2013 ALAC and RALO Elections, Selections and Appointments

2013 ALAC and RALO Elections, Selections and Appointments



ALAC Members (Selected by the RALOs)

ALAC Members

Please click the member's name
for a copy of the member's SOI

Geographic Region

Nominated By/Supported By

 Role Previously Held By (Reelection Possible)Results
Eduardo DiazNARALO
  • Nominated by: Garth Bruen
  • Supported by: Darlene Thompson
 Eduardo Diaz (Yes)Eduardo Diaz by acclamation
Olivier Crépin-Leblond EURALO
  • Nominated by: Wolf Ludwig
  • Supported by: Veronica Cretu
  • William Drake
  • Oksana Prykhodko
  • Annette Muehlberg
  • Desiree Miloshevic
  • Sandra Hoferichter
  • Vladimir Kukovsky
  • Miguel Perez Subias
  • Yuliya Morenets
  • Jordi Iparraguirre
 Olivier Crépin-Leblond (Yes)Olivier Crépin-Leblond by acclamation
Yaovi AtohounAFRALO
  • Nominated by: Fatimata Seye Sylla
  • Supported by: Tijani Ben Jemaa
  • Victor Ndonnang
  • Mohamed El Bashir
  • Hadja Ouattara
  • Aziz Hilali
  • Arnold Mulenda Yamukandu
  • Hawa Diakite


 Yaovi Atohoun (Yes)Yaovi Atohoun by acclamation
Fatima CambroneroLACRALO
  • Nominated by: Carlton Samuels
  • Supported by: Carlos Aguirre
  • Juan Manuel Rojas
  • Alberto Soto
  • Natalia Enciso
  • Lance Hinds
  • Dev Anand Teelucksingh


 Natalia Enciso (No)Fatima Cambronero was selected
Johny LaureanoLACRALO
  • Nominated by Antonio Medina;
  • Supported by: Humberto Carrasco,
  • Carlos Vera
 Natalia Enciso (No) 

Maureen Hilyard


  • Satish Babu
  • Rinalia Abdul Rahim
  • Siranush
  • Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro
 Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro(Yes)Maureen Hilyard was selected
Fouad BajwaAPRALO
  • Self-nomination
 Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro(Yes) 
Although schedules vary by RALO, the ALAC has proposed the following schedule for the RALOs that have NOT yet determined their own schedule or have bylaw mandated rules for ALAC selections (i.e., AFRALO, EURALO, LACRALO).
ALAC Selection Schedule for 2014 ALAC Representatives - Proposed by the ALAC:
  • 3 June - ALAC Chair announces call for nominations and Statements of Interest
  • 3 June  -  14 June  - Nomination period (nominations accepted for 2 weeks).
  • 21 June - Deadline for nomination acceptances
  • 28 June - 5 July - Elections (If required, elections will begin no later than one week after the deadline for nomination acceptances and end no later than two weeks after that deadline).
  • 8 July - RALO Chairs to inform ALAC Chair of Selection Results. ALAC Chair to inform NomCom Chair and Chair-Elect of ALAC Selection Results
  • 2013 AGM [ 17th - 21st  November ]  - Newly elected ALAC representative shall be seated on the ALAC at the close of the 2013 AGM on Thursday, 21st November 2013.

ALAC Members (Selected by the NomCom)

2013 NomCom Selectees to the ALAC

Please click the member's name
for a copy of the member's SOI


Nominated By

Role Previously Held By


TIMELINE: NomCom determined schedule


ALAC Leadership Team




Leadership Position

Nominated By/Supported By

Date Nominee Accepted

Role Previously Held By (Reelection Possible)Results
Olivier Crépin-Leblond


 30 October 2013Olivier Crépin-Leblond (Yes)Term automatically renewed through the 2014 AAGM
Tijani Ben JemaaVice-ChairRinalia Abdul Rahim, Alan Greenberg20 November 2013Carlton Samuels (No)Was selected by acclamation at the 2013 AGM
Evan Leibovitch


