6 December 2017 (13:00 UTC)
Attendees | Alejandra Reynoso, Barrack Otieno, Allan MacGillivray, Hiro Hotta, Katrina Sataki, Patricio Poblete, Svitlana Tkachenko |
Attendees - staff | Joke Braeken, Kimberly Carlson |
Apologies | Eberhard Lisse, Barrack Otieno (tentative), Sanna Sahlman, Ondrej Filip, Patricio Poblete (might join late) |
Agenda | AGENDA
2. Wrap-up ICANN60 2.1. overall 3. Preparations related to ICANN61 3.1. Briefing consultation SO/AC planning team 4. AOB 5. Next meeting 6. Closure |
Documents | |
Recordings |
Notes & action items |
2.1. overall chair asking for feedback from the group? Allan · survey. interested in some of the feedback. some of the content (such as elections) influences the comment · organisation: no comment · overall, it went very well Alejandra · how did the joint meeting with Board go? in ccNSO room? did the dynamic change? Allan · no change in dynamics noticed. · fewer board members attended? unsure Hiro · the joint meeting with the Board was very good. More intimate atmosphere than the bigger hall Summary: if we have the chance to invite the board again to our room, that would be appreciated 2.2. satisfaction survey 2.3. draft feedback on feedback Alejandra:
Alejandra a remote participant, for the 1st time. Very good experience. Audio and video were good. People had to speak loud and clear in the microphone. Having the chat available, you feel like you are in the room. Small paragraph added to the F-O-F. From "ICANN by the numbers-report", you could see that the number of participants were lower. We should promote remote participation a bit more.
Action item #1: 5 min to be added to the draft schedule, when a room change might be needed. 24 responses is a lot. Alejandra discussing the draft F-o-F more in detail.
What aspects need improvement?
Action item #2: Secretariat to send tips & tricks for session chairs to the group.
Action item #3: Question to be added to the survey on why people attend the ccNSO Members Meeting. This allows us to anticipate better on the expectations. 3. Preparations related to ICANN61 3.1. Briefing consultation SO/AC planning team 3.2. draft block schedule ccNSO-related sessions 3.3. draft agenda ccNSO members meeting · Info regarding meeting venue for Puerto Rico? planning session with SO/AC leaders tomorrow, 7 December. · purple sessions have more potential for interaction with the audience, that are more dynamic. · 15 min time to move rooms might be too much. Katrina · 45 min is not enough. 1 hour? · joint meeting with the Board could be reduced in time. · contingency plan session to be expanded. How ccTLDs can help, in case of disasters, and also focus on how we can help registrants in case of diasters? Ask .PR for a contribution
Action item #4: Katrina, Alejandra, secretariat to plan for a discussion with ALAC on how to shape this session. . Allan · 30 min might not be sufficient for the contingency session · RO session to be reduced. The session is not particularly interactive. Shorter the vocal commentary, and provide written updates. Katrina · dedicate entire block 3 to how ccTLDs can help eachother and registrants. add the RO's to that session too. · discussion could be lead by RO's · share experiences. share contigency plans, which expectations send out call for presenters? share draft agenda on the wiki? Action item #4: secretariat to adjust the draft agenda, based on input from today, and the council meeting tomorrow. 4. AOB high level schedule ccNSO sessions for ICANN61 to be shared with the community before end-of-year break. Allan is a member of the PDP WG on retirement of ccTLDs. Debate around having potentially 2 meetings. 1 on Sunday, one on Thursday Action item #5: PDP WG meets next week. The ccNSO Secretariat will ask that this request to meet twice during the ICANN week gets on the agenda 5. Next meeting between 10 and 17January 2018. Action item #6: The secretariat will send out a Doodle poll regarding the planning of the next meeting of the ccNSO Meeting Programme WG, to be scheduled for the start of January. 6. Closure Thank you.
chat transcript | Joke Braeken:hello Alejandra and Barrack! |