16 January 2018 (20:00 UTC)
Members: Alejandra Reynoso, Jordan Carter, Giovanni Seppia
Staff: Bart Boswinkel, Joke Braeken, Kim Carlson
Apologies: none
- Welcome
- Consultation Document
table (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10MJjouvWBMCG3GaZftfGMW6rwcjP_gKwWH169t55_68/edit?usp=sharing)
a) Discussion first input
b) Next steps
- Suggested consultation with the ccNSO Council
- Consultation with ccNSO Meeting Programme WG?
- First draft consultation document for the broader community
3. AOB
4. Closure
1. Welcome
2. Consultation Document
2.a. Discussion first input
- doc should be clear, and short. Some of the questions are not clear, and overlap. 10 to 15 questions max.
Distill the most important questions. Show background. Things that are controversial. If there are views or proposals by the group, we are likely to get more feedback.
- Involving the ccNSO Council. what do they expect from the group? opinion against the strategy?
However, the council already approvedthe ToR: So they agree with the direction of travel already. The council tasked this group, however it is a good testing environment for the questions.
Same is true for the ccNSO Meeting Programme WG. Based on their feedback, refine the questionnaire. - online consultation should start asap, until after ICANNN61 in order to gather as much feedback as possible
2.b Next steps
background paper + questionnaire + discussion at the ccNSO members Meeting
The questions drive the background paper. Once the background paper is in place, distill the questions.
If there are areas where we as a group do not prefer to give recommendations, it would be worth specifying this in the background paper.
Suggestion to have the questionnaire, and to divide people in the ccNSO Members Meeting, during the face-to-face session. e.g.
Should we have a ccTLD News Session at every public ICANN meeting?
Current strategy: decision not to differentiate the different public meetings, in terms of the ccNSO Programme.
Action item #1: initial background paper to be prepared by the Secretariat in 2 weeks of time, including a limited set of questions
Action item #2: doodle poll to schedule a meeting from 05 Febr onwards.
3. AOB
ccNSO Members Meeting: Tue, 13 March 2018 : 90 min consultation with the community. Interactive session
4. Closure and Next Meeting
Meeting scheduled for Tue, 30 Jan 2018 (20:00 UTC) - cancelled
See action item #2
Chat Transcript
Joke Braeken:Welcome to today's ccNSO Meeting Strategy Review Team meeting!
Joke Braeken:Please find the link to the table here: https://buff.ly/2DAH2cC]
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:Hello !
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:I can't connect my microphone to the AC room :(
Joke Braeken:hi Alejandra.
Joke Braeken:I think Kim just connected it. Can you please try again?
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:ok
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:let's see
Jordan Carter:hi hi
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:Good afternoon over here ;)
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:Hi Bart :)
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:I have it in my screen, it's too big for AC room
Jordan Carter:i don't mind if we consult the Council either
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:yes, no problem
Jordan Carter:so use the paper, the questionnaire and the discussion at the meeting all together
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:Or both ;)
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:Not sure everyone will read the background paper
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:Though I hope everyone will read it
Jordan Carter:that sounds good
Jordan Carter:happy to push the meeting back a week if that helps
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:Me too
Jordan Carter:Here’s my take on the key questions:
- Should there be a ccNSO members meeting at every ICANN meeting? Or is it worth changing the B meeting (middle of year) to just be Council and Working Groups?
- Should the standard ccNSO members meeting remain at two days, or should it be shorter? Longer?
- Would you like to have two streams of work during the ccNSO members meetings or keep everything together in one room? (would allow more topics but you would have to choose which session to attend)
- Should we focus each ccNSO members meeting on a specific topic or area e.g tech, business, policy, or keep a diverse range of topics in each meeting? (focus might allow different ccTLD staff to attend particular meetings of most use for them)
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:I can on Tuesday 6/feb.
Jordan Carter:oh that formatting didn't wrrk
Jordan Carter:i will put this on the email list
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:Thank you Jordan ;)
Joke Braeken: ccnsowkspc:12 January 2018 @12:00 UTC
Jordan Carter:thanks everyone!
Jordan Carter:talk soon
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:Thanks all :)
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:bye :)