Rinalia Abdul Rahim, Alan Greenberg

13 November 2013

Evan Leibovitch (Yes)Was selected by acclamation at the 2013 AGM
Holly RaicheALT MemberRinalia Abdul Rahim, Alan Greenberg18 November 2013Rinalia Abdul Rahim (No)Was selected by acclamation at the 2013 AGM
Dev Anand Teelucksingh

ALT Member

Rinalia Abdul Rahim, Alan Greenberg

18 November 2013

Tijani Ben Jemaa (Yea)Was selected by acclamation at the 2013 AGM








Proposed ALT Schedule:

Call for Nominees: 11 November - 18 November

Nominees acceptance period: 18 November - 20 November

ALAC votes by consensus: 21 November


Relevant ALAC ROP Text:

6. ALAC Leadership Team Requirements and Responsibilities

6.1            Members of the ALT support and collaborate with the Chair in the overall administration and management of the ALAC.6

6.2            The ALT shall have no other explicit responsibilities and is not empowered to make substantive decisions on the part of the ALAC unless urgency or confidentiality precludes consulting the ALAC. In such a case, the decision needs to be ratified with the ALAC as soon as practical.

6.3            Paragraph 6.2 notwithstanding, the ALAC may, from time to time, assign specific responsibilities or tasks to the ALT.

6.4            All ALT Members must be ALAC Members.

6.5            A person nominated for an ALT position does not need to be in the ALAC at the time of nomination but must have an expectation of being an ALAC Member after the next AAGM.

6.6            Should a person selected as an ALT Member not be an ALAC Member after the upcoming AAGM, a new selection must be conducted.

6.7            ALT Members are expected to participate in all ALT meetings, both face-to-face and teleconferences, and to the extent that such participation from time to time may not be possible, provide advance notice of the planned absence where practical.

6.8            An ALAC Member occupying the role of Vice-Chair agrees to take on a heavier workload than the untitled ALT Members.


17.1  Ordinary ALAC Leadership Team selections

17.1.1     Ordinary selections of the ALT Members will be held in connection with the AAGM.

17.1.2     The incoming Chair must be selected prior to the initiation of the selection process for the other ALT Members.

17.1.3     The Chair/Staff shall send via Approved Distribution Lists, a Selection Call for the ALT Members identifying the positions to be filled, giving the schedule and modalities of the selection process and requesting nominations (including self-nominations) by ALAC Members. The Selection Call will allow at least seven days for nominations.

17.1.4   The requirements to be met by Leadership Team nominees are listed in Paragraph 6.

17.1.5   A nominee must send a message of acceptance to the same list on which nominations were solicited within seven days of the close of nominations. The acceptance should be sent via Staff if the nominee does not have sending privileges to that list. An ALAC SoI must be completed prior to the close of the acceptance period if the nominee does not have one.

17.1.6   The selection of the ALT Members (excluding the Chair) shall be carried out prior to or during the AAGM using the standard ALAC process of Consensus if possible, and barring that, by secret ballot. If a vote is required for any position, the winner requires a majority of votes as per standard ALAC voting methodology. A voting method incorporating instant runoff may be used if deemed necessary. There must be no more than one person selected from each of the regions not represented by the Chair.


ALAC Liaisons



Liaison Position

Nominated By/Supported By

Date Nominee Accepted

Role Previously Held By (Reelection Possible)Results
Maureen Hilyard

ccNSO Liaison

Holly Raiche, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Rinalia Abdul Rahim, Alan Greenberg,

Samvel Martirosyan, Fouad Bajwa, Ali AlMeshal, Siranush Vardanyan,

Gunela Astbrink,Chaitanya Dhareshwar,

13 November 2013

Cheryl Langdon-Orr (Yes)Was selected by acclamation at the 2013 AGM
Alan Greenberg

