Adopted Motions: 2018-11-27 ALAC Monthly Teleconference
Adopted Motions: 2018-11-27 ALAC Monthly Teleconference
ALAC Motion to Endorse the ARIWG Milestone 1 Report
ALAC Members who agree to endorse (9): Maureen, seun.ojedeji, hadia.elminiawi, ricardo.holmquist, bastiaan.goslings, sebastien.bachollet, Tijani BEN JEMAA, kaili.kan, marita.moll.
RESULT: Motion passed on 27 November 2018.
ALAC Members who voted after 27 Nov ALAC Monthly:
- Evin Erdogdu (Deactivated) to follow up with ALAC Members who did not vote on the call.
Endorse: holly.raiche, humberto.carrasco, bartlett.morgan, javier.rua, joanna.kulesza, John Laprise.
Do not endorse: None
Abstain: None
100% ALAC Endorsement.