CSC ccTLD selection results

CSC ccTLD selection results

Report on the Selection
of ccTLD operators as members of the
22 July 2014

ccTLD Participation on the CSC

In May ICANN established a Customer Standing Committee (“CSC”) (Article 17 of the ICANN Bylaws) to monitor the performance of the Post Transition IANA (PTI) entity under the IANA Naming Function Contract and IANA Naming Function Statement of Work (SOW).
The mission of the CSC is to ensure continued satisfactory performance of the IANA naming function for the direct customers of the naming services. The primary customers of the naming services are top-level domain registry operators, but customers also include root server operators and other non-root zone functions.
The CSC will achieve this mission through regular monitoring of the performance of the IANA naming function against the IANA Naming Function Contract, the IANA Naming Function SOW, and through mechanisms to engage with PTI to remedy identified areas of concern. According to Article 17, the ccNSO shall appoint two (2) members of the CSC to represent ccTLD operators. In addition, under Article 17 the ccNSO and the GNSO together may, but need not, appoint one (1) additional member of the CSC representing top-level domain registry operators that are considered neither a ccTLD nor a GTLD.

Call for Expression of Interest
At its meeting on 30 June 2016 in Helsinki, Finland, the ccNSO Council launched the call for Expression of Interest for membership of the Customer Standing Committee (CSC) in accordance with the ccNSO Guideline: ccNSO Actions Respecting the Customer Standing Committee (http://ccnso.icann.org/workinggroups/guidelines-ccnso-csc-16jun16-en.pdf).
The call for Expression of Interest was opened on 30 June 2016 and closed on 15 July 2016, 17.00 UTC. Several reminders were sent to all relevant email lists (ccTLDworld, ccTLD community and ccNSO members). The process was open for all ccTLD operators (members and non-members of the ccNSO).
The following documents were required:
1. Filled in Application form
2. Resume, curriculum vitae, or biography of the candidate.
3. If applicable, a letter of support from the candidate’s employer in respect to the required time commitment to participate actively in the CSC.

Selection procedure

After receipt of the applications, the documents were forwarded to the ccNSO Councillors eligible to select the members of the CSC. Before entering into and in addition to the selection process as described in the Guideline, the Council adopted an internal procedure to select the two most preferred candidates.

At closure of the application window (15 July, 17.00 UTC) five (5) applications had been received, including applications from 2 Councillors, who were then excluded from the selection and appointment procedure.

On 16 July 2016, the Secretariat sent all applications received before 15 July 2016, 17.00 UTC to the individual Councillors.

The Councillors, who were eligible to select the members, selected and listed the candidates (maximum 5) in order of preference and emailed them to Bart Boswinkel. In making their selection the Councillors were supposed to take into account and be guided by the selection criteria as included in section 5 of the Guideline (http://ccnso.icann.org/workinggroups/guidelines-ccnso-csc-16jun16-en.pdf )

The selection procedure was supposed to close on WEDNESDAY 20 JULY 2016 17.00 UTC. However, due to some issues with the application form, the selection process was briefly extended until 20 July 2016 at 21.00 UTC.

After receiving the email with the list of candidates in order of preference, receipt of the choice of the Councillors was acknowledged and a ballot number assigned and date of receipt sent back to each individual Councillor.

On 20 July 2016 (after 21.00 UTC) the complete list of preference was circulated to the Councilllors eligible to vote and in the following format:
- Ballot number,
- Date ballot was received,
- candidates and level of preference (5, 4, 3 etc.).

Selection by Councillors
Before closure of the application window (15 July, 17.00 UTC) 5 applications were received, including applications from 2 Councillors. These two Councillors were excluded from the next phase of the selection and appointment procedure. The applicants were (in alphabetical order):
• Brett Carr
• Jay Daley
• Byron Holland (*)
• Ning Kong
• Nigel Roberts (*)

(*)ccNSO Councillors

As agreed by Council resolution the two candidates who received the most supportive votes would be selected. Accordingly, the following persons were selected (in alphabetical order):
• Jay Daley
• Byron Holland

Coordination between the ccNSO Council and RySG

According to the charter of the CSC, the ccNSO and Registry Stakeholder Group of the GNSO (RySG) need to coordinate their selection of members on the CSC, with an eye on the skill set and, to the extent possible, geographic diversity of the members (representatives of ccTLDs and gTLDs) on the CSC.

The ccNSO Council mandated a selection committee to undertake this coordination and finalize the selection (Council decision 30 June 2016).

Based on the coordination conversation with the RySG on 21 July 2016, the selection committee affirmed the selection of the preferred candidates:

• Jay Daley
• Byron Holland