GNSO Liaison

Alan Greenberg, Rinalia Abdul Rahim

12 November 2013

Alan Greenberg (Yes)Was selected by acclamation at the 2013 AGM
Eduardo Diaz

.MOBI Liaison

Rinalia Abdul Rahim

19 November 2013

Darlene Thompson.MOBI LiaisonDarlene Thompson (Self-Nomination)13 November 2013  
Murray McKercherALAC Liaison to .MOBIGlenn McKnight

Murray McKercher ( YES)

See note below on relevant experience

 Murray McKercher was selected by an ALAC consensus on 17 Dec. 2013
Julie Hammer

SSAC Liaison

Alan Greenberg, Rinalia Abdul Rahim

13 November 2013

Julie Hammer (Yes)Was selected by acclamation at the 2013 AGM


Proposed Liaison Schedule:

Call for Nominees: 11 November - 18 November

ALAC votes by consensus: 21 November


Relevant ALAC ROP Text:

7. ALAC Appointee Requirements and Responsibilities

7.1            The ALAC may from time to time appoint individuals to represent the interests of the ALAC and the At-Large Community, to act on behalf of the ALAC or to meet other specific obligations, to various bodies within or outside of ICANN. Such individuals will be referred to in these RoP as Appointees, and the body to which they represent the ALAC referred to as the Target Group (TG).

7.2            Based on the arrangement with the TG, some Appointees may bear the title Liaison.

7.3            Liaisons need not be ALAC Members, but they will normally be current or past ALAC Members, or otherwise familiar with the ALAC and At-Large and the TG to whom they will liaise.

7.4            Appointees not bearing the title of Liaison generally do not need to be ALAC Members but must have sufficient knowledge of the ALAC and At-Large and any other group or subject related to their appointment so as to be able to properly represent the ALAC/At-Large

7.5            Appointees are responsible for communicating ALAC positions to the TG, and for reporting on TG activities, meetings and actions that may be of interest to the ALAC, to the extent that the confidentiality rules of the TG allow.

7.6            Appointees shall generally have the same responsibilities as ALAC Members, with the following exceptions.

7.6.1               Appointees do not participate in ALAC consensus decisions or votes unless they are ALAC Members.

7.6.2               Appointees may be relieved of the responsibility to attend all ALAC meetings by decision of the ALAC.

7.6.3               Appointees have no requirements to participate in the ALAC and other WGs other than those related to the TG unless they are ALAC Members. That notwithstanding, Liaisons are encouraged and expected to be active participants in the activities of the TG.

7.7            Appointees have an obligation to ensure that it is clear whether they are speaking on behalf of themselves, the ALAC or any other organization that they are affiliated with. Moreover, Liaisons must fairly represent positions of the ALAC where they exist.

7.8            When representing the ALAC, Appointees have an obligation to solicit ALAC and At-Large views on the matter where practical and possible. Appointees should be selected knowing that in many instances such consultation may not be possible or practical and thus the ALAC needs to select people who understand the philosophies or guiding values and principles of the ALAC and At-Large.

7.9            Appointees shall accept, while acting in their capacity on behalf of the ALAC, to put the collective views of the ALAC ahead of their own, to the extent that such views are known.

7.9.1               When the personal views are in conflict with ALAC views, the Appointee must make clear which position is which.

7.9.2               To the extent that such ALAC views are not known, personal views should not be misrepresented as ALAC views.

7.10        Liaisons may serve in this capacity to only one TG at a time.

7.11        Appointee appointments are from the period of the end of one AAGM to the end of the following AAGM unless otherwise specified by the ALAC at the time of the appointment.

7.12        Any appointment where the TG has internal participation qualifications is conditional upon acceptance by the TG.

7.13        The TG should make their requirements known ahead of time to the extent possible and practical.


8. Terms

8.1            All appointments begin at the conclusion of one AAGM and continue until the conclusion of the following AAGM, unless the ALAC specifically identifies a different timeframe.


