually, and updated as appropriate.
ACTION staff : Ask IANA staff to share details on 7.3 that might be available for the public and/or online
Description of legal framework - review after RPF3 comes out
Description of how you have tested or evaulated the workability: this may not need to wait until completion of RFP3? Scenarios could already be outlined that any model would need to pass through. See for example:
ACTION: if you have additional reference materials concerning testing / evaluation, please share with the RFP4 sub-group
Description of how long the proposals in Section III
ACTION: Number different bullets to facilitate conversation
Are there other implications/transition issues than those listed here that should be highlighted?
ACTION all: Go though RFP 4 requirements Discuss as key priority item on list of bullet items.
RFP 3 to be discussed by full CWG on Thursday 27 November
Opportunity CWG to piut in complete proposal
Useful for ICG to get in a close to final proposal to ICG by deadline of 15 Jnauary. Intention of ICG, to go out for consultation as well on full proposal. Furhter opportunities to put in comment.
Start of report of headings on items discussed on RFP 4 today.
Action co-chair: start document with outline, to be send to the list today
Including references in the chat +suggestion to devleop into text.
Questions to be answered under implication section/bullet
- What are implications of proposals, what are weaknesses and strengths
- What is effect on multi-stakeholder model?
- What is effect on accountability? relates to and overlaps potentially with CCWG on Accountability
- What are effects of transition itself , what are implications of being in transition?
Scenario development for testing, extreme test cases to assess if proposed structure can withstand pressure.
Call closed at 3.31
RFP 3 available 26 November, to be discussed by full CWG on Thursday 27 November
Next call RFP 4: call Friday 28 November at 13.00 -14.15 UTC
The transcript is available here: MeetingRFP4_25Nov.doc
The Adobe Connect recording is available here:
The audio recording is available here:
Chat Transcript
Marika Konings:Welcome to the RFP 4 Sub Group Meeting of 25 November 2014
Wale Bakare:Hi Marika
Camino Manjon:Hi everyone
Marika Konings:I hear you Avri
Avri Doria:thanks
Marika Konings:Still need to dial in myself ;-)
Avri Doria:i am in Mauritius and using just AC
Grace Abuhamad:Hi Avri -- Can you test your audio again?
Eduardo Diaz - (ALAC):¡Hola a todos!
Yasuichi Kitamura (At-Large):hi, all
Bart Boswinkel:Hello all
jaap akkerhuis SSAC:Hi all
jaap akkerhuis SSAC:No audio, is that me?
Yasuichi Kitamura (At-Large):same here
Yasuichi Kitamura (At-Large):very quiet
Allan MacGillivray:Hello everyone
Sivasubramanian M:hello
Allan MacGillivray:I am on the phone but cannot hear anything
Fatima Cambronero:hello everyone
Allan MacGillivray:OK now
Chuck Gomes (RySG):Hola. Hellow.
Robert Guerrra:Good morning all
Yasuichi Kitamura (At-Large):my site is not stable about audio.
Yasuichi Kitamura (At-Large):because of WiFi? :-P
Grace Abuhamad:@yasuichi -- do you want to dial in with audio?
Martin Boyle, ccNSO:Sorry I am a bit late
Grace Abuhamad:Alternatively, you can send me your number and I can dial out to you
Yasuichi Kitamura (At-Large):no, it's ok. now it's stable
Grace Abuhamad:ok
Avri Doria:does RFP4 have its own email list?
Grace Abuhamad:yes
Grace Abuhamad:If anyone would like to be added to RFP4 mailing list, please let me know
Yasuichi Kitamura (At-Large):how abou the flow chart?
Yasuichi Kitamura (At-Large):the flow chart will be involved, too?
Avri Doria:Ah yes, i see it, it was being misfiled on my system, apologies for the superfluous email.
Avri Doria:i mean superfluous question
Fatima Cambronero:Grace, I cannot find now the Wiki that is shared on the screen Can you share that link, please?
Marika Konings:The wiki page can be found here:
Fatima Cambronero:Gracias @Marika!
Allan MacGillivray:I quite like Chuck's suggestion
Martin Boyle, ccNSO:Missed al the answer then: my line interupted!
Martin Boyle, ccNSO:I'll read the transcript!
Robert Guerrra:martin will come to you next if you can speak.
Martin Boyle, ccNSO:I did seak: didn't you get anything?
Grace Abuhamad:we did not hear anything
Grace Abuhamad:Do you want me to dial out to you so that you have an audio line?
Martin Boyle, ccNSO:no - i'm back on the line now!
Sivasubramanian M:Chuck, I am not suggesting that we need to look into the arrangement between ICANN and the iana technical services provider. Just that, I have a feeling, that some participants at times react to proposals and suggestions pertaining to arrangements between ICANN and NTIA (or the new oversight 'body') mistaking the point to relate to the arrangement between ICANN and Verisign
matthew shears:there may well be accountability issues that impact operational issues that will have to be accounted for in the transition
matthew shears:mic not funcitoning
Sivasubramanian M:So we might simplify the technical terms that refer to ICANN, oversight body and Verisign, for the benefit of those who might find the technical terms unclear
Fatima Cambronero:or maybe a glossary, @Siva?
