29 August 17:00 UTC

29 August 17:00 UTC

Members:   Stephen Deerhake, Eberhard Lisse, Allan MacGillivray,  Olivier Kouami, Barrack Otieno, Danko Jevtovic, Nenad Orlic, Peter Koch, Garth MIller, Vadim Mikhaylov, Sean Copeland, Svetlana Tkachenko


Observers and experts:   Naela Sarras, Jaap Akkerhuis

Staff:  Bernard Turcotte, Kim Carlson, Joke Braeken

Apologies:   Kim Davies


  1. Welcome & Roll Call
  2. Administrative items (if any) 
  3. Policy document – Bernard (will be circulated later today or early Tuesday)
  4. Presentation to the GAC at ICANN66
  5. AOB
  6. Next Meetings
  • 12 September, 23:00 UTC


Recording:  Zoom Playback

Transcript:  EN

Chat Transcript:

1:00:51 From Kimberly Carlson : Hello and welcome to today’s cc PDP on Retirement Working Group call on 29 August at 17:00 UTC. We have received apologies from: Kim Davies (Bart is on holiday). As a reminder, calls are recorded and transcribed and published on the wiki: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/nyF2Bg Also, to avoid background noise, please mute your phones and mics.
11:01:17 From el : 17:00 UTC
11:05:59 From Stephen Deerhake : Thank you joke for the link.
11:07:17 From ppoblete : There are typos (like in line 35) that I suppose we can point out later
11:10:58 From joke.braeken : welcome Stephen
11:13:11 From Kristina Hakobyan : hello all, sorry to be late)
11:14:04 From Stephen Deerhake : +1 Bernard for that idea.
11:19:35 From Nenad Orlić : ok
11:20:53 From Nenad Orlić : this is sentance I wanted included in policy all this time :)
11:21:36 From Stephen Deerhake : It's OK Bernard... You must have been on the odd cup of coffee, rather than the even cup.
11:22:52 From el : We can square bracket this until the DIS becomes the Standard, anyway.
11:24:22 From el : stepping away for 1 minute
11:25:03 From el : and am back
11:32:38 From Stephen Deerhake : Good point Peter! ;-)
11:38:33 From Stephen Deerhake : Thank you Naela for taking that on...
11:43:01 From ppoblete : About Peter’s point of the IANA failing to perform its duty, there the mechanisms already in place for that.
11:43:23 From ppoblete : I mean IFO
11:43:44 From Peter Koch (DENIC) : Oh, I forgot: we should find a more appropriate reference for “RFC” than a wikipedia page ;-)
11:44:22 From Stephen Deerhake : You are correct about that Peter.
11:44:31 From Bernard Turcotte : @PK - Noted
11:46:48 From ppoblete : I don’t think it is really necessary to define what an RFC is. We didn’t do it for FoI and I doubt anyone else would include it in their policy documents
11:47:45 From Peter Koch (DENIC) : yes, no ref would be ok for me, as well
11:48:00 From Peter Koch (DENIC) : Can we avoid ‘exceptionaslly reserved’ in the GAC pres?
11:48:58 From Danko Jevtovic : thanks
11:48:59 From Kimberly Carlson : Thank you all, bye
11:49:05 From ppoblete : Bye everyone
11:49:07 From Brent : thanks all; see ya
11:49:08 From Sean Copeland : bye
11:49:10 From Vadim Mikhaylov : Bye thank you
11:49:12 From sveta : Thank you all!