CWG-RFP4 - Transition Implications

CWG-RFP4 - Transition Implications

IV Transition Implications

This section should describe what your community views as the implications of the changes it proposed in Section III. These implications may include some or all of the following, or other implications specific to your community:

  1. Description of operational requirements to achieve continuity of service and possible new service integration throughout the transition.
  2. Risks to operational continuity and how they will be addressed.
  3. Description of any legal framework requirements in the absence of the NTIA contract.
  4. Description of how you have tested or evaluated the workability of any new technical or operational methods proposed in this document and how they compare to established arrangements.
  5. Description of how long the proposals in Section III are expected to take to complete, and any intermediate milestones that may occur before they are completed.

CWG requirement:

Name = CWG-RFP4

Dependency – CWG-RFP3

Delivery = Week of November 10


  • Matthew Shears
  • James Gannon
  • Carolina Aguerre (LACTLD)
  • Guru Acharya
  • Wanawit Ahkuputra (GAC)
  • Pitinan Kooarmornpatana (GAC)
  • Seun Ojedeji (ALAC)
  • Tracy Hackshaw (GAC)
  • Yasuichi Kitamura (ALAC)
  • Tomohiro Fujisaki (ALAC)
  • Martin Boyle (ccNSO)
  • Desiree Miloshevic (ALAC)
  • Fouad Bajwa (ALAC)
  • Sivasubramanian Muthusamy (ALAC) – Co-coordinator
  • Cheryl Langdon-Orr (ALAC)
  • Joy Liddicoat (GNSO)
  • Avri Doria (GNSO)
  • Sarah Falvey (GNSO)
  • Aparna Sridhar (GNSO)
  • Dwi Elfrida (GAC)
  • Vika Mpisane (ccNSO)
  • Fatima Cambronero (ALAC)
  • Geetha Hariharan

  • Greg Shatan (GNSO)
  • Wale Bekare
  • Robert Guerra (SSAC) – Co-coordinator 
  • Allan MacGillivray (ccNSO)
  • Andrew Harris (GNSO)