18. Procedures for Other Appointments

18.1            Appointments of At-Large Appointees to various bodies both inside and outside of ICANN will be made by the ALAC. Such appointments will normally be initiated by a call for volunteers, posted by the Chair/Staff to the Approved Distribution Lists, and on other lists if appropriate, allowing at least seven days for people to volunteer. The decision regarding appointments is typically made via Consensus. However, the Chair will initiate a secret ballot to determine which candidate is to be appointed if Consensus cannot be reached or if this is requested by any ALAC Member.

18.2            By the decision of the ALAC, a current Appointee who is willing to continue in that role may be reconfirmed instead of initiating a new selection process.

18.3            In the case of selections requiring complex criteria evaluation, the ALAC may choose to form a sub-committee to carry out the analysis and to make recommendations to the ALAC based on that analysis.

18.4            For situations where the ALAC is not empowered to make appointments but rather to endorse one or more candidates, essentially the same process as described here for appointments should be used, but with the outcome being an endorsement.

18.5            ALAC Representatives to the ICANN Nominating Committee, one from each ICANN region, will be selected by the ALAC in consultation with the RALOs.


.MOBIi liaison will carry out the following duties;

providing advice and commentary on various proposed MOBI policy development  and implementations.

ALAC Voting Delegates to the NomCom for 2014

ICANN's Nominating Committee asked the At-Large Advisory Committee to submit a list with ALAC delegates from each of ICANN's five geographic regions. Voting members of the NomCom are appointed for a one year term, starting after the close of the Annual General Meeting 2013 and ending at the close of the Annual General Meeting 2014, and may be re-appointed for a further term of one year subject to the requirement under the ICANN Bylaws

  • XI-2.4.e The ALAC shall, after consultation with each RALO, annually appoint five voting delegates (no two of whom shall be citizens of countries in the same Geographic Region, as defined according to Section 5 of Article VI to the Nominating Committee.

Nominees for NomCom

Please click the member's name
for a copy of the member's SOI

Geographic Region

Nominated/Supported By

Dates Nominees Accepted

Role Previously Held By (Reelection Possible)Regional Candidate recommended to the ALACALAC Appointed 2014 Delegates to the NomCom
Fatimata Seye SyllaAfrica
  • Nominated by: Yaovi Atohoun
  • Supported by:
  • Tijani Ben Jemaa
  • Pascal Bekono
  • Hawa Diakite
  • Adetokunbo Abiola
  • Pastor Peters Omoragbon
  • Aziz Hilali
  • Baudouin Schombe
  • Arnold Mulenda Yamukandu
  • Michel Tchonang
  • Mohamed El Bashir
  • Hadja Ouattara Sanon
5 June 2013Mohamed El Bashir (No)Fatimata Seye SyllaFatimata Seye Sylla (representing the African region)
Ali AlMeshalAsia Pacific
  • Self-nomination
  • Maureen Hilyard
  • Fouad Bajwa
  • Keith Davidson
  • Emani Fakaotimanava Lui
  • Sonny Zulhuda
  • Winthrop Yu
  • Siranush Vardanyan
  • Lianna Galstyan
  • Ulkar Bayramova
3 June 2013Siranush Vardanyan  (No)Ali AlMeshal and Gunela Astbrink 
Gunela AstbrinkAsia Pacific
  • Nominated by : Siranush Vardanyan
  • Keith Davidson
  • Charles Mok
  • Salanieta Tamanikawaimaro
  • Maureen Hilyard
  • Keith Davidson
 Siranush Vardanyan  (No)li AlMeshal and Gunela Astbrink





