At-Large ICANN 54 Meeting Reports Workspace
Meeting | Date/Time | Reporter's Name & RALO Affiliation | Report |
Leadership Training Programme | Weds 14-Fri 16 Oct | Maureen Hilyard APRALO/ALAC | This programme was three days of full on introductions and discussions with people from sections across ICANN. Some were from sections I knew little about and the programme gave us an opportunity to share more about ourselves and our sections. I appreciated being able to spend time with and getting to know other RALO representatives Seun, Humberto, Yrjo and Judith better, as well as making new connections with others with whom it is great to be able to say hello to in the corridors during meeting sessions - like Cecelia of the Business Community, Russ from SSAC, Esteban - a Fellow, and Wanawit from Thailand from the GAC. I was also able to strengthen ties with ccNSO Vice Chair Katrina. It is a great programme and I would recommend it (or something similar as per our proposed Friday session) as essential for new ALAC members - especially to get a better understanding about the different perspectives of other sections about their roles within the ICANN ecosystem. I really appreciated the experience and a great job done by Sandra and her team. |
Privacy Proxy Services | Friday 16 October 2015 – all day (and reviewed at the meeting on 18 October 0800-0900)
| Holly Raiche, ALAC/APRALO | The daylong meeting discussed outstanding issues raised by public comments in response to the Issues Paper. The outstanding issues (not finalised by earlier PPSAI meetings) include:
The group hopes to finalise its position on all outstanding issues within in next few weeks and it will then be subject to a consensus call. At that time, I, as ALAC rep, will be asked if I agree with the report or have concerns |
Leadership with Fadi | Friday 16: Evening | Glenn McKnight NARALO Incoming Chair/ALAC Outgoing | This meeting was at the Westin Hotel: Short report on NARALO involvement and community feedback on the CCWG |
ALAC ALAC Dinner | Saturday 17
| Glenn McKnight NARALO Incoming Chair/ALAC Outgoing | Edit |
ALAC Dinner | Saturday 17 | Maureen Hilyard | Great to see Evan and to hear about his work with refugees. Also hope that the All Blacks make it to the final of the Rugby World Cup - and win it! |
At-Large Review Working Party | Sunday 18 October 2015 | Holly Raiche, ALAC/APRALO | The meeting included presentations by Larisa Gurnick, Structural Improvements Committee, and Xavier Calvez, CFO. Larisa reviewed the timelines for the review, saying that the scope of work and selection criteria should be finalised by the end of October/early November. From November to early March, the scope of work and criteria will be finalised, an RFP will be finalised, the bidders analysed and a selection of the independent examiner made. The actual review will start in April. Xavier talked to the procurement part of the process – the development of the RFP, and the selection of the Independent Examiner. ALAC will contribute to the process through its input on criteria for the selection process and after completion of the REF process. Because of the need for complete independence of the process, the actual applicants and selection process must be confidential. Otherwise, the process will be as open as possible. Some of the lessons learned include the genuine buy-in of the community. For action items, all those who are on the list of the WP should confirm their participation, and be tasked with input into the selection criteria. |
ALAC Verisign @ Guiness Storehouse | Sunday 18 | Glenn McKnight NARALO Incoming Chair/ALAC Outgoing | |
ALAC and Regional Leadership Working Session Part I | Sunday 18 | Maureen Hilyard APRALO/ALAC | The GSE meeting with Sally Costerton has delivered on its promises. I have had a meeting with Save and we will collaborate together more on outreach and engagement within the Pacific region. I think that Save has realised that the ALAC and then later on when he attended the APRALO meeting, that we are genuinely interested in working with the VPs of GSE to help to raise the profile of ICANN within our regions. So that this session was a really good introduction to ways in which was can move forward in collaboration with my Oceania GSE alongside the work that APRALO is involved in with Kuek and Kelvin and the APAC Hub. |
