AFRALO Regional Elections 2013
2013 Open Positions (for 2013-2014 term):
A new call for the selection for the positions of AFRALO representative to the ALAC and AFRALO Secretary has been made.
The position AFRALO ALAC representative for the 2013-2015 term is now open given the resignation of Yaovi Atahoun in August 2013 due to becoming a member of ICANN Staff. The position of AFRALO Secretary for the 2013-2014 term is now open due to Aziz HIlali being selected as Chair of AFRALO.
Nomination for AFRALO ALAC Member | Nominated By/Supported By | Date Nominee Accepted | Role Previously Held By (Reelection Possible) | Results |
Hadja Ouattara | Michel Tchonang Phillip F. Johnson Hawa Diakite Aziz Hilali Tijani Ben Jemma Alioune Badara Baudouin Schombe Arnold Mulenda Fatimata Seye Sylla
| 19 Sept 2013 | Yaovi Atohoun (No) | Hadja was selected by acclamation |
Nominations for AFRALO Secretary | Nominated By | Supported By . | Date Nominee Accepted | Role Previously Held By (Reelection Possible) | Results |
Phillip F. Johnson | Mohamed El Bashir | Hadja Ouattara Hawa Diakite Aziz HilaliTijani BenJemaa Arnold MulendaBaudouin Schombe Fatimata Seye Sylla | 18 Sept 2013 | Aziz Hilali (No) | Philip was selected by acclamation |
AFRALO Selection Timetable:
6 September - 19 September - Nomination period
25 September - Deadline for nomination acceptances by the nominees
2 October – 9 October - Elections If there are more than one nominee per position.
Any AFRALO member can nominate an other member be it him or herself.
Note that newly elected ALAC representative and AFRALO Secretary shall take their positions at the close of the Buenos Aires meeting on Thursday, 21st November 2013
AFRALO Chair: Currently held by Fatimata Seye-Sylle. Fatimata is not eligible for re-selection. The current term ends at the close of the 2013 AGM. The new term starts on Thursday, 21 November 2013 at the close of the AGM and ends at the close of the 2015 AGM.
AFRALO Vice Chair: Currently held by Tijani Ben Jemaa. Tijani is not eligible for re-selection. The current term ends at the close of the 2013 AGM. The new term starts on Thursday, 21 November 2013 at the close of the AGM and ends at the close of the 2015 AGM.
AZIZ HILALI was selected as new Chair for the period 2013-2015.
MOHAMED EL BASHIR was selected as Vice Chair for the period 2013-2015.
Nominations for AFRALO Chair Please click the member's name | Nominated By | Supported By | Date Nominee Accepted | Role Previously Held By (Reelection Possible) | Results |
| 08 June 2013 | Fatimata Seye Sylla (no) | Aziz Hilali by acclamation | |
Nominations for AFRALO Vice-Chair | Nominated By | Supported By | Date Nominee Accepted | Role Previously Held By (Reelection Possible) | |
Mohamed El Bashir |
| 5 June 2013 | Tijani Ben Jemaa (no) | Mohamed El Bashir by acclamation |
Peters Omoragbon |
| 7 June 2013 withdrawn 01 July 2013 |
AFRALO Selection Timetable
3 June - ALAC/AFRALO Chair announces call for nominations and Statements of Interest
3 June - 14 June - Nomination period (nominations accepted for 2 weeks).
21 June - Deadline for nomination acceptances
28 June - 5 July - Elections (If required, elections will begin no later than one week after the deadline for nomination acceptances and end no later than two weeks after that deadline).
8 July - RALO Chairs to inform ALAC Chair of Selection Results. ALAC Chair to inform NomCom Chair and Chair-Elect of ALAC Selection Results
2013 AGM [ 17th - 21st November ] - Newly elected ALAC representative shall be seated on the ALAC at the close of the 2013 AGM on Thursday, 21st November 2013.
According to Part III, Article 6 of the AFRALO Operating Principles, the responsibilities and terms of the AFRALO Officers are:
The officers of AFRALO are: a Chairperson, a Vice Chairperson and a Secretariat.
6.1. The Chairperson shall be elected by the Members of AFRALO. He or she shall act as Chairperson at all AFRALO Meetings, coordinate the AFRALO activities and represent the AFRALO in its dealings with outside entities.
6.2. The vice-chairperson shall be elected by the Members of AFRALO. He or she shall assist the Chair and replace him/her where he/she is unavailable.
6.3. The Secretariat shall be elected by the Members of AFRALO. He or she shall deal with all questions concerning the administration of the Organization.
He or she shall particularly prepare the AFRALO meetings agenda in close collaboration with the Chairperson and deal with application for membership.
He or she shall also manage actively AFRALO mailing list(s), and disseminate AFRALO and "ICANN related news, requests for comments on any policy development issues" to AFRALO members through the mailing list(s) in a timely manner.