Satish BabuAsia Pacific
  • Nominated by the ExCom
2 July 2013Siranush Vardanyan  (No)li AlMeshal and Gunela AstbrinkSatish Babu (representing the Asia-Pacific Region)
Veronica CretuEurope
  • Nominated by: Wolf Ludwig
  • Supported by: Oksana Prykhodko
  • Yuliya Morenets
  • Sandra Hoferichter
June 14, 2013Veronica Cretu (YesVeronica CretuVeronica Cretu (representing the European Region)
Johnny LaureanoLatin America and the Caribbean
  • Antonio Medina Gomez
Declined June 7 2013Vanda Scartezini (Yes)  
Juan Manuel RojasLatin America and the Caribbean
  • Self nomination
6 June 2013Vanda Scartezini (Yes)  
Carlos Dionisio AguirreLatin America and the Caribbean
  • Alberto Soto
7 June 2013Vanda Scartezini (Yes)  
Humberto CarrascoLatin America and the Caribbean
  • Johnny Laureano
7 June 2013Vanda Scartezini (Yes)  
Vanda ScarteziniLatin America and the Caribbean
  • Self nomination
7 June 2013Vanda Scartezini (Yes) Vanda Scartezini (representing the Latin America and Caribbean Island Region)
Jacqueline A. MorrisLatin America and the Caribbean
  • Dev Anand Teelucksingh
7 June 2013Vanda Scartezini (Yes)  
Louis Houle North America
  • Glenn McKnight
  • Eric Brunner-Williams
  • Monique Chartrand
 Glenn McKnight (No)

Louis Houle Louis Houle (representing the North American Region)


The ALAC ExCom suggested the following timetable for nominations and consultation recommendations from RALOs for consideration by the ALAC for appointment as the 2014 NomCom At-Large Delegate positions:
  • Nominations Open:  27 May 2013
  • Nominations Close:  7 June 2013
  • Nomination Acceptance Deadline: On or before 14 June 2013
  • RALO nominee prioritization period:  Between 14-24 June 2013 (this may include a vote if desired)
  • ALAC Notification: RALOs to transmit all accepted nominations with a recommendation for a preferred candidate if the RALO wishes to provide one by 25 June 2013
  • ALAC Review of RALO Recommendations/Additional List of Nominations Accepted: 25 June - 2 July 2013
  • ALAC selection and endorsement vote: Carried out on-line between 2 July - 8 July
  • Notification to NomCom of Appointees: No later than 12 July 2013 or as arranged with NomCom Secretariat



ALAC Members voted for the ALAC Voting Delegate to the NomCom for 2014:

African Region: Fatimata Seye Sylla

Asia-Pacific Region: Satish Babu

European Region: Veronica Cretu

Latin America and Caribbean Islands Regions:  Vanda Scartezini

North American Region: Louis Houle


AFRALO Regional Elections 2013

The AFRALO Chair has asked interested ALS representatives to put forward their candidatures for RALO Officers by 14 June 2013

Nominations for AFRALO Chair

Please click the member's name
for a copy of the member's SOI

Nominated By

Supported By

Date Nominee Accepted

Role Previously Held By (Reelection Possible)Results


  • Fatimata Seye Sylla
  • Tijani Ben Jemaa
  • Yaovi Atohoun
  • Victor Ndonnang
  • Mohamed El Bashir
  • Hadja Outtara
  • Arnold Mulenda Yamukandu
  • Hawa Diakite


08 June 2013

Fatimata Seye Sylla (No)Aziz HILALI by acclamation






Nominations for AFRALO Vice-Chair

Nominated By

Supported By

Date Nominee Accepted

Role Previously Held By (Reelection Possible) 

Mohamed El Bashir

  • Fatimata Seye Sylla
  • Tijani Ben Jemaa
  • Yaovi Atohoun
  • Victor Ndonnang
  • Hadja Ouattara
  • Aziz Hilali
  • Arnold Mulenda Yamukandu
  • Hawa Diakite


5 June 2013Tijani Ben Jemaa (No)Mohamed El Bashir by acclamation
Peters Omoragbon
  • Adetokunbo Abiola

7 June 2013

withdrawn 01 July 2013



AFRALO Selection Timetable

  • 3 June - ALAC/AFRALO Chair announces call for nominations and Statements of Interest

  • 3 June  -  14 June  - Nomination period (nominations accepted for 2 weeks).