Individual Membership | Sunday 18 | Maureen Hilyard ALAC | There was some great discussion on this topic among the ALAC which will be helpful for me and Cheryl to start putting something together first for APRALO but which then might be helpful towards constructing an ALAC policy. It was good to get the views from across the RALOs. I have incorporated these views alongside other discussion items on the APRALO individual Membership workspace |
ALAC Meeting with the ccNSO | Sunday 18 | Maureen Hilyard ALAC/ccNSO Liaison | The meeting between the ALAC and the ccNSO provided some interesting feedback for each other. Byron was unwell so the ccNSO team was led by Vice Chair Katrina Sataki who had attended the Leadership course with me. Bart Boswinkel is the head of their secretariat and is an important policy support person for the Council. He contributed to much of the discussion in Byron's absence. It was good to be able to talk to Anabeth Lang who is on the CWG in relation to the use of 3-letter country codes as gTLDs. The ALAC will be voting on a statement I have provided having gathered comments from At Large. Anabeth has extended the timeframe of the commentary period to enable us to give them our statement. Great to see Alejandra Reynoso supporting the ccNSO team at our meeting. She was also at the leadership course, and became a member of the ccNSO council at the Dublin meeting. ALSO great to see that we have another Pacific member of the ccNSO - the Tokelau Islands (.tk). The Tokelaus are another NZ protectorate along with the Cook Islands and Niue. |
DNS and Women Opening ceremonies and Leadership Awards INEx President Presentation Fadi's Presidents report
NARALO Monthly Call Gala Pub crawl | Monday 18 7 to 6
7 to 10 | Glenn McKnight NARALO Incoming Chair/ALAC Outgoing | Volunteered. Video of three speakers Pictures Normal NARALO meeting and Garth Bruen's last meeting as Chair, special guest Allan Grogan, Compliance- discussion on consumer trust and ICANN outreach to the consumer groups. Discussion with Adam Peake and JJ Sahel on the Civil Society Engagement document. Internet Society Canada Chapter did a major event including an IANA session. See Video at event plus slideshows
Meeting on Human Rights – focussing on privacy issues Convened by NCSG | Wednesday 21 October 2015, 0900-1015 | Holly Raiche, ALAC/APRALO | The meeting first discussed ICANN policy issues that potentially have human rights implications. There was also discussion on the possibility of Human Right impact assessment models. In the final segment, the author of the publication, ICANN’s Corporate Responsibility to Respect Human rights, spoke to the contents of the report and suggested ways in which human rights issues could be identified, addressed and documented in ICANN. In discussion concerns were raised about how the report’s recommendations could map to ICANN policies, what data might be needed, whether it can be collected and who/how ICANN’s performance would be assessed in human rights terms |
ICANN Fellowship Meeting ALAC 1 and 2 NPOC Meeting Atlas 2 Recommendations ALAC Outreach and Engagement | Tuesday 19 7 am to 8 pm | Glenn McKnight NARALO Incoming Chair/ALAC Outgoing | Presentations in ICANN Dublin Playlist Pictures
Late meeting but well attended special analysis of Fellowship program and Invite to Jeff Dunn and NetGen students. Full analysis of Fellowship at Outreach and Engagement on the Fellowship. Met with Nadia A. to discuss ideas for the revised fellowship program. The full database is available if anyone is interested
Also Adam Peake and JJ Sahel, VP spoke on the Civil Engagement document |
ccNSO meetings | Tuesday 19 and Weds 20 | Maureen Hilyard ccNSO Liaison | Unfortunately, the ccNSO meeting often coincides with important ALAC meetings so that I miss some of the more interesting showcase sessions that are interspersed with policy discussions among the ccTLD members. One ccNSO session I did escape to was where the members were to discuss the new Meeting Strategy. Unfortunately they have not gotten past a discussion about the meeting formats (A, B and C) so that my hope that I might hear about what they proposed to do was not achieved. They will be creating a working group to formulate this, especially for Meeting B. Another discussion that took place was with regards to the removal of the Board member. One ccNSO member mentioned how ALAC "once supported the membership model and now they've changed their mind" however Jordan Carter and others also supported the change of direction to the Designator model and gave his reasons why which reflected those that Alan explained to the ALAC. Again there is confusion within the ranks as people come to terms with the definitions and the implications of the two models. A report on the Council meeting is on the ALAC Liaison to the ccNSO Reports page. |
