5 March 2020 - 11:00 UTC
Members: Stephen Deerhake, Eberhard Lisse, Nigel Roberts, Sean Copeland, Kristina Hakobyan, Peter Koch, Barrak Otieno, Svitlana Tkachenko, Mirjana Tasic, Nick Wenban-Smith, Danko Jevtovic, Allan MacGillivray, Patrico Poblete (audio only)
Participants: Nenad Orlić
Observers and experts: Jaap Akkerhuis
Staff: Bart Boswinkel, Bernard Turcotte, Kimberly Carlson
Apologies: Brent Carey
1. Welcome & roll call
2. Administrative Items (if any)
2.1. PDP-RM - update
3. Policy Document – v02.06
3.1 Continued discussion stress test
3.1.1 – PTI to review feasibility additional comment stress test viii (authoritative contact)
3.1.2 – Review footnote on page 2 (text from stress test XV, to clarify .ac, .uk and .eu)
3.2 Background and Process (section 7.1 and 7.2)
4. Review structure of 2020030 v03.03
4.1 Layout
4.2 Identify terms that need to be included in glossary (distinct from Overview on relevant terminology)
5. Next Steps
6. AOB
7. Next Meetings
• 19 March 17:00 UTC
• 2 April 23:00 UTC (TBD)
- ccpdp-ret.policy.20200302.v2.06.pdf
- ccpdp-ret.policy.20200302.v3.03.pdf
- Comment stress test viii and xv.pdf
Recording: Zoom Playback
Transcript: EN
Chat Transcript: PDP-RET Chat 5 March.txt