  • 21 June - Deadline for nomination acceptances

  • 28 June - 5 July - Elections (If required, elections will begin no later than one week after the deadline for nomination acceptances and end no later than two weeks after that deadline).

  • 8 July - RALO Chairs to inform ALAC Chair of Selection Results. ALAC Chair to inform NomCom Chair and Chair-Elect of ALAC Selection Results

  • 2013 AGM [ 17th - 21st  November ]  - Newly elected ALAC representative shall be seated on the ALAC at the close of the 2013 AGM on Thursday, 21st November 2013.

APRALO Regional Selections

The APRALO Secretariat has asked interested ALS representatives to put forward their candidatures for RALO Officers:

Nominations for APRALO Chair

Please click the member's name
for a copy of the member's SOI

Nominated By

Supported By

Date Nominee Accepted

Role Previously Held By (Reelection Possible)Results

Holly Raiche

  • Cheryl Langdon-Orr - ISOC - AU
  • Karaitiana Taiuru - New Zealand Maori Internet Society
  • Rinalia Abdul Rahim - ISOC Malaysia
  • Suhadi B Hassan
  • Ali AlMeshal

April 29th, 2013

Holly Raiche (Yes)Holly Raiche (re-selected by acclamation)






Nominations for APRALO Vice-Chair 

Nominated By

Supported By

Date Nominee Accepted

Role Previously Held By (Reelection Possible) 

YJ Park

  • Cheryl Langdon-Orr - ISOC - AU
  • Karaitiana Taiuru - New Zealand Maori Internet Society
  • Rinalia Abdul Rahim - ISOC Malaysia
  • Ali AlMeshal - Bahrain Internet Society

01 May 2013 YJ Park (Yes) 

Siranush Vardanyan

  • Satish Babu - Computer Society of India
  • Rinalia Abdul Rahim - ISOC Malaysia
  • Samvel Martirosyan - Media Education Center
  • Liana Galstyan - ISOC AM
  • Emani Fakaotimanava-Lui - Internet Niue
  • Ali AlMeshal - Bahrain Internet Society


02 May 2013 YJ Park (Yes)

Siranush Vardanyan was selected





Maureen Hilyard

(PICISOC, Cook Islands)

  • Satish Babu - Computer Society of India
  • Rinalia Abdul Rahim - ISOC Malaysia
  • Suhadi B Hassan - ISOC Malaysia
  • Maureen Hilyard - (PICISOC, Cook Islands)
  • Ali AlMeshal - Bahrain Internet Society


30 April 2013

Withdrew 5 May 2013

 YJ Park (Yes) 

Satish Babu - Computer Society of India


  • Rinalia Abdul Rahim - ISOC Malaysia
  • Ali AlMeshal -Bahrain Internet Society
5 May 2013 YJ Park (Yes) 


APRALO Secretariat Position is appointed (APRALO Operating Principles)


Nominations for APRALO Secretariat Appointment

Please click the member's name
for a copy of the member's SOI

Nominated By

Supported By

Date Nominee Accepted


Pavan Budhrani and Edmon Chung - (ISOC HK)

  • Rinalia Abdul Rahim - ISOC Malaysia
  • Karaitiana Taiuru - New Zealand Maori Internet Society
  • April 9th  - At Large Staff  and current Chair  announce elections and call for nominations, during APRALO's GA in Beijing.
  • April 9th - May 3 - Nomination period (nominations accepted for 4 weeks).
  • May 10 - Deadline for nomination acceptances (nominees must accept nominations no later than seven days after the nomination period ends on 3 May).
  • May 17 - June 7 - Elections (If required, elections will begin no later than one week after the deadline for nomination acceptances and end no later than two weeks after that deadline).
  • July 1- Newly elected APRALO leaders  takes their seats.

