6 October 2020 - 12:00 UTC - #3
Members: Mohammad Man, Svitlana Tkachenko, Ai Chin Lu, Kenny Huang, Yuri Takamatsu, Mirjana Tasic, Peter Koch, Irina Danelia, Anil Jain, Alireza Saleh, Noel Ng, Kenny Huang
Participants: Oksana Prykhodko, Jiankang Yao, Ram Mohan, Jeff Bedser, Hadia Elminiawi, Omer Mohamed Fadul, Dennis Tan
Observers and experts: Selina Harrington, Sarmad Hussain, Pitinan Kooarmornpatana
Staff: Bart Boswinkel, Ariel Liang, Kimberly Carlson, joke Braeken
Apologies: Yudho Giri Sucahyo, Raphael Beauregard-Lacroix, Patrik Faltstrom
Draft agenda:
ccPDP4 WG meeting #3
1. Welcome and roll call
2.. Agenda bashing
3. Second reading Rules of engagement
4.. Recap of Chair and Vice-chair nomination
5. Overview of Topics and way forward
a. Overview of topics
b. Proposed way to address topics detailed in issue report.
6.. Next meetings
7. AOB
8. Closure
- ccPDP4-WG Proposed Working Method version 01 .pdf
- ccPDP4.roe.draft.02 2020-10-02.pdf
- Overview of Topics to be adreesed by WG as listed in Annex A Issue Report.pdf
Recording: Zoom Playback
Transcript: EN
Chat Transcript: Chat PDP4 6 Oct.txt