6.4 Each AFRALO officer shall serve a term of two years and may be re-elected only once. For the first election of the AFRALO secretary, the term will be for only one year to permit an overlap of one year between the term of the Chair and Vice Chair, and the term of the secretary.
6.5. All the officers of AFRALO should work close with ICANN staff to achieve AFRALO objectives.
6.6 The election of the Chairperson, the Vice Chairperson, and the Secretariat of AFRALO shall be held simultaneously to the process of election of the
AFRALO Representatives on the ALAC.
6.7 The selection process of AFRALO representatives to ALAC is as provided in the Memorandum of Understanding between AFRALO and ICANN and as
provided by the Bylaws of ICANN.
6.8 The duties of the Officers of the AFRALO shall be as determined by the Members as they may decide from time to time by the majority of a quorum.
6.9 If a vacancy occurs amongst those positions referenced in this Part III a replacement shall be elected to fill the remainder of the term by a simple majority of a quorum of the Members of AFRALO.
ALAC Members from AFRALO (Selected by the RALOs)
2013 Open Positions (for 2013-2015 term):
ALAC Representative from AFRALO currently held by Yaovi Atohoun. Yaovi is eligible for re-selection. Current term ends on 20 November 2013 at the end of the 2013 AGM. New term starts on 21 November 2013 through the end of the 2015 AGM.
Yaovi Atohoun won by acclamation - NOTE: Yaovi Atohoun resigned in August 2013 due to becoming a member of ICANN Staff. Hadja Outtara was selected by acclamation
ALAC Members | Geographic Region | Nominated By/Supported By | Date Accepted | Role Previously Held By (Reelection Possible) | Results |
Yaovi Atohoun | AFRALO |
| 04.06.2013 | Yaovi Atohoun (Yes) | Yaovi Atohoun by acclamation NOTE: Yaovi Atohoun resigned in August 2013 due to becoming a member of ICANN Staff. A new call for the 2013-2015 ALAC representative to the ALAC will begin 6 September. |
ALAC Selection Schedule for 2014 ALAC Representatives - Proposed by the ALAC:
3 June - ALAC/AFRALO Chair announces call for nominations and Statements of Interest
3 June - 14 June - Nomination period (nominations accepted for 2 weeks).
21 June - Deadline for nomination acceptances
28 June - 5 July - Elections (If required, elections will begin no later than one week after the deadline for nomination acceptances and end no later than two weeks after that deadline).
8 July - RALO Chairs to inform ALAC Chair of Selection Results. ALAC Chair to inform NomCom Chair and Chair-Elect of ALAC Selection Results
2013 AGM [ 17th - 21st November ] - Newly elected ALAC representative shall be seated on the ALAC at the close of the 2013 AGM on Thursday, 21st November 2013.
ALAC Voting Delegates to the NomCom for 2014
ICANN's Nominating Committee asked the At-Large Advisory Committee to submit a list with ALAC delegates from each of ICANN's five geographic regions. Voting members of the NomCom are appointed for a one year term, starting after the close of the Annual General Meeting 2013 and ending at the close of the Annual General Meeting 2014, and may be re-appointed for a further term of one year subject to the requirement under the ICANN Bylaws.
- XI-2.4.e The ALAC shall, after consultation with each RALO, annually appoint five voting delegates (no two of whom shall be citizens of countries in the same Geographic Region, as defined according to Section 5 of Article VI to the Nominating Committee.
Nominees for NomCom | Geographic Region | Nominated/Supported By | Dates Nominees Accepted | Role Previously Held By (Reelection Possible) | Regional Candidate recommended to the ALAC | ALAC Appointed 2013 Delegates to the NomCom |
Fatimata Seye Sylla | Africa |
| 5 June 2013 | Mohamed El Bashir (No) | Fatimata Seye Sylla | Fatimata Seye Sylla |
The ALAC ExCom suggested the following timetable for nominations and consultation recommendations from RALOs for consideration by the ALAC for appointment as the 2014 NomCom At-Large Delegate positions:
- Nominations Open: 27 May 2013
- Nominations Close: 7 June 2013
- Nomination Acceptance Deadline: On or before 14 June 2013
- RALO nominee prioritization period: Between 14-24 June 2013 (this may include a vote if desired)
- ALAC Notification: RALOs to transmit all accepted nominations with a recommendation for a preferred candidate if the RALO wishes to provide one by 25 June 2013
- ALAC Review of RALO Recommendations/Additional List of Nominations Accepted: 25 June - 2 July 2013
- ALAC selection and endorsement vote: Carried out on-line between 2 July - 8 July
- Notification to NomCom of Appointees: No later than 12 July 2013 or as arranged with NomCom Secretariat
RESULTS: Fatimata Seye Sylla was selected as ALAC Voting Delegate to the NomCom for 2014.