2 May @13:00 UTC (#46)
Members: Kenny Huang, Anil Kumar, Irina Danelia, Peter Koch, Jiankang Yao, Mirjana Tasic, Svitlana Tkachenko, Yuri Takamatsu
Participants: Michael Bauland, Jeff Bedser, Hadia El Miniawi
Observers and experts: Jaap Akkerhuis
Staff: Bart Boswinkel, Kim Carlson, Sarmad Hussain, joke Braeken
Apologies: Dennis Tan Tanaka
Draft agenda:
ccPDP IDN Working Group (46) | 2 May at 13:00 UTC
ccPDP IDN Working Group (46) | 2 May at 13:00 UTC
1. Welcome
2. Admin matters
a. Action items (Update document, concluded)
b. Progress Confusing similarity consolidation
3. Stress testing document
a. Explanation of update
b. Run through test for second reading: stress test 7a, 7b, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 20
c. First reading tests 19 , 21 – 29 (time permitting)
5. Next meetings (full working group)
• Confusing Similarity consolidation: 9 May 2023| 13.00 UTC, 23 May 2023|13.00 UTC
• Stress Testing: 16 May 2023| 13.00 UTC, 30 May 2023|13.00 UTC
6. AOB
7. Closure
Documents: Overview Stress test version 5 - 26 April 2023.pdf
Recording: Zoom Playback
Chat Transcript: