ALAC Meeting - 06.09.2005

ALAC Meeting - 06.09.2005

 6 September 2005

Participants: Hong, Xue, Vittorio Bertola, Erick Iriarte, Sebastian Ricciardi, Jean Armour Polly, Denise Michel, Bret Fausett, Pierre Dandjinou, Izumi Aizu

Absent: Clement Dzidonu, Sunday Folayan, Annette Muehlberg, Wendy Seltzer, Tadao Takahashi; Tommy Matsumoto and Roberto Gaetano notified ALAC of conflicting meetings.

1. Budget Report
2. Self Review Update
3. Vancouver Update
4. Regional activities, At-Large organizing Update
5. Action on pending applications for "At-Large Structure" certification; revision of ALS certification process 
6. Issues Update: WHOIS; new gTLDs; GNSO review

1. Current fiscal year funds for At-Large were frozen during the Board's vote on the new budget at the Luxembourg meeting. The Board froze funds for the budget category that included funding for regional presences, the DNSSEC project, translations, and At-Large until additional information is provided and further discussion occurs. "Freezing" these funds means that funds spent on these activities cannot exceed last year's expenditure level. Denise is working with ICANN staff to provide detailed information, and noted that, based on the Board's discussion in Luxembourg, their intention was to freeze funds for regional presences and DNSSEC project and not for At-Large and translations. This is not expected to limit At-Large activities in the next few months, given last year's At-Large expenditures. $381,000 was included in this fiscal year's budget for At-Large. $800,000 was requested for At-Large. It is expected that the issues involved in the frozen budget category will be resolved in the next month. Additional information will be forthcoming.

2. The ALAC's self-review is progressing. Sebastian asked for specific input from ALAC members and At-Large Structures, and is still awaiting responses from some individuals. It is important that input be received from each region. Sebastian will complete the first draft for ALAC consideration next week (regardless of whether all input has been submitted).

3. The North Americans (John, Jean, Wendy and Bret) have been exchanging emails on plans for the December ICANN meeting in Vancouver. They will provide a draft proposal for At-Large-related meetings and events in Vancouver for ALAC consideration. The group has discussed sponsoring a public forum involving Board members. Bret will liaise with ICANN's Vancouver scheduling coordination group. Asia/Pacific At-Large groups will meet in Vancouver to finalize plans for creating the APRALO. A meeting of all At-Large (certified) groups from all regions has been proposed, along with an "At-Large users" meeting.

4. Regional activities included reports on Asia/Pacific and Europe. Asia/Pacific At-Large groups met in Taipei (with several participants joining by phone) to discuss bylaws, charter, outreach and other plans for forming an APRALO. Meeting minutes will be posted. An email discussion list is being created. It is hoped that foundation documents can be finalized in Vancouver. Hong emphasized the importance of ensuring this process moves forward in an open and transparent fashion and that we ensure that all interested groups in Asia/Pacific are able to participate. A document proposing action for Europe At-Large groups is being drafted by Vittorio as a follow-up to the EURALO formation meeting held in Luxembourg in July. Pierre reported that additional staff support is needed based in Africa to help advance At-Large organizing there.

5. ALAC will individually notify ALS applicants on the results of the ALAC's last round of voting. (Denise and Vittorio will coordinate this). ALAC agreed to move forward with proposed revisions to ICANN's bylaws that will lessen voting requirements for ALS certification and streamline this process. Bylaw changes require Board action; Denise will circulate draft proposal based on email discussions.

6. Bret reported that the GNSO is meeting via phone every two weeks to address GNSO review. Bret distributed review proposals for ALAC consideration. GNSO has proposed a set of policy development processes (task forces) to address issues involved in the introduction of new TLDs. Input on this proposal should be provided now, while it is under consideration by the Board. Work of the WHOIS task forces continues. A new task force has been formed to assess compliance with the transfer policy. Denise/Bret will gather more information to determine if At-Large membership is needed on the task force.