2013 EURALO Regional Selections

The EURALO Chair has asked interested ALS representatives to put forward their candidatures by 14 June 2013

Nominations for EURALO Chair

Please click the member's name for a copy of the member's SOI

Nominated By

Supported By

Date Nominee Accepted

Role Previously Held By (Reelection Possible)Results

Wolf Ludwig

  • Annette Muehlberg
  • William Drake
  • Sandra Hoferichter
  • Vladimir Kukovsky
  • Werner Hülsmann
  • Jordi Iparraguirre
  • Stefan Huegel
  • Lutz Donnerhacke
  • Padeluun

Wolf Ludwig (yes)

Wolf Ludwig selected by acclamation

Nominations for EURALO Secretariat

Please click the member's name
for a copy of the member's SOI

Nominated By

Supported By

Date Nominee Accepted

Role Previously Held By (Reelection Possible) 

Yuliya Morenets

  • Annette Muehlberg
  • William Drake
  • Sandra Hoferichter
  • Werner Hülsmann
 Oksana Prykhodko (yes)Yuliya Morenetswas was selected.
Oksana Prykhodko
  • Vladimir Kukovsky
  • Jordi Iparraguirre
  • Bogdan Manolea



EURALO Selection Timetable

  • Nominations Open:  27 May
  • Nominations Close:  14 June
  • Nomination Acceptance Deadline: On or before 18 June
  • RALO selection: Between 18-19 June 2013 (this may include a vote if desired)
  • Result Announced: June 19 or shortly thereafter


Wolf Ludwig was re-elected unanimously as Chair for the timeframe from the EURALO GA 2013 to the EURALO GA 2015.

Yuliya Morenets was selected for the position of EURALO Secretariat for the timeframe from the EURALO GA 2013 to the EURALO GA 2015.


LACRALO ALAC Representative Selection 2013

2013 LACRALO Regional Selections

The LACRALO Secretariat has asked interested ALS representatives to put forward their candidatures for Regional Officers by DATE.- COMPLETED

Nominations for LACRALO Chair

Please click the member's name
for a copy of the member's SOI

Nominated By

Supported By

Date Nominee Accepted

Role Previously Held By (Reelection Possible)Results

Jose Francisco Arce

  • Jose Francisco Arce
  • Alberto Soto

March 6

Jose Francisco Arce (Yes)Jose Francisco Arce






Nominations for LACRALO Secretariat

Please click the member's name
for a copy of the member's SOI

Nominated By

Supported By

Date Nominee Accepted

Role Previously Held By (Reelection Possible) 

Sylvia Herlein Leite

  • Sylvia Herlein Leite
  • Natalia Enciso
  • Wladimir Dvalos
  • Humberto Carrasco

March 6

Sylvia Herlein Leite (Yes)
Sylvia Herlein Leite

Lance Hinds

  •  Jessel Ackbaral
  • Karlene Francis
  • Jacqueline Morris

March 7

Sylvia Herlein Leite (Yes)



2013 NARALO Regional Selections

The following individuals have been nominated for the position of NARALO Officers:




Please click the member's name for a copy of the member's SOI


Nominated and Supported by

Date Nominee Accepted

Statement of InterestResults
NARALOGarth BruenChair
  • Nominated by : Darlene Thompson
  • Supported by: Monique Chartrand, Gareth Shearman, Evan Leibovitch, Eduardo Diaz
4 June 2013Garth BruenGarth Bruen was selected as Chair
NARALODarlene ThompsonSecretariat
  • Nominated by: Gareth Shearman
  • Supported by: Allan Skuce
5 June 2013Darlene ThompsonSecretary position resulted in a tie. Another selection will be held shortly.
NARALOGlenn McKnightSecretariat
  • Nominated by Eduardo Diaz
  • Supported by: Thomas Lowenhaupt
9 June 2013Glenn McKnightSecretary position resulted in a tie. Another selection will be held shortly.
NARALOEric Brunner-WilliamsChair
  • Self Nominated
  • Supported by: Thomas Lowenhaupt
25 June 2013Eric Brunner-Williams