Talleres de manejo de datos abiertos para ciudadanos vulnerables
Submission by Alfredo Lopez, LACRALO
Please note Google translate has been used to translate the proposal from Spanish to English.
Proposed Session Title: Talleres de manejo de datos abiertos para ciudadanos vulnerables
Open data management workshops for vulnerable citizens
Brief description
Que se constituya en una política mundial que poblaciones vulnerables de nuestros países se le enseñe a conocer, consultar y analizar los datos abiertos para que desde su casa participen en activamente en las estrategias de Datos abiertos, gobierno abierto
That it become a global policy that vulnerable populations in our countries be taught to know, consult and analyze open data so that they can actively participate in Open Data and open government strategies from home.
Rationale/Desired Outcomes:
El mundo, las empresas, gobiernos, cada día mas ingresan sus datos en la web. por ello es necesario conocer los datos abiertos y manejarlos para apoyar en la democracia del país y en la participación ciudadana / numero mayor de usuarios en internet y participación ciudadana
The world, companies, governments, increasingly enter their data on the web. Therefore, it is necessary to know open data and manage it to support the country's democracy and citizen participation / greater number of Internet users and citizen participation
Which, if any, other community groups do you plan to involve in your session? Please explain your plans for working cooperatively with the group(s), including your contacts, skill sets sought, etc.*
Mostrar estrategias y ejemplos de experiencias realizadas en Bogota Colombia
Show strategies and examples of experiences carried out in Bogota Colombia
Session Leaders/Facilitators and Panelists/Presenters:
2 presentadores
2 Presenters
Under which At-Large Priority Activities 2025 work track area does this topic fall?
Support Open Data initiative
Are you planning on inviting any ICANN Board members/Executives? If so, please list hereafter in order for Staff to work with Board Operations on invitations.*
Sebastian Bachole
Additional comments - Alfredo has provided his mobile number (not added her on a public page)