Sivasubramanian M:Not just a glossary, but a simplification of terms, perhaps make it a little more explicit
Wale Bakare:@Siva, that's very focal to the work of RFP4. I support your assertion on technical aspect
Chuck Gomes (RySG):@ Olivier: Great minds think alike!
jaap akkerhuis SSAC:Iana has a lot of stuff on line
Olivier Crepin-Leblond::-) Chick LOL
jaap akkerhuis SSAC:It lists the checks as far as I know
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Chuck... aaah my typing has been terrible since Frankfurt
jaap akkerhuis SSAC:
matthew shears:It is hard to anticipate what the implications might be of the outputs of the accountbaility WG on the transition so we will need liaise with/follor their work as well
matthew shears:+ 1 Olivier on operational continuity
matthew shears:that is correct Allan - its in the SOW
Sivasubramanian M:@ Olivier... ICANN has specified rigid requirements for new gTLDs for data escrow etc, some of which could be replicated in the case of IANA operation ?
Greg Shatan (GNSO):C.7.3 Transition to Successor Contractor –In the event the Government selects a successor contractor, the Contractor shall have a plan in place for transitioning each of the IANA functions to ensure an orderly transition while maintaining continuity and security of operations. The plan shall be submitted to the COR eighteen (18) months after date of contract award, reviewed annually, and updated as appropriate.
Grace Abuhamad:Thanks Greg
Robert Guerrra:grace - would you please ask iana staff to share detail s on 7.3 that might be available for the public and/or online
Chuck Gomes (RySG):As Allan is illustrating, the work of Subgroup 2C should be very helpful to this Subgroup.
Chuck Gomes (RySG):It seems to me that the last three bullets are all highly dependent on the results of Subgroup 3.
Guru Acharya:
jaap akkerhuis SSAC:The ICAN response on the IANA contract and what they plan to fullfill the contract can be found at
Guru Acharya:Page 8 of the link that I shared
Wale Bakare:I think there's need to identify the new technical works that would likely be integrated. What are these new technical expected distinct to existing ones?
Gary Campbell:Lost audio
Guru Acharya:Thats Siva's
matthew shears:yes
jaap akkerhuis SSAC:The lin to the response is a detailed (300 page) overview of how ICANN fulfills the contract.
Chuck Gomes (RySG):I have to exit this call to join another meeting that starts in a few minutes.
Chuck Gomes (RySG):Note that Sarah Falvey will likely be the RySG representative on this subgroup going forward.
Grace Abuhamad:Thanks Chuck. Noted
Tony Holmes:I also have to leave the call after 1 hour for another call - thanks everyone
Wale Bakare:How would any new technical particularly impact on the continuty of internet.
Wale Bakare:?
Sivasubramanian M:@Wale That is important for us to look into
Wale Bakare:@Siva, aboslutely. Also, would there timeframe to project managed the testing/implementation of any new technical? That would likely be chronicled to the suggestion raised by Olivier before
matthew shears:+ 1 Greg on need to think of other key transition issues
matthew shears:and perhaps share them on the mailing list
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Call needed later this week, IMHO
Guru Acharya:+1 Greg
Sivasubramanian M:yes olivier
Sivasubramanian M:And we don't have to assume that the same time next week is convenient for everyone, we could still send out a doodle to check again
Allan MacGillivray:I agree with Greg - the writing on RFP4 has to get going as soon as the draft RFP3 is out.
Fatima Cambronero:On December 2 is the MAG meeting. Some of us will be attending that meeting
Guru Acharya:The general public will not be able to give informed comments about the transition proposal without knowing the transition implications.
Avri Doria 2:yuck! for the image!
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:PAINFUL analogy! Wow!
Allan MacGillivray:Friday works for me.
Marika Konings:We'll go ahead and schedule a call for Friday 28 November. Would recommend sticking with the same time (13.00 UTC)
Greg Shatan (GNSO):Isn't this scheduled for 90 minutes?
Guru Acharya:Yes. 20 more mintues remaining
Wale Bakare:Yes, is like 1.30hrs scheduled
matthew shears:audio?
Greg Shatan (GNSO):It's from The Soft Parade from the Doors' album of the same name....
Allan MacGillivray:I would be peased to help
Allan MacGillivray:...pleased..
Sivasubramanian M:The bullet points on Transition Implications are open ended
matthew shears:Yes, need to think about positioining the proposal in anticipation of various outreach that will have to be prior to September 2015
Stacey King:Sorry all. I need to jump off. Thank you.
Greg Shatan (GNSO):By this time tomorrow, you should have RFP3.
Sivasubramanian M:Most imporatnt is the abilility of IANA to cope with the threat of capture after all these changes
matthew shears:+ 1 Siva
Sivasubramanian M:Oliiver expressed the right kind of concerns
Marika Konings:@Robert - we can do so
Eduardo Diaz - (ALAC):Bye
Wale Bakare:Bye
jaap akkerhuis SSAC:bye bye
Sivasubramanian M:Bye
Yasuichi Kitamura (At-Large):bye
matthew shears:thank you
Allan MacGillivray:Bye all...
Robert Guerrra:thanks all.
Martin Boyle, ccNSO:bye
Bart Boswinkel:Bye all
Fatima Cambronero:thanks @Robert, all. Bye
Gary Campbell:Bye everyone
Tomohiro Fujisaki:Bye all.