Yrjo Lansipuro Bio Page
Yrjö Juhani Länsipuro
MA (Social Sciences) University of Tampere, Finland, 1966
Journalist, Aamulehti daily (Tampere)1960-1966
Foreign Editor, Finnish Broadcasting Co (YLE) TV News, 1967-1969
Managing Editor, YLE TV News, 1969-1978
Teacher (part time), television journalism, University of Tampere, 1975-1977
Bureau Chief, European Broadcasting Union (EBU), New York 1978-1980
Bureau Chief, YLE, Moscow 1981-1987
News exchange course director, Asia-Pacific Institute for Broadcast Development (AIBD) and news consultant, Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU), Kuala Lumpur, 1985-1988 (part time)
Bureau Chief for Asia, YLE, (Hong Kong), 1988-1992
Press Counselor, Finnish Embassy, Washington DC, 1992-1997
Director General, Department for Communications and Culture, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Helsinki, 1997-2005
ICT and Information Society policy Coordinator, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Helsinki, 2005-2009 in charge of the Finnish preparations for and participation at the WSIS II, 2005, as well as for the national coordination of the implementation and follow.up of its outcomes. Represented Finland on the Governmental Advisory Committee of ICANN, EU High-Level Group on Internet Governance and the ECOSOC Commisson on Science and Technology for Development, Internet Governance Forum and WSIS-related activities of ITU. Member of ICANN President’s Strategy Committee, 2008-2009
Free lance writer, consultant 2009 --
Member of the Board of ISOC Finland 2009 --, Vice President 2011-
Member of the Board, EURALO 2010
Member of ICANN’s Nominating Committee, 2011