Meeting with Ombudsman | Wednesday 20 | Glenn McKnight NARALO Incoming Chair/ALAC Outgoing | Private |
Registration Data Access Protocol (RDAP) Implementation | 1230 – 1345 Wednesday 21 October 2015 | Holly Raiche, ALAC/APRALO | As a follow on from the EWG report, the IETF published a new protocol – RDAP – to replace the current WHOIS protocol 443. The meeting first reviewed the history of the protocol – all of the problems with the existing Whois protocol and the features of the new protocol. The meeting was to discuss the implementation of the protocol, to discuss the few issues left to resolve, and how to phase in the replacement of the Whois protocol with RADP. The particularly important features of RADP is that it will allow authentication of the requestor and, based on the identity of the requestor, (i.e., gated access to Whois information, based on requestor) In the presentation, the presented suggested that use of the protocol by registries/registrars – particularly use of the features allowing gated access, could be optional. There was immediate criticism that the features that would allow gated access should be mandatory. The features that control access to contact information can be turned off until Whois policy is finalised, but it must be required that the features be mandatory so that, when privacy policies are finalised, the features that would implement the agreed policy are in place. |
ALAC Technical Taskforce
ALAC Meeting ICANN 55 Morocco
APRALO Promotional Video
| Thursday 21 8 to 10pm | Glenn McKnight NARALO Incoming Chair/ALAC Outgoing |
Promotional video for ICANN Morocco by Aziz
APRALO Promotional Video
ALAC | Friday 22 | ||
ALAC | Saturday Oct 17 | Garth Bruen | ALAC Strategy and Working Session Part 2 various updates on At-Large activities |
ALAC | Sunday Oct 18 | Garth Bruen | All day leadership meetings |
NARALO | Monday Oct 19 | Garth Bruen | Extremely disappointing exchange with head of compliance Alan Grogan. Grogan does not know his own department's mission statement which is: "to preserve the security, stability and resiliency of the Domain Name System and to promote consumer trust through prevention, transparency and enforcement" Grogan rejected that this was part of the mission statement and also minimized the importance of Consumer Trust in the Affirmation of Commitments. I have initiated a motion within ALAC to request a clarification from ICANN on this issue. Very positive work from Glenn and Judith on captioning. Welcoming Timothy Denton to our rolls as an ALAC member from NA appointed by the NOMCOM Reports from Eduardo on Newsletter |
Illicit Internet Pharmacies | Monday Oct 19 | Garth Bruen | Important session about cooperation between pharma regulators and contracted parties. Witnessed unfortunate confrontation between a registrar and one of the presenters which included unprofessional language and profanities. |
ALAC | Tuesday Oct 20 | Garth Bruen | All day meetings. In ALAC session asked budget director about change to budget documentation format making it less transparent. Compare this budget document from 2013/14 which show the department directors responsible for each portion of the budget: with this current year version which has the department directors removed from the line items: I have asked Xavier to reproduce the current version with the department director names which he says is possible. Will follow-up |
Registrars and Law Enforcement | Wednesday Oct 21 | Garth Bruen | ATTEMPTED to attend this meeting, was sent to the wrong room by the calendar. The real room was too small for all attendees and thus was CLOSED. |
ALAC | Thursday Oct 22 | Garth Bruen | Leadership meeting |
ATL | Friday Oct 23 | Garth Bruen | Morning meeting with Steve Crocker and David Olive. Asked David Olive how the community would know about meetings between ICANN staff and various governments. He indicated that this only reported to the board and not made public. |
ICANN54 | Monday, Oct/19 - Thursday, Oct/22 | Lutz Donnerhacke | My report is in German and it's heavily biased. It's part of my outreach activities. |
Example: At-Large Singapore Meeting